Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Little Thing I Like To Call Frosh...


by mikeywayismymanslice 0 reviews

Frankies freaking out and plans begin to form.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-03-05 - 1327 words - Complete


Frank's POV

I cover my ears and cower as Gerard's dad goes on about responsibility and disappointment. I've never heard either of his parents raise their voices, which is one of the reasons I like his house so much. I would always go there to escape the raised voices in my own home.

It feels like forever before Mrs. Way touches his arm, effectively shutting him up. I look over at Gee. He's sitting still and stiff, as if he was frozen in time. I can see the hint of tears I his eyes. Despite myself, I long to pull him close. I want to be that comforting shoulder that he can always run to. Then I shake my head. I really can't be thinking like that. I have Josh now. Perfect, amazing Josh who I would never want to hurt or betray in any way.

"Not here, Donald. People are staring," Mrs. Way's voice cuts through my thoughts, "And besides, you're scaring Frank."

I shake my head, "No, no I'm fine."

She pats my hand and smiles sympathetically at me, clearly not buying it. Then she turns her attention to Gerard, "We are very disappointed I you. And you should have been more careful. However, we're still your parents and we will be here to support you and Lindsey in whatever way you need."

Gerard smiles, "Thanks, Mom."

"I say we throw him to the streets and make him face his problems like a man," Donald murmurs. Donna shuts him up with an angry look.

"You boys go have fun," She says.

We don't waste any time getting out of there and finding Ray and Mikey.


After a very long, very fun day we make our way back to the hotel. I turn my phone on upon receiving it and am greeted by a very shocking message from Josh.


The simple statement confuses and bewilders me. Are we really far enough along in our relationship for that? I mean, don't parental introductions come when you're sure you'll be with someone for the foreseeable future? I blush at that thought. Does Josh really hold that much affection for me? Then again, he could just want me to meet them because if we do stay together, despite the distance, I won't exactly be able to visit...


I look at Ray, who's giving me a funny look, "Yeah?"

"You look kinda like you're in pain. Is something wrong?" he asks.

I open my mouth, then close it, then speak, "Josh," my voice comes out an octave higher than I meant for it to. I clear my throat and start again, "Josh wants me to meet his parents."

"That's all?" Mikey pipes up, "C'mon, Frank, parents are no big deal."

"Maybe for you," a realization hits me as I say this and my voice rises hysterically, "But I'm in a different situation. What if...What if his parents are super anti-gay?! What if they don't like me just because I'm aguy? Or worse, what if they won't let Josh see me?"

A hand on my shoulder makes me stop and I look over at Gerard. He gives me a sympathetic look, "It'll be okay, Frank. I'm sure Josh wouldn't put you through that."

I nod slowly, "I guess I should talk to him about it first, huh?"

"That would probably be a good idea."

Josh's POV

I jolt awake to my phone ringing. I'm about to give whoever it is a very large earful of sleep-lover's wrath when the caller I.D. informs me that it's Frank. So, I answer politely and waste no time in doing so,"Yello?"

"Hi, Josh, to talk to you."

"All right, what's up?"

He takes a shuddery breathe, "Are...are you really...that you....uh...think your...your parents will be alright" he studders out.

I smile. He's so cute when he's shy, "Well, my mom is. Imean, she wasn't at first but now she is. don't really need to meet my dad. I highly doubt he'd be approving."

"So...I won't be, like, forbidden to see you?"

"Even if you were, I would find a way around it."

"Ok, good," I can hear the blush in his voice.

"How does Thursday sound? Gives you a day to mentally prepare yourself."

"Sounds downright frightening, but ok. Thursday it is." He laughs lightly and I smile.

"I'll see you then, I guess."

"But..." he starts, then trails off.

"What is it?"

"Never mind..."

"C'mon, tell me."

"Well I...was hoping to see you sooner than that. I mean, my time her is dwindling after all."

"Awe, Frankie, of course I'll come see you. All you had to do was ask."

"Oh," he sounds relieved, "OK, tomorrow, Gee, and Ray will be somewhere else so we'll have some alone time..."

"Sounds nice," I can't keep the cockiness out of my voice.

"Actually, it does," he says seriously, "I mean, I love hanging out with the guys but....I like when it's just us better. You know, just being able to relax and not have anything to do."

"True. Now, you woke me from a wonderful nap and I am still quite tied. So I will see you tomorrow, my little pudding pop."

He laughs, "You've got to have a better name than that."

I shrug even though he can't see me, "Nope."

"Oh. Well, bye."

I hang up the phone and snuggle under my blanket, prepared to resume my sleep...right as my sister bursts through the door.

"Joshy has a boyfriend?!" she immediately squeals.

I sigh, "First, don't call me that. Second, Mom told you?!"

She plops down on my bed, "Mom tells me everything. Besides, I already knew you were gay. I was just waiting for you to admit it."

"Not gay, bi. And what do you mean you knew?"

"Remember that day you brought that guy home cuz you thought everyone was at the choir concert?"

"Let me stayed here?"

"I was sick. Having to listen to your sex noises didn't really help that..."

Not many things can make me blush, but that does. No way had I ever thought my sister would hear me having sex.

"I'm guessing this is a different guy though?"


"He must be pretty special if you're introducing him to Mom," her tone is suddenly serious.

"He's...Amazing," I say softly, "I never could have imagined someone more perfect."

"Wow. That's heavy. You gonna marry him?"

"It's a little soon for that, but...I think I might."

"OOOOOO!" she lets out a high pitched squeal, "That's so cute! I get to meet him too, right?"

I ruffle her hair, "I guess. Now get out of my room."

She pouts, "Meanie," then she leaves.

I finally get back to sleep.

A/N poor Frankie :( feelin all awkward n stuff.... ok so yes it has been quite a while. Hope you all had a wondiferous holiday season! I really do apologize for the delay, but like I said, no real way to post these and my free typing time at school has been quite monopolized lately. I have been reading some fics on some crappy phone internet and I've noticed that alot of people do the whole "review or I won't post" thing. I just wanted to say that I will NEVER do that. I enjoy writing this as much as I'm sure some of you enjoy reading it. Honestly I'm sometimes as surprised as you with the plot twists. When I started, I swear there was going to be no frerard involved at all. Then it popped its way into my brain and I was like "Frankie is in love with gee!" anyway, I'm rambling and I'm sure some of you skipped this whole thing anyway. Feedback is still always appreciated.

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