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How Did It End Up Like This?

by Justalostflutterby 1 review

...Gerard clasped my hands in his and at first I thought he was going to push me away, tell me to fuck off and to never speak to him again but he planted a soft kiss to my knuckles. Gerard let them...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-04-15 - 1585 words

Credit of titles goes to Mr. Brightside - The Killers
[*Chapter 21: How Did It End Up Like This?


Gerard clasped my hands in his and at first I thought he was going to push me away, tell me to fuck off and to never speak to him again but he planted a soft kiss to my knuckles. Gerard let them go and he cupped my face with his hands, “you know...” Gerard whispered, “I've been wanting to say the same thing for the past few weeks. But never knowing how to say it. I always thought that I'd be the first but...You beat me to it.”

My heart literally felt like it had just done somersaults and I bit down on my lower lip, gazