Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Misconceptions of a hero

A mothers reaction

by InuKag 2 reviews

Inu/Kag .... Mirok/Sang .... Things don't always go the way you plan them too... and sometimes... people aren't what they seem. If they aren't too careful, feelings could get inthe way of victory.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Warnings: [!!!] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-07-31 - Updated: 2006-07-31 - 1474 words

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Miroku strolled along the river bank quietly trying to silence his thoughts. Haisurah killed Naraku... but then, does that mean that this curse has been lifted? He braced his fingers along the brilliant beads of the binding rosary with a sense of nervous curiosity. Taking a deep breath, Miroku settled his body in the grass beside the water and sullenly stared at the reflection he took on in the stream.

"Miroku? What are you doing out here all by yourself?" He almost jumped at the softness of her voice. He hadn't expected that she or anyone else would follow him. Gently turning his face upward to gaze upon the Taijiya, he tried to force a smile to his lips.

"Nothing really Sango... Just thinking about things." She slipped down beside him and rested her hand upon his tinkering fingers; stopping his ministrations to the rosary.

"Miroku, you know... you have to look eventually... is my brave and royally gutsy houshi afraid?" Her voice had become that of a teasing pitch, cracking a smile from the depressed monk. Miroku let out a heavy sigh and brought his arm around her shoulder.

"My dear Sango, I must pay a visit to Master Moushin... If I am to find out the true outcomes of my Kazaana, it must be from him." Her brown eyes met his violet as she bit her lip.

"How long will that journey take Miroku?"

"A few days at most... Sango... I ... I don't want to go alone. Come with me? Shippou can stay here with Kaede, Kirara could come with us... it might make the trip shorter. I'm sure Inuyasha and Kagome have a lot to deal with amongst themselves anyway at the present time..." He looked down at the damn rosary in disgust; silently waiting for her rejection.

"Oh... Okay Miroku... I'll go with you." As if in a state of shock, Miroku tried to search her face, unsure if she was serious or not.

"You sure Sango?" She looked down into her lap and let a sigh escape her lips.

"Yes Anata, I will come with you. After all, if that hand of yours is still cursed, I wouldn't want you to get away with asking random women on the street to bear your children... at least not with a slap from me." Miroku laughed dryly, knowing the seriousness in her reasoning's. He closed his eyes and tightened his grip around the young Taijiya's body.

"You are a truly special woman to me Sango... I love you."

"I know... now just control that hand of yours and we might be able to enjoy this moment." Her snide remark did not go unnoticed, nor did it go ungranted.


"Kagome followed Inuyasha's advice and awaited her return to see her mother. A week passed before she felt almost completely back to normal... there was still however a void that ached within her due to the loss they both experienced. Just before dawn, Kagome awoke to the sound of Inuyasha crashing through the hut's flap. She tried to conceal a smile as he fussed over her to see if she was well enough to go home and see her mother, he sat beside her after he was sure that she was pretty normal and let out a sigh.

"So, do you want me to go with you? Or... well um..." he was blushing because he knew that she would have to tell her mother that they had engaged in an activity that was uncalled for at Kagome's age in her time. He secretly wondered how Mrs. Higurashi would react to the entire situation. She gently took his hand, looking reassuringly into his amber orbs.

"Yeah, I uh... I think that it would look better if you were to come back with me Inuyasha. This is going to be hard enough you know... I need you to be there Inuyasha... I honestly don't know if I can do it alone." Inuyasha looked away momentarily and nodded in agreement giving her hand a slight squeeze.

"I'll go. You... you wanna go now?" Kagome nodded, quietly rising to her feet. Her fingers still interlaced with Inuyasha's, she carefully attempted to lift her knapsack from the ground beside her; Inuyasha stopped her as her hand touched the strap. "I got it... let's just go okay?" Nodding she gave her silent thanks as he pulled her into his arms and took to the well.

Upon leaping in, a bluish pink light engulfed the couple.


When Inuyasha and Kagome emerged from the other side of the well, they were shocked to see Souta sweeping the grounds.

"Souta!" Kagome shouted jumping from Inuyasha's arms with a bit of a rouge spreading across her cheeks. "What are you doing sweeping the well house floor?" Souta let out an agitated sigh.

"Gramps is punishing me for breathing sis." Inuyasha stifled a laugh at the seriousness in his voice, receiving an elbow to his ribs from Kagome. She walked up to her brother and hugged him.
"Oh, stop exaggerating... I'm sure that's not it Souta!" Souta hugged her back and then, seemingly for the first time, noticed Inuyasha standing at the side of the old well.

"Oi, what are you doing back so soon you guys?" Inuyasha blushed, but Kagome simply smiled. There was no need to let her brother in on everything that was going on just yet.

"Um... Souta is mom home? Or is she out for the day?" She had started to wring her hands together nervously as she spoke. Souta didn't seem to notice as he started to sweep up the dusty floor again.

"She's inside... don't worry, gramps is out with one of his 'buddies' so if you need to speak with her alone, you won't be interrupted." She kissed her brother on the forehead and dashed out of the well doors, pulling Inuyasha's hand along with her.

"Momma? Are you here?" She called out when she crashed through the shrine house doors. There was a voice from the kitchen, muffled through the doors that responded.

"I'm in here Kagome..." Inuyasha started to fidget when she appeared from the other room. "What are you doing back so soon Kagome?" She walked up to her daughter and placed her hand on her shoulder. Inuyasha felt Kagome squeeze his hand before letting it drop and settling herself beside her mother on the futon. Mrs. Higurashi immediately noticed the pale look that came to rest upon Kagome's face. "Is there something wrong Kagome? You look ill dear..." Her gaze lifted from her daughter to the hanyou standing uneasy at the arm of the couch. Kagome gave him a look and he found a spot in one of the arm chairs beside them. He was so not ready for this.

"Momma... there's ... there's something I need to tell you." When her mother nodded and became a bit more comfortable beside her, Kagome cleared her throat nervously and attempted to continue. "Momma, in the past month... some things have... well, some things have happened..."

"What do you mean dear? Are you alright?" Genuine concern washed over her mother's face as she grasped her daughter's hands.

"Not really mom... I ... I..." Inuyasha watched painfully as Kagome doubled over into her mother's arms. He knew she couldn't speak, so he took it upon himself.

"Um... I uh... I don't know what to say Mrs. Higurashi, she's ... she's upset because... well because she..." Mrs. Higurashi looked at Inuyasha sadly.

"She what Inuyasha? Please tell me why my daughter is doubled over in my arms crying like there is no tomorrow..." He cleared his throat and looked at Kagome who just nodded through her hazy eyes.

"Because she... she lost the ... our baby after she was kidnapped by an incarnation of Naraku..." Her heart sank. Our baby was the line that stuck out the most in her mind and she just couldn't help the look of shock on her face. Calmly, she looked away from Inuyasha and lifted Kagome's head gently.

"Kagome... you... you were pregnant? Dear... oh dear." She started to rock her daughter until Kagome's breathing had calmed and the tears had stopped. Kagome sat up.

"Are... are you ... upset with me momma? I... it kind of just... happened." Her mother was silent. The shock didn't wear off quite yet and she was simply trying to breathe. Turning back to face Kagome she grasped her hands.

"Kagome, may I please speak with you alone?" When she nodded, they left Inuyasha anxiously sitting in the living room as they headed into the kitchen.


Hey guys sorry my chappies have been so short... Ive been preoccupied... Life sucks... oh well.. you'll get chapters eventuallay, just keep with it... i havent exactly slept yet in the past 48 hours at all.. so, sorry about mispellt words.

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