Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way Home


by carmen 3 reviews

Ayasha talks to Tom while something surprising happens in LA

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-02-22 - 4527 words

When the first light of the new day crept through the window Gerard looked down at the woman in his arms. She’d spent a restless night plagued by nightmares that he knew. He’d held her tightly in his arms whispering comforting words, wishing with all his heart he could protect her from the demons of her past, wishing he could protect her from the evil she’d encountered last night.

Slowly Ayasha opened her eyes. “Good morning.” Just knowing he’d watched over her during the night touched her heart.

“Good morning to you.” He smiled placing a kiss on her lips.

The same thought came to her this morning as it had every morning since he’d first appeared in her home. “I really wish I didn’t have to go today.”

He smiled sadly, “I wish you didn’t have to leave my side but there is something you have to do today that is very important.” He wanted to make sure she hadn’t changed her mind.

Ayasha sighed, “I have to tell Tom.”

“Yeah, you have to tell him.” He kissed her cheek. “Just remember I’ll be with you in spirit.”

Slowly she sat up. “You really are with me in spirit.”

“Suppose that’s true.” He grinned but when he saw the look on her face he grew serious. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

“Gee, I want…”

“What, Honey?”

“I want you with me in spirit and flesh, really with me.” She turned away suddenly. “You know what I mean.” He started to answer but she slid out of bed. “That will never really happen.”

Quickly he got out of bed and walked over to her. “What do you mean? Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“Nothing.” She lied then smiled, “I’m just stupidly emotional this morning.”

“Ayasha.” He said grabbing her shoulders. “Tell me.”

“I want nothing more than for you to return to your life.”

He searched her face. “That’s what I want too. But I’ve given it a lot of thought and I know that somehow if I get that chance we’ll be together.”

This was something she didn’t believe, couldn’t allow herself to believe. “I’ve got to shower.” She said moving across the room to her closet.

He sighed knowing there wasn’t time to discuss this now. “I’ll make your breakfast.”

She nodded as she grabbed her clothes then headed for the bathroom. Gerard watched her retreating form with sadness in his eyes. Yes, what he’d told her was the truth, he prayed he’d return to his life, get the chance to make it right. But he also prayed that this woman would become a part of that life. It was with sorrow he did understand what she’d meant. If he awakened from the coma, if he returned to his body in LA, would he remember her? Would he remember any of this?

“I have to.” He whispered to himself. “She’s in my heart.”

When she was dressed and sitting at the table Gerard got his first good look at her in the bright light of day. While he could see she’d tired to cover the bruises on her face with makeup they still could be seen. Again fury filled his heart and mind for the man who’d hurt her.

“I’m fine.” She said instinctively knowing his thoughts.

Gerard sat the plate of scrambled eggs down in front of her. “Uh, when you dropped the bags two eggs got busted.”

She nodded as she picked up her fork.

The sound of the toaster caught his attention. A few moments later he returned to the table and placed two pieces of buttered toast on her plate.

“Thanks.” She still was glancing down at her plate.

Gerard sat across from her. “Honey, he’s gonna understand.”

“I just wish I didn’t have to tell him.” Ayasha admitted.

“I know. But it’s important, you can’t keep running from your past.”

“I did for most of my life.” She said angrily.

He understood her anger. “But now you want to stop. You are brave, and facing the past only shows that.”

“Right now I don’t feel very brave.” She whispered.

He reached across the table to hold her hand. “You might not feel like it but you are. You have the heart of a lion.” Much to his surprise she looked up and laughed.

“A lion? Grandmother once told me the same thing.”

It was good to see her smile. “Because she knew it was true. Now eat that wonderful breakfast I prepared for you.”

“It is wonderful.” Ayasha said softy. “Thank you.”

“Hey, I gotta earn my keep.” He teased. “And tonight I’ll make you something special for dinner.”

Their eyes locked both thinking the same thing…would he be here tonight? They both understood the situation was changing. He was growing weaker with each passing day.

“I’ll be here.” He finally said forcing himself to stay positive for her.

She nodded slowly. “A good dinner sounds wonderful but more than that I’d like to have another camp out.”

He smiled, his heart filling with love. “Yeah, I’d like that too.”


