Categories > Original > Humor > ONESHOT TRADE.

Oneshot for BloodyAbattoir

by MCR-99 1 review

Pairing: Ronnie Radke x Andy Biersack

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-03-29 - 1194 words

BloodyAbattoir's oneshot for the oneshot trade.
Pairing: Andy Biersack x Ronnie Radke.

I walked into school on a dark, gloomy Monday. Typical weather for Cincinatti. Once inside the school, a catholic school, I went straight up to my locker, where, as I had expected, signs were up on the door.

Faggot! Go home! Emo! No one wants you here! Gay!

They were all there, all in a taunting form. But, I didn't take the shit, so I ripped down every last sign and opened my locker, taking out my books and putting my bag in the empty space. I then got a shove in my back, causing me to fall to the floor with a thud. I looked up, to the chorusing laughter of the boys in the year above.

"Sorry," The boy, tall, muscular, blond surfer hair, apologized fakely. "Emo."

His posse, which probably contained around ten other boys, with a similar build as this guy, all began laughing, then began taunting and teasing me too.

"Yeah, we're sorry, Gaylord."

"Faggot alert!"

I blinked, trying to take down all the names, not that I needed any more bullying in this place. It didn't work though, as I felt my blood boil inside of me. That just made them laugh even more.

"Oh, look! The Emo is angry!"

"He's gonna attack us with his slitted wrists!"

I snapped, punching the lead boy in the jaw, hard enough for me to hear a crack as his jaw got dislocated. The boy staggered back, falling onto one of the other boys, knocking them both to the ground. The eight boys remaining looked pissed, and it was my cue to run. I sped down the hall, skidding around lockers and corners, with my pursuers behind me. I ran into the boys bathroom, running into a cramped cubicle and locking the door behind me with shaking hands. I put down the toilet seat, then sat down, shaking and breathing heavily. Then, I heard someone next to me begin to talk, to me.

"Hiding too, huh?" His voice was deep, terrifying even, yet it didn't scare me. Dad taught me to never let anything scare you, as your targets can use it against you.

"Yeah." I stutter, not really sure where I was taking this conversation.

"What for?" He asked. "Who from?"

"Bullies. I punched one of them in the jaw, dislocating it."

"Ouch." The mysterious boy seethed, as if it was him that felt the pain of a dislocated jaw. "Which one was it?"

"Tall, muscular, blond hair in a surfer style." I give him the exact description of my predator, and he chuckled.

"Yep, that's Tommo alright."

"You know him?"

"Yeah, he gave me these, before I was able to buy them on my own." The boy slid a box of asprin under the cubicle, then some tylenol. I scooped them up and took a long, hard look at them.


"What else do they look like, pizza?" He chuckled again, before putting a hand under the cubicle. I placed the drugs back in his hand, which then dissapeared. I stood up from my seat and walked next door.

"Am I allowed in?" I ask, and the door unlocks and I can clearly see the boy's face. His skin was a sickly pale, his black hair frizzed on end. His eyes were black and hollow, it sickened me.

"Lock the door behind you, I don't want anyone seeing this." He grumbled out, and I did as I was told, before sitting at his feet. We stared at eachother for a while, before I spoke.

"Look, whoever you are -"

"Ronnie." The boy introduced, fiddling with his bony fingers. "My name's Ronnie. Ronnie Radke."

"Ronnie. You need help. You need professional help, with these drugs. You're only just about my age, this is bad for you." I try with all my might to at least get this person, this ill person, the proper help he needs.

"Who's gonna give it to me?" He said coldly, he was clearly in denial. "You? Fuck man, I don't even know you!"

"My name's Andy. Andy Biersack." I introduce myself briefly, before continuing. "And I ain't gonna give you no help. That is for the doctor's to do."

"Doctors?" Ronnie laughed at this, clearly fighting what was the truth. "Doctors don't do shit to help, man. They'd only call the cops on me, and I ain't going to juvie again."

"You went to juvie?" I ask, a little raise in my voice. "What for?"

"I... I got done for shooting a kid." He admitted.

"You shot somebody?"

"Hell, I don't know, I was high!" He shouted, his shout echoing around the bathroom.

"See? You need help! You don't wanna go back to juvie right?"

"Yeah, don't wanna go back to that hell-hole." He grumbled, pure hatred of the place in his voice.

"Well, get some help, control this problem." I sigh, knowing that none of this was gonna do nothing, and I left the stall.

"Where ya going?"

"I'm gonna sort out this problem with my bullies, because that's what you gotta do with problems, sort 'em out." I say, before turning away from him and walking from the bathroom.

I started walking down the halls, then turned back after hearing a door open and my name being called out.

"Hey, Andy!" Ronnie ran up to me, struggling to breath after all the drugs in his system. As he ran, he fell down, and I ran and picked him back up, supporting him.

"What?" I ask, a little angry. "What do you want, Ronnie?"

"You're right. I need help, man. I do need help, I want it." He really started to accept the truth, in that he needed this help and really wanted it.

"You're gonna get better?" I ask, a little happiness in my voice.

"Yeah," He smiled, his yellow teeth showing. "For you."

I was taken aback by the bone crushing hug I recieved after Ronnie spoke. I didn't do anything at first, but then I slowly wrapped my arms around him, feeling a little awkward about this current situation. Ronnie then came out of the hug, and patted me on the back.

"See ya on the other side, man." He smiled again, before setting off down the hall and out the double doors of the school, on a journey to get better. I smiled to myself, knowing that I really did help someone. It gave me the idea, to become a true hero to others, save them from self-destruction.

Years pass. I am now leading a band, Black Veil Brides. We help others, we're heroes to our fans. I wrote the song Knives and Pens, for Ronnie. To help him get better. I heard that Ronnie is better now, he isn't on drugs and he isn't in jail no more. I helped him.

I fixed him.

So, was that good? I used wikipiedia for all the info on Andy and Ronnie by the way. If it was good, rate and review. If it was not, still rate and review.

I hope this was to your liking, BloodyAbattoir..

xx Sadie
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