Categories > Original > Humor > Rain

Chapter 6

by timeywimey27 2 reviews

Chapter 6 at last! It's kind of short, but hopefully not too shit!

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2013-03-31 - 490 words

Chapter 6

I waltzed down the street, Mark beside me.

“To be honest, there isn’t much to do around here. There’s a grungy warehouse down the street that I’m terrified to step foot it. There’s a crap load of shitty shops down the high-street. But the rest of it’s pretty lame. It’s a boring area to live in” I sighed.

Mark shrugged happily. “I know how you feel dude. I hate where I live. Can’t wait until I can move and be free as a bird” He said, grinning.

I laughed and nodded. “I totally get what you mean. I wanna leave school and be in a band or something. That’s my dream” I confessed.

It puzzles me to this day why I told Mark my deepest desire; to join a band and BE somebody. I never really told anyone anything, and spilling my guts to someone was quite a new experience. Mark smiled.

“Really? Damn, that’s pretty awesome. I really don’t know what I’m gonna do when I grow up. I just know I can’t wait to leave school and be free” He grinned goofily.

I nodded but kept my silence. The thought of the future, however exciting it looked, was scary.

“So, what was the last concert you went to?” Mark asked, interrupting my thoughts. I was surprised to be snapped out of my day dream and forgot how to talk for a moment.

“Askalkjd” I spluttered (smooth). “It was Blink 182. They were bloody good” I smiled, regaining control of my brain. “You?”

Mark paused a moment to rack it brain. “It was The Descendants I believe. They were awesome. True pop punk pioneers” He said happily.

I nodded. I’d never really listened to The Descendants, however much Rock Sound (magazine) went on about them.

“I’ve never really checked them out. How about Blink though? You like ‘em?”. Mark grinned excitedly. “Hell yeah. They’re like my favourite band! What’s yours?” He asked.

I was taken aback by the question. What man has simply one favourite band?

“Well, I have about 70. But some would be My Chemical Romance, Black Flag, Misfits and LeATHERMOUTH” I shrugged, trying to hide my enthusiasm with apparent casualness.

Apparently I was doing quite awfully at that, since I think Mark saw my smile sneak out like it did whenever I mentioned a favourite band of mine.

After wandering around my neighbourhood for a steady hour, and I finally thought I was going to collapse out of boredom, I dragged Mark back to my place. “Dude, you have to see my guitar. It’s seriously rad” I said.

So there we have Chapter 6. Currently trying to figure out where to go next with my story. I feel like an angsty scene. Anyone else fancy and angsty scene? Welp, we'll find out eventually. Please review, it means a lot! - xomikey
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