Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The only hope for me is you.

Broken Promises

by cj_warner94 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2013-03-11 - 763 words - Complete

Hozzie, I don't want to offend you with this, I swear, it's just part of the plot, don't get pissed?

Over the next week, I ate, slept and breathed this plan, the plan to find Sophie, to find the only thing that made my life worth living. I slept in with Party every other night, just for the companionship sometimes. Other nights we talked about music, how it had captured both our hearts. I told him about my past.

"When I was 12 my parents where killed, I managed to sneak Sophie out of the house, but I had to fight one of the men, he, he.... tried to take off my clothes, and I screamed and hit him, he scratched along my face, that's how I got the scar. I.... I..I didn't tell anyone. I had to sell myself to get a crappy flat to live in, not to mention food for Sophie, I didn't eat anything. Because, I thought only of her, as you know,"

He nodded and I felt tears drop onto the bed sheets. He pulled me into an embrace and kissed my head.

"Shhhhh, it's ok Hearts, we will find her, I promise,"

I smiled and kissed him, slipping into the bed as we fell asleep curled up together.


"Okay, so the plan, Bane, Anarchy, you're with me and Party. Revolver, Immolation, you're with Bear. Accident, Toxic, you're with Ghoul. Electric, You will be on your own with Kobra.
Jet you are staying here with Syanide, Angel and Radio. We can't let anything happen to radio, I won't let it happen,"

They nodded and listen intently to me as I carried on.

"Ok so, first on to find a drac, don't kill them, knock them out, bring them here, tie them up. But while they are knocked out pull out there molars, there are hidden poisen in them,"

I pulled down my mask, pulled on my jacket and strapped a laser to each thigh. I pulled my bow and arrows on and everyone stared at me. My team got the car, as it was Party's.

We cruised for a while till I told him to stop. He did and I saw the white. I listened to breathing and aimed for his shoulder. I hit directly. I heard Bane and Anarchy gasp and smirked.

We drove to the Drac crawling on the floor, this one wasn't that far gone, it was swearing in pain. I stepped on his back forcing the arrow all the way through his shoulder. He screamed and I pulled the arrow into my quiver. I hit him round the back of the head and he fell to the floor silently.

Party dragged him to the boot and pulled him in. We sped back to the diner. As we reached the diner we found one group where already back.

Unfortunately it was Accident, Toxic and Ghoul. They all looked tiered. I smiled at Ghoul and Toxic, but hesitated before turning to Accident.

"Why don't you like me?"

She looked at me, grabbed my wrist and whispered.

"Because you had him in seconds, I've been waiting since I first met him. Three years ago. I hate you for it and I can't promise I won't stop trying to get him,"

I frowned and turned away from her, after all it didn't matter, Party didn't like her like that, did he? I looked over to the red head and he looked at me, and winked. My heart really did melt.

He pulled me to him and showed me the room the dracs would be held in.

"Ghoul, found two, together, but they want to know what your sister looks like, how will we know her?"

He smiled, he knew about the tattoo on my back, but they didn't. I pulled of my jacket and vest and stood there, my back facing them, they saw the face of my little sister. I pulled the vest back on and we radioed for the others to come back.

The dracs where tied to a chair in a dark room, we'd leave them for a day so they where assumed dead. I went upstairs at around 11 to my own room for once. I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling hear ping the familiar moans from multiple rooms around the house.

Thinking about it these weren't coming from Bear's room.

I pulled open my door and opened up Party's. He was laying on his back Accident on top of him. He looked at me and I turned around and ran.
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