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House of Wax

by Hozzie 3 reviews

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2013-03-16 - 334 words

Hey guys! :D

So today my friends Becca + Jess J came over and they each brought over a bunch of movies (Becca let me borrow New York Minute which I'm watching right now :D)... They both wanted to watch House of Wax because they thought it wouldn't be that bad because Paris Hilton was in it (meaning it wouldn't be very scared haha :'D). Then I noticed that Jared Padalecki was in it (for those of you who don't know, that's Sam from Supernatural) and so I wanted to watch it then too (well we all did, because we all love Jared ;L). I don't know whether I liked it or not...

For a start, Jared was the first to die! Like SERIOUSLY. The high point was that when the credits played, Helena started playing at full volume :') And I dunno, some of the characters were just complete idiots...

Me and Becca were apparently terrified of this movie though. I mean, my step-dad went to the bathrom and shut the door, causing us both to scream. Then when my Mom knocked on my bedroom door, I screamed again. I can't remember if Becca did but still... :')

Now I'm at home by myself and everytime I hear a noise, I am convinced someone has broken into my house and is going to turn me into a wax figure :L

I had to go shopping for Little Shop of Horror's costumes today and I know own a floral 1950's style dress. And it is ugly.

Also guys, could you help me with something please?:) You remember my English Higher Project and my question was 'Can I Write A Story?'... Well I've changed it to 'Does childhood affect a persons mental health?' I wanted some examples from movies. So far I have Orphan and House at the End of the Street. Could you guys recommend some more? Please don't pick any 'shityourpantsscary' movies :3

I can hear noises upstairs ahhh D:

Love Hozzie
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