Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Desert Song

Chapter Two

by Chemical_30 2 reviews

The group have a clap with some Dracs...someone gets injured.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-03-31 - 1495 words

Chapter Two:

A few days passed and I had begun to feel comfortable in the group. Angel eventually apologized to me, but I understood his suspicion completely. He just wanted to protect his group; he felt that it was his job to do so. Currently Sniper, Krucafix, Accident and I were sitting in the living sharing a can of beans when Angel and Syanide walked out.

“Guys, I think we should move. We’ve been here too long, we can’t stay here any longer, it’s
too dangerous.” Angel stated. Syanide nodded her head in approval.

“I don’t know…Krucafix how much gas do we have?” Sniper asked.

“A half tank, but we also have three containers full of fuel. That’s not what we should be worried about…Dracs seem to be everywhere lately. Ever since their last raid in Battery City they have been looking full force for the Fabulous Killjoys.” Krucafix reported.

“All the more reason we should move. If we stay in one place too long it’ll make us sitting ducks. Even Dr. D said that we shouldn’t set up camp someplace for more than a few weeks.” Angel argued.

Accident sighed, “Alright, everyone get your stuff together. Put on your masks, looks like we are moving out.”

Several minutes passed when the last box of supplies was loaded in the back of the jeep. Krucafix hopped into the driver’s seat and Sniper took the passenger seat. Syanide and Angel got into the back; Accident smiled and motioned for me to get in.

“Where will you be sitting?” I asked.

Accident jumped into the back with all the supplies and sat herself down in the corner,
“Don’t worry I like this seat so much better, I don’t have to deal with the lovebirds this way.” Syanide turned around a stuck her tongue out at Accident. Accident responded by flipping her off.

I laughed and slid in next to Syanide. Krucafix started the jeep and pulled away from the small house. Within a few minutes it disappeared in the rearview mirror. Sniper turned on the radio and began blasting Dr. D’s station. Everyone began to sing along to the songs that were played, the hot wind rushed through my hair, I haven’t been this happy in a long time.

Leave it to Dracs to ruin that moment.

“Shit!” Krucafix shouted.

“What’s wrong?” Sniper asked.

“Dracs…and a lot of them!” Krucafix declared stomping her foot down on the accelerator, making the jeep lurch forward.

Accident, Sniper, Angel and I quickly stood up and aimed at the oncoming Dracs. Krucafix wasn’t lying, there had to be at least twenty Dracs on their motorcycles following behind us. The four of us quickly knocked down a few of them but now it seemed hard to get a hit. Lasers beams shot passed me and hit the jeep several times. I heard Accident scream and I saw as she fell back into the jeep.

“Are you okay?” I shouted. I saw blood ooze through her fingers as she held her wounded shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She seethed.

I felt the car screech to a stop and I had to quickly grab the side of the jeep to keep myself from falling out. Krucafix and Sniper quickly exited the car and began shooting the Dracs. Everyone followed suit and began to taking down the swarm of Dracs. Accident’s aim was impaired because of her shoulder, she could hardly hit anything. Hell no one could seem to get a shot on this damn Dracs!

The Dracs got off their bikes and began to close in on us, my heart was pounding in my chest, this could not be how it ended. I saw Accident fall to the ground; her upper thigh had been hit. I quickly stood in front of her, acting as some sort of shield. I looked over and saw Angel had pushed Syanide behind him, preventing the shots from hitting her. I frantically looked around hoping to see something that could be used to our advantage. There was nothing.
I felt a bullet graze the side of my cheek; blood began to run down the right side of my face. I saw Angel kiss the top of Syanide’s head. He thought this was the last time he’d see her. My hands shook, this could not be the end. Not yet.

Suddenly I heard the sound of screeching tires; I looked to see what the noise had come from. A beat-up old Trans Am ran over a few Dracs before coming to a stop. Four men and two women jumped out of the car and shot down the remaining Dracs. They began walking towards us, I helped Accident to her feet, and she kept one arm slung around my shoulder for support.
“Are you guys okay?” One man spoke; his fiery red hair and yellow mask instantly gave him away. He was Party Poison. These were the Fabulous Killjoys!

“Artistic Accident has been hit twice.” I reported. Party Poison looked at Accident and nodded.

“If you want to follow us back to the diner Jet Star can wrap those up.” Poison said.

“Okay… lead the way then.” Krucafix said.

The Fabulous Killjoys got back into their car, and we got back into the jeep. I sat in the back and Accident sat with Angel and Syanide, her leg stretched out across their laps. It wasn’t that long of a drive to the diner, fifteen minutes tops. Once we got there, Angel and I helped walk Accident to a back room where they kept their medical supplies. Poison stayed in there with Accident and Jet, Angel and I walked out to the front where everyone else stood awkwardly.

“Well,” One of the women who were with the Killjoys started, “I’m Atomic Revolver…I’m Fun
Ghoul’s girlfriend, this is Heartbreak Missile,” She said motioning towards the other women, “And that’s Kobra Kid. You already met his older brother Party Poison and Jet Star.”

Atomic Revolver had tan skin and wore a black leather jacket, a baggy blue shirt, and red skinny jeans. Her black hair with pink highlights was pulled back into a ponytail. She removed her mask and put on a pair of glasses. Heartbreak Missile had rich skin and wore yellow skinny jeans, a pink tank top and a neon green coat. Her hair was shoulder length and blonde with a pink streak. Everyone took off their mask’s not seeing the need for them anymore.

Fun Ghoul wrapped his arms around Revolver’s waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. “So what were you guys doing when the Dracs surrounded you anyways?”

“We were trying to find a new shelter. We had stayed in ours for too long. Gotta keep moving ya’ know?” Sniper reported.

“That I do, those damn Dracs won’t seem to lie off.” Ghoul replied.

Poison walked out, “Jet says that your friend shouldn’t walk around for a few days. Looks like you guys staying at the diner until she heals properly.” He reported.

Angel groaned and stomped outside, Syanide close behind him. Sniper looked at Poison, “You sure you guys are okay with this? I mean we are a big group…do you guys have enough room to house us. We wouldn’t want to make things difficult for you.” She stated.

Poison shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. I want to make sure your friend heals properly. I would feel awful if something happened that we could’ve avoided.”

“Do you mind if I go back there and see if she’s okay?” Sniper asked.

“No problem…Jet is back there finishing wrapping the wounds.” Poison said.

“Thank you,” Sniper smiled and walked away.

Krucafix mumbled something about getting some air, and Poison walked into another room leaving me and Kobra Kid alone. He shuffled on his feet, and pushed his blonde hair out of his face before looking at me.

“You’re bleeding.” He stated motioning toward the injury on my face. My hand shot up and touched the tender area.

“Yeah…fucking Drac clipped me. I’m okay though.” I dismissed.

He shook his head and walked over to the counter. He pulled out a small first aid kit and got some wipes out. “We should still clean it; just in case you know?”

I simply nodded and walked over to him. He gently brought the wet cloth to me face; I seethed as the cut burned from the alcohol on the wipe. “I’m sorry; I’m trying to be as gentle as I can.”

When he finished I smiled up at him, “Thank you.”

“What’s your name?” He asked.

“Trigger Trickster,” I replied.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Trickster.” He grinned.

I giggled, “The pleasure is all mine.”
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