“Ma, you look exhausted.” Mikey said softly as he neared his mother who was sitting at Gerard’s bedside. “Did you sleep at all?”

“I dozed off a few times.” She admitted slowly getting to her feet. “But I wanted to watch over him.”

Mikey allowed his eyes to gaze at his brother. This morning while still pale at least Gerard looked peaceful. “Did he have a quiet night?”

“Yes, most of the night I held his hand.” Donna said softly looking down at her eldest. “Maybe it’s silly but I wanted him to feel we are here for him.”

“That ain’t silly at all.” Mikey said putting his arms around her. “And I know he could feel it.”

Donna hugged him tightly then stood back. “The nurse said they’ll be in soon to take him for the MRI.” She stretched her tired bones. “Alicia didn’t come with you this morning?”

“Yeah, but she stopped off to get us some coffee.” Mikey explained. “So since we’ll be here all day why don’t you head home and grab some sleep?”

Donna frowned, “I suppose I should but I’ll be back this afternoon. Call me if …”

“I’ll call you.” Mikey said gently.


Ayasha picked up her purse but noticed her hands were shaking. It wasn’t just that she had to speak to Tom this morning; her fear was mostly came from the thought of leaving Gerard.

“I’ll be okay.” He said knowing what she was thinking.

She had to be strong for him. “Of course you will and tonight we’ll have our camp out.” She needed to keep a positive attitude.

“We sure will.” He said pulling her into his arms. He kissed her deeply then stood back. “Now off to work.”

Ayasha nodded, “I’ll see you later.”

As the door closed Gerard decided not to go to the window. Instead he sat down in the nearest chair, closed his eyes and waited for the darkness…it was almost instantaneous.

Ayasha was pulling out her keys when the shop door opened.

“Good morning.” Tom greeted her with a smile but as soon as he saw her face that smile slipped.

“Tom, I need to talk to you.” Ayasha said quickly.

He ushered her in then relocked the door. “Let’s head back to the office.”

Once there he sat down but remained silent waiting for her to speak.

Suddenly everything she wanted to say flew out of her mind. She stared down at her hands clasped in her lap.

“Ayasha?” Tom said softly. “What happened?”

“I have to tell you something.” She said slowly. “”It’s about…”

“No.” The forcefulness of his voice shocked her and she looked up. “Ayasha, is this about something from your past?”

She nodded feeling confused and frightened.

Tom sat back in his chair. “I figured that. Hold on a minute.” He had heard the door being opened out front and knew Dawn had arrived for work. “I’m gonna tell Dawn to handle things while we talk.”

Ayasha tried to get her nerves under control while he was gone. When he finally walked back in and sat down he looked at Ayasha’s face closely. “Now then, I didn’t mean to snap at you before but I’ve had a lot of time to think about this.” When he saw the surprised look on her face he smiled, “Didn’t you realize I knew from the first time I met you that you were running from something?”

She couldn’t look him in the eye. “I suppose I should have realized that.”

He sat back in the wooden chair trying to get comfortable. “I knew but it didn’t make one lick of difference to me. What I saw that day was a young woman who was tired of running and my gut told me to give her a chance. You’ve never let me down, not once. So whatever it is from your past you think you have to tell me, you don’t. I don’t care what happened before I met you far as I’m concerned the day you took my job offer was a new start, a new beginning for you.”

Her eyes grew watery but she quickly blinked the moisture away. “But Tom…”

He held up his hand. “You telling me because you want to or because you think you have to?”

“I have to.” She whispered.

He thought a minute, “You in trouble with the law?’

She shook her head, “No.”

He sighed, “Then I’m guessing it has to do with Kyle and his old man.”

Ayasha gave him a shocked look, “Why would you think that?”

Tom smiled sadly, “Ayasha I may be old but I’m not senile. I can see what’s been going on. My guess is he’s dug up something from your past and is holding it over your head.”

“Yes.” She said glancing down at her hands again.

“Stupid son of a bitch just can’t stand he can’t have his way.” Tom muttered angrily.

Ayasha forced herself to speak. “He’s threatened to tell you so..”

“So you figured you’d beat him to the punch?”

“Actually I lied and told him I’d already told you.” She admitted.

“Well good.” Tom said clasping his hands. “That’s good. So I’ll just pretend to already know.”

