Categories > Original > Humor > Rain

Chapter 4

by timeywimey27 3 reviews

Chapter 4, please rate and/or review. I'd really appreciate it! - xomikey

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2013-03-30 - Updated: 2013-03-31 - 790 words

Chapter 4

“So Mark” I began. “Allow me to show you round the show, in what is a grand attempt at kindness, and perhaps a small reason for me to escape Math class”.

Mark laughed. “Ok then. Where first? I checked earlier, and our timetables are identical so, in theory, I could follow you everywhere. But I am a strong independent black woman who don’t need no man, so please, show me about this place” He said, in a completely sincere voice.

I nodded

“Well, I’ll show the gym first. It’s gross and icky, but you should know where it is” I replied, and with that, Mark and I sauntered towards the gym, me leading the way.

I had drawn out Mark’s “tour” as long as possible, and by the time I had shown Mark the toilets for the 30th time, it was 2 o’clock in the afternoon, 1 hour before school ended. Unfortunately, that one hour was the gym period of the week, and Mark and I had to physically drag each other to the changing rooms.

“I honestly fail to see the point in gym. What is it achieving?” Mark moaned.

“Ugh, I feel you dude. I have never seen less point in anything” I agreed. T

he changing rooms were loud, sweaty and hot. I pulled off my shirt and quickly replaced it with a white one. I hate showing too much skin; it’s too pale.

“Hey faggot! Don’t freak the new kid out; keep the gay to yourself” A voice bellowed from the other side of the changing room.

I rolled my eyes and ignored them; this was routine. Mark however, did not. “Hey! Go back to fucking dogs!” He yelled back.

I choked and burst out laughing. The jock Mark had yelled at just glared at him, but did not respond.

The rest of Change Time passed without incident, and the class filed into gym class. The coach told the class to gather in a ground. “Right, boys and girls, today we will be playing dodge ball. Half of you” He gestured to one half of the class. “On one side and the rest of the other”. Then he grabbed a bunch of balls from the cupboard and threw them at us. “Go nuts” He finished. Mark and I looked at each other.

‘How are your dodge ball skills?” I asked him.

He shook his head. "Not particuarly good. You?"

“In a similar state to yours. Can’t throw to save my life, but I can dodge” I responded.

He nodded. “Right. Well, let’s just wing it”

That lesson was an interesting one to say the least. Turns out, Mark and I are quite good as a team. I threw; he pushed me out the way when a ball came flying towards my face. By the end of the game, him and I were the only ones left, I first time for me certainly. The coach just stood there and gaped, mainly because we don’t look the type to win, or even play sports. As I mentioned much earlier, I am skinny, and on that particular day I as wearing shorts which showed my legs. My legs are a part I tend to dislike because they look like girls legs. Some of the popular insults thrown are “Chicken Legs!” (Original right?)

And “Did you sit on a chicken or are those your legs?” which I get is funny but it still sucks to be the least masculine boy in the entire school.

After gym, Mark and I stood outside school. I never went home straight away because I just couldn’t be bothered. Justin on the other hand, always went straight home. He’d never admit it, but he was kind of a mommy’s boy.

“So, you wanna come round my place? Or yours” I asked casually.

I’d never admit it, but I really wanted to hang around Mark more. He shrugged. “Your place would be better right now. My parents are kind of… busy” He said uncomfortably.

I smiled. “Sure. My mom’s pretty rad when it comes to stuff. C’mon, we can catch the last bus before it’s late” I said, before grabbing Mark’s arm and pulling him towards the bus stop.

We managed to jump on just before the bus pulled away, earning a surly look from the driver. But I didn’t care. I was bringing a friend home to my place for the first time in months.

So yeah, that was grand old chapter 4, tell me what you think, I'll upload chapter 5 latr tonight. Please tell me what you think, I cannot wait to hear your opinion!! - xomikey
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