Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Tower of God

Ch.8 Lv.3

by Shank 0 reviews

A new level...involving Pokemon; with Baragaan from Bleach, Orochimaru & Zoro from One Piece,

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Orochimaru - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2013-04-05 - 942 words

South Tower

An old man was awaiting transportation to the third level. He had entered the trance-like state the other competitors had in order to get a direct link feed to his brain giving him the instructions.
Baraggan Louisenbairn: Bleach
Baraggan had once been the king of Hueco Mundo, the land where Hollows (Ghosts) and Arrancar (Demons) dwelled. He had been killed fighting for an army and now that he was back he had plans of standing at the pinnacle of this tower and ruling over it completely.
A female Tower Official appeared in front of him, “I am your Level Official Harriet,” she said. “On this floor you are required to at least have one battle against one of your competitors.” Baraggan smiled confidently at this. “However, you are to do so in an official manner and use a designated creature known as a Pokemon.” Harriet bought out a little red and white ball and gave it to Baraggan. “This is a Poke Ball. Inside is the creature that is your Pokemon, which comes with its own strengths, weaknesses and techniques-the information of your specific Pokemon will be uploaded to your memory now. You are to battle, with your Pokemon, if your Pokemon becomes unable to continue, you will lose that battle. I should further note that losing a battle against someone doesn’t necessarily mean failing the tower level. Good luck competitor.”
Baraggan was then transported to this new level. This level looked like a small town or city. Was this really where they were going to battle? Baraggan glided along looking for his first victim. Baraggan had the power of ‘rot and decay’ a very dangerous power to have, inside his Poke Ball was a Weezing, which suited his abilities well.

North Tower

Orochimaru: Naruto
It felt good to be back. Orochimaru had always been obsessed with immortality and finding a way to keep his body living far beyond the frailties of time. He believed by reaching the top of the tower would be his best chance at achieving this goal and therefore incredible power.
The North Tower 3rd level took place in a forest setting. Orochimaru travelled down a particular path and from out of the thicket a flash emerged. The mystery ambusher sliced straight through Orochimaru making some weird grunting noises. As the attacker stopped, you could see it wasn’t quite human and although it could not actively think for itself, it was strong.
Wonderweiss: Bleach
Wonderweiss had been an artificial Arrancar created in its own world as a weapon with no capabilities to think for itself. He looked like a simple child and could not even talk, but communicate in mere grunts. It was not so easy to kill Orochimaru though and the form that Wonderweiss had supposedly sliced up was only a mud clone, which melted away into the earth. The real Orochimaru sprouted up from the ground, alongside him was an Arbok that was the Pokemon he was given for this test.
Before Orochimaru could launch his attack with his Pokemon a masked male suddenly appeared before them. He was the Level Official of the North Tower and he faced Wonderweiss. “I am sorry, but you have broken the rules and engaged in combat without withdrawing your designated Pokemon. You are disqualified from the test and have failed the tower.”
Wonderweiss probably couldn’t understand the official and charged in to kill her. Orochimaru wasn’t going to help and wanted to see the power of those that inhabited the tower. It didn’t matter though, as Wonderweiss charged in, his body just vanished from existence. The marker turned back around to Orochimaru, “Thankyou for making the effort to take out your Pokemon for battle despite being attacked by such an unworthy competitor. As token of your patience and willingness to compete properly, you shall be proceeding to the next floor no matter what happens from here on out.”
“I can say I am a little disappointed I didn’t get to fight, but I guess I can wait till the next floor,” Orochimaru replied licking his lips.

West Tower

The West Tower 3rd Level setting was in a stadium or arena type area. A green haired swordsman had still managed to get himself lost in such a simple place though. It was lucky enough he got through the second level, which required some form of navigation.
Roronoa Zoro: One Piece
First Mate for the Straw Hat Pirates
He walked for a little bit, stopping distracted by a weirdly dressed woman fussing over her Pokemon.

Juvia Lockser: Fairy Tale
Mage of Fairy Tale
She was of course a mage that used water magic. She had been given a Starmie for her test but right now she was so fascinated with how pretty it looked she was not interested in fighting just yet.

Zoro continued forward. He saw there was a black robed man with his back to him. “Excuse me,” Zoro asked. The man turned exposing a grey line on his face as well as the number ‘69’ tattooed on his left cheek. The man didn’t say anything and looked at Zoro with raised eyebrows.
Shuhei Hisagi: Bleach
Lieutenant Shinigami
“Do you know which direction we are supposed to go?” Zora asked. Hisagi merely shrugged his shoulders and Zoro moved on. “You a swordsman?” Hisagi called out to Zoro from behind. It was enough to capture his attention. “So what if I am?”
Hisagi pulled his robe aside slightly and withdrew his sword with one hand, with the other he grabbed out a Poke ball. Zoro also readied his weapons.
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