His kindness was making her emotional. “But Tom…”

He cut her off. “I told you, don’t care about your past. Don’t you think we all have things from our past we’d like to forget? Hell, I sure do. I wasn’t always the successful businessman I am today. When I was young I was rowdy as hell. Did some really stupid things I wish I could take back.” He paused a moment lost in thought, “Ayasha, I once was in love with a beautiful woman but I screwed it up. Did something stupid that cost me some jail time. She didn’t wait for me.”

Ayasha was shocked, “Tom, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“See? We all have our dark secrets. I’ve always known you did too. Shit, I gotta tell you I was damn worried that first morning when I came back here. Didn’t want to believe it but I was afraid you’d be gone.”

“I thought about leaving.” Ayasha admitted in a haunted voice as she remembered that morning. “I was afraid to trust you and your kindness.”

He nodded, “Figured as much. Still my gut told me you’d be here waiting and you were.” He leaned foreword. “Now about your face…I do want to know how that happened.”

Again she grew nervous. “Last night when I got home Kyle was in my house waiting for me.”

Tom reached out to brush her long hair away from her face to get a better look at the bruises, “Son of a bitch did this?”

Ayasha nodded. “He was angry. He accused me of having an affair with Marco.”

“Marco?” Tom repeated in shock.

“He believed I’d gone on that buying trip with him and thought that…”

“Shit.” Tom exhaled, “When I came up with that story I never thought something like this would happen.”

She quickly spoke up not wanting him to feel any guilt. “It’s not your fault. I’m glad you told him that, I needed that time away.”

“Still.” Tom sat back. “How’d he get in your house?”

Ayasha sighed, “When we were together I’d let him use my key once or twice, he must have had a copy made.”

Tom looked at her closely, “Honey, he didn’t….?”

“No.” She answered then looked down, “Only because I pulled a knife on him.” She whispered.

“Good for you.” Tom clapped his hands. “That’s my girl.”

Ayasha looked up in shock.

Tom smiled, “Don’t you get that you’re the closest thing to family this old man’s got. I’m damn proud of you for standing up to him, for turning your life around. Now tell me, did you call the police?”

She was so overcome with emotion it took her a few moments to answer. “No, I didn’t want to involve the police.”

Tom nodded slowly. “Okay, if that’s how you want to handle this I’ll back you up. But here’s the thing…” he paused, “I’m gonna help you handle it too.”

“I don’t understand.”

“That son of a bitch ain’t gonna get by with this, he ain’t gonna hurt someone I care about.” When he saw her eyes grow large he continued, “I’m gonna have a little heart to heart with his old man.”

“But I threatened I’d tell his father.” Ayasha said quickly.

“You threatened you’d tell him if he didn’t get out?”

She nodded.

“Well, you’re not gonna tell him, I am.”

“But Tom, I know he’s one of your best customers.”

“I don’t give a shit about that.” Tom said shaking his head. “Told you before I’ve never liked the old man or his kid. I just liked their money but to be honest I don’t need it and even if I did that wouldn’t change anything. That bastard ain’t gonna get by with hurting you. See I’ve been in this town a lot of years and I know a lot of people, important people. I’m just gonna explain to Dole that if he don’t keep that kid of his on a leash I’ll let people know just what kind of man Kyle really is. Believe me, Dole ain’t gonna want that to happen. He’s all about pretending his family is old money, and well respected. He sure a shit ain’t gonna want people to know his kid struck a woman.”

“Tom I didn’t want you to get involved.” Ayasha said nervously wringing her hands.

“Well that’s just too bad, Ayasha my girl.” He smiled, “Because once he hurt you I did become involved. Ain’t no one gonna hurt you as long as this old man has breath in his body.”

Again tears threatened her eyes and she began blinking rapidly.

“You do that a lot.” Tom whispered.

The statement confused her. “What?”

“Keep yourself from crying.” He said kindly. “But if that’s what you need to do, it’s okay. Now here’s what I want you to do.” He said standing. “Get yourself home and call a locksmith. If he had one key made, he could have had two made.”

“But Tom.” Ayasha said rising to her feet. “I’m supposed to be working.”

He laughed, “Well since I’m the boss I get to make the rules. Get the locks changed just in case that bastard would decide to try something again before I track down his old man.” He suddenly stopped. “I’ll drive you home.”

