Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Tower of God

Ch.4 Lv.2

by Shank 0 reviews

The second level of Tower of God

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2013-03-30 - 915 words

South Tower

Pokkle: Hunter X Hunter

Pokkle had just been given the instructions for the new test and had been transported to a war zone. It was a thriving metropolis, greater than when he travelled to Yorknew City. However there were people screaming and running everywhere, whilst giant robots trampled all over the place squirting out a gas of some kind. This must be the virus they were supposed to avoid being affected by.

Pokkle took a quick look around. He had a small body so he didn't stand out, he felt he could really go under the radar and advance to the next level. He was dead in his own world after all so if he could reach the top he would be given a second chance at life.

He summoned up the Nen (Note: Body's Energy) he had and manifested a bow and arrow with his hands and readied himself for anything that could come at him. He began ducking and weaving through the city, taking safe passage in alleyways to wait for giant robots to bypass before coming out of hiding again. It wasn't too far down the track he came across two people fighting against one another.

One of them looked like a giant spider person, not unlike the Chimera Ants from his own world. The other was a weird looking man, dripping like he was made of mud.

Kidomaru: Naruto

[*Caribou: One Piece

[*Captain of Caribou Pirates

Pokkle had no intentions of getting involved but watched them both, trying to take notes of some of the competition he was against. The spider-man shot arrows from his mouth towards the other but the arrows passed straight through him. The mud man laughed, "Useless, I ate the Swamp Devil Fruit, my whole body can become this substance and you cannot bring any physical harm to me. Caribou tried to move from his spot but realised he was stuck on something. He looked down to see some of Kidomaru's spider web at his feet. "This isn't normal web, it has Chakra running through it, so it seems you are not physically indestructible at all." Kidomaru let out a hail of bullets, all of them passed through Caribou's body.

Pokkle was so caught up in the battle he didn't realise someone had snuck up on him till it was too late. A little plastic object attached to a string came out of nowhere and struck Pokkle right under the chin as he turned to see who was behind him. The force was enough to knock Pokkle right out from his hiding spot out into the open in view of both Kidomaru and Caribou. Pokkle got to his feet quickly; he turned to see a boy in glasses and beanie standing there with yoyos in either hand.

Chikusa Kakimoto: Hitman Reborn
[*Assassin of Kokuyo Gang

He normally didn't like violence but it seemed that wasn't going to fly here, he fired one of his manifested arrows at this guy who tried to use his yoyos to block it. His arrows had a little bit more force to them though; one of them got through and struck him in the shoulder. Chikusa winced in pain and immediately sent an attack at Pokkle who leapt backwards to try and dodge it but was hit with a ball of swamp substance that Caribou had flung at him. "Get away you little cockroaches and leave this test to those that are worthy."

"You shouldn't be looking away," Kidomaru said as he had summoned thousands of spiders to swarm Caribou blocking him from view completely. Even still this had not been enough to take him down and it had become a four-way battle in amongst the robots still rampaging through the city.

That was until all four of them stopped. They had a funny feeling in their gut. It was an overwhelming sensation of fear that came over them. A dark power was approaching. They looked down to where they could feel it coming from and could see a figure walking right down the middle of the road making no effort to hide. They could see a giant robot attack this figure and spray the virus all over it but the figure seemed unscathed and continued on, but not before the robot suddenly collapsed.

The four seemed to stop their battle now and get closer together to wait for what was coming their way. It was Caribou that would recognise who was coming. He was making weird noises, as if trying to say something but being unable to. "Who is this person?" Kidomaru asked.

"We should run," Caribou said. All of them seemed to agree and try and run, but before they could their feet had been held to the ground. Not by the spider web of Kidomaru, but of a dark shadowy material that didn't even feel like it could hold anything. The figure was upon them now; he was tall and large with a great black beard and evil look in his eye.

[*Marshall D Teach: One Piece

[*Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates

Some weaklings seemed to have crossed my path Blackbeard laughed. With a wave of his hand, he engulfed all four of them in his darkness, which consumed their entire bodies and killed them. He continued on his way, without even slowing down to handle them. "I wonder when these tests are going to get harder." Blackbeard said as he went on his way.
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