Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > House At The End Of The Street

Chapter Eleven

by Hozzie 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-04-14 - 932 words - Complete

There was a loud knock at the door upstairs. Frank groaned, knowing he'd have to wait before disposing of the three bodies. Then he'd have to look for a new Mia, maybe look for a new place to live... Why couldn't they just leave him alone? He was only trying to make things right. With a sigh, he left the garage and locked the door behind him before making his way upstairs.

Whoever was knocking at the front door was knocking loudly and frantically by now. Frank opened the door and found Ana standing there "Frank." Ana said, looking him up and down "Is Missy here?"

"Umm no." Frank replied.

Downstairs in the car, Missy's eyes fluttered open. The chloroform hadn't taken full effect when Frank had dragged her out but she knew she wouldn't have been able to overpower him so she pretended to pass out. She felt a little dizzy but she was determined to get out. Missy rolled over and squealed then clamped her hand over her mouth. Lying next to her was Anabella's dead body. Missy took shaky breathes, trying to figure out how to get out the car and trying to calm herself down at the same time. That was when she remember how this car had belonged to Frank's Father. So it was pretty old...

She twisted her body, trying to avoid looking at Anabella and started kicking at the back seat. Missy kicked as hard as she could and it started going forwards. Missy kept kicking.

"I wouldn't be mad if she was here." Ana told Frank "Have you seen her at all?"

"Not since the battle of the bands thing, isn't she at home?"

The back seat went forward enough for Missy to crawl through. Luckily the car was still unlocked and she could pull herself out. She ran over to the garage door that led back into the house but Frank had locked it. She looked around and found a hammer sitting on top of a tool box. With a shaking hand, she picked it up and smashed at the window on the garage door.

Upstairs, Ana heard the smash and her eyes widened "Missy!" She yelled, shoving Frank out of the way and running into the house "Missy!"

"Mom, help!" Missy roared, smashing at the glass until it was all gone. She dropped the hammer, grabbed the top of the door and pulled herself up so she could slide through the gap where the window had once been.

Ana followed Missy's voice and made it to the door leading to the basement. She tried to open it but it was locked. Ana whirled around, just as Frank stabbed her in the stomach. Her eyes widened. Frank was expressionless. He unlocked the basement door and shoved Ana down the stairs.

Missy was looking for another way out and heard several bangs as her Mom fell down the stairs. She whirled around and spotted Frank walking down the stairs so she hid behind the stairs where she was blocked by several cardboard boxes.

Frank lifted Ana up over his shoulder and walked towards the garage door but stopped when he saw all the smashed glass. He knew Missy was in the basement with him. He sighed and put down Ana "I'm sorry I can't keep you Missy." He said outloud, picking up his knife and looking around the room "I want you, I really do. But I need Mia. I need to make up for my mistakes. Don't you see that? Why don't any of you see that?"

Missy moved over a little and made a shuffling noise. She bit her lip, hoping Frank hadn't heard it. But he started moving in her direction so Missy knew she had to move and dived in the opposite direction. Frank leaped behind the staircase and grabbed at her ankle. Missy shrieked and kicked him away. She got to her feet and then saw the gun that was a couple of meters away from Bob's dead body. She ran forward and grabbed it. The moment that she did, all the lights went out. Frank had flicked them off.

Missy felt around the floor until she found what she was looking for. She picked up Bob's torch and switched it on. The bulb was dull and kept flickering out so she had to keep on hitting it to keep it lit. She pointed the gun in front of her in case she did see Frank anywhere. She circled the room but couldn't find him anywhere. The torch went out again and she swore under her breath before hitting it again to make it come back on. That was when Frank ran towards her with a knife in his hand. Missy screamed and shot the gun three times, each bullet hitting him in the stomach. He fell to the floor against some barrels and lay there with his eyes closed.

Missy flicked the lights back on and then crept slowly towards Frank. She needed to retrieve the key. The idea of touching his dead body repulsed her but she knew she had to do it. She bent down and moved her hands slowly towards his jeans pocket. As she did, Frank's eyes sprang open and he grabbed her wrist "I need to end this." He hissed as Missy tried desperately to pull away.

Suddenly someone hit him in the face with a hammer and he fell to the floor again. Missy turned around and found Ana standing there with the hammer in her hand "It's over." Ana muttered darkly.
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