This was all happening so fast Ayasha didn’t know what to think.

“Matter of fact hold on.” He went over to the desk and a minute later he had a locksmith on the line. When he completed the call he turned to Ayasha. “Okay he’ll be at your house around one. Now I’m gonna drive you home.”

“Tom that’s really not necessary.”

“It is to me.” He said rounding the desk. “I’ve been waiting for years to get a chance to help you.”

Again she was overcome with emotion. “Tom, you’ve helped me more than I can every repay you for, you gave me a place to live and a job.”

He held up his hand to silence her. “And you’ve been a better employee than I could ever have hoped for. But now you’re actually letting me help you, you’re trusting me.” When he saw her blinking rapidly he added softly, “I know trust don’t come easy for you.”

“Thank you.” Ayasha whispered unable to say more.


Mikey drained the last of the coffee then stood to toss the cup in the trashcan. For the past hour he and Alicia had been waiting for news about Gerard’s MRI. He turned to see his wife staring down at the ground her coffee that was virtually untouched.

“Your coffee’s getting cold.”

Alicia’s head snapped up. “Oh.”

Mikey moved to sit back down this time choosing the chair right next to hers. “Hey, you okay?”

She pasted a smile on her face. “I’m fine.”

Looking at her closely he saw her face was pale, her eyes looked haunted. Immediately he was concerned. “You don’t look fine. What’s wrong?”

“Really, I’m fine.” She picked up her cup and took a sip of the tepid brew.

“I hate all this waiting.” Mikey said softly.

Alicia nodded.

It wasn’t like her to be so quiet and once more he sensed something was wrong. “Hey.” He said taking her hand. “You sure you’re okay?”

She had gone back to staring at the ground but this time when he asked he found herself unable to lie. Raising her head she looked into his eyes. “Just a little freaked out.” She said with a sigh. “Uh, I’m late.”

For a moment he didn’t understand then it hit him. “Oh, shit.”

Immediately she wished she’d kept that news to herself. “Hey, it’s probably just because of all the stress with everything that’s going on.”

Mikey’s face was blank as he struggled with his emotions. “You’re never late.”

Alicia squeezed his hand. “Hey, I’m sure it’s just the stress has thrown my body off.”

Looking into her eyes he saw she was frightened, not because her period was late but because she was worried about how he’d take the news. “Do you think you’re pregnant?”

“I don’t know.” She whispered. “I haven’t been feeling very good but because of everything that’s been happening that’s understandable.”

A baby is something they’d both been hoping for but for it to happen now…

“We need to know.” Mikey said trying to deal with the situation. “Why don’t you buy a test then head home. There ain’t no reason for you to stay here.”

His words caused tears to fill her eyes. “I know you don’t want this right now.”

“I didn’t say that. I just want to know for sure.”

She couldn’t help it, she was very emotional. “You told me to go home.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.” He said putting his arm around her shoulder. “I just meant for you to go home and take the test. Of course I want you to come back and tell me if…

“If I am.” Alicia said staring into his eyes. “Will you be happy?”

The love he felt for his wife rushed to the surface. “Of course I will be. We both want a baby.”

“But not right now with what’s going on with Gee.” She whispered.

“Hey.” He tightened his arm around her. “Some good news would be just what we need.”

“But maybe I’m not.”

“And maybe you are.” He kissed her cheek. “I love you.”

“Love you too.” She blinked back tears. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” She reached down to grab her purse.

Once she was gone Mikey sat back in the uncomfortable chair then closed his eyes. He and Alicia had been hoping for a baby for so long, he knew he should be excited and yet in his mind he couldn’t help but think that maybe this was to help him cope with what was going to happen. Maybe he was being given a new life to care for because he was going to lose his brother. “No.” Mikey whispered trying to erase that thought from his mind. “That ain’t going to happen.”


Ayasha unlocked the door then stepped into her house. Immediately her eyes searched for Gerard only to see him sitting in a chair not standing by the window where he usually appeared.

“Hey.” He smiled but a moment later that smile disappeared as he saw an older man walk in behind Ayasha.

She gave Gerard a quick smile then turned her attention to Tom. “Well, this is it.”

Tom walked in then closed the door behind him. “Nice place.”

Ayasha laughed, “Nice and little but I like it.”

Tom smiled, “Your first place is always special.”

Setting down her bag Ayasha agreed, “Yes, that is why it’s special to me. Would you like a tour, it won’t take long.”

Gerard watched as Ayasha and the man walked into the kitchen then down the hallway. He didn’t bother to get up from his seat.

Soon they were back in the living room. Tom’s eyes went to the paintings on the easels but his attention was caught by Ayasha’s work. “That’s a beautiful place.”

“North Carolina, where I grew up.” She said slowly still uncomfortable with revealing things about herself.

Tom took a step closer to the painting. “Beautiful but somehow I sense sadness.”

Ayasha’s eyes grew wide. “Then I captured my feelings.” When Tom glanced over at her she forced herself to add, “That is the spot where my mother’s car went off the road. She died as a result of the accident.”

Tom gave a brief nod not wanting to pry. “Sorry to hear that.”

“I was only four.” Ayasha suddenly wanted to share this with him. “I was in the car with her at the time.”

“Thank God you survived.” Tom said softy as his eyes were still trained on the painting.

Ayasha sighed, “After that I was raised by my grandmother.”

Tom knew it was difficult for her to share this with him. “This around Cherokee?’

“Yes, Cherokee North Carolina.” She smiled slightly, “The reservation.”

“Been there once.” Tom said turning his attention to her. “Didn’t realize you were an artist.”

Ayasha laughed, “Not really an artist, I just like to paint.”

“You’re very talented.” He smiled. “You know if you ever decide to sell any of your artwork you can put them in the store.”

The suggestion surprised Ayasha, “I’m not that good.”

Again his attention turned to the painting. “Yeah, you are, Missy.” He suddenly glanced at his watch. “Well I’ve got to get going. Now promise to keep that deadbolt on until the locksmith gets here.”

As they started for the door Ayasha, who was following Tom, gave Gerard a smile and a wink. “I will.” She told Tom who had opened the door.

“Said he’d be here around one.” Tom took a step out then turned. “Thanks for showing me your place.”

“You insisted on making sure I had no unwanted visitors.” Ayasha reminded him.

“Yeah, I wanted to make sure of that but I’m thanking you for showing me your house and sharing about your painting.”

Again Ayasha was touched by his kindness, he understood far more than she could ever have imagined. “Tom, thank you but please don’t cause yourself any trouble.” She knew he was headed back into town to find Dole.

“Told you, no one messes with my family.”

Ayasha sighed, “I’m not really family.”

Tom laughed, “Family don’t have to be blood, Ayasha. Family is those you care about. Now get on back in there, get that door locked and I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“But I was going to come back to work once the locks were changed.”

He shook his head, “You take the rest of the day off. Just remember tomorrow is the festival downtown so I’m hopin’ we’ll be busy.”

With everything that had been happening Ayasha had forgotten about the festival that would bring thousands of people down to Old Colorado City. “But I should help you get ready for tomorrow.”

Tom laughed, “I can handle it. Oh, but wear something that will make the Navaho necklace stand out.”

“I’m going to get to wear it tomorrow?”

“Sure are.” He wanted to say more but was afraid to push her. “See you at nine sharp.” He started to walk away.


He turned “Yeah?”

“Thank you.” Ayasha said her voice full of emotion, “For everything.”

“No need to thank family, Ayasha.” With that he walked back to his car.

She had just engaged the deadbolt when she felt Gerard’s arms encircle her. She felt his lips press against the side of her neck. “Guess, telling him didn’t change the way he feels about you.”

Ayasha turned in this arms. “Tom wouldn’t let me tell him, he said nothing in my past would change the way he feels about me.”

Gerard smiled, “He’s a good man who obviously cares a lot about you.”

Ayasha smiled sadly, “And yet I never realized it before now.” Suddenly she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

“Wow.” Gerard said once the kiss ended. “You are happy.”

Ayasha leaned against his chest. “Happy to be here with you.” She whispered.

AUTHORS NOTE - I wrote most of this story months ago before the recent events concerning Mikey and Alicia came to light. Those events make me very sad to say the least. I concidered changing part of this story but then decided that because it's all just fiction anyway I'd leave things as they are, as I wish they still were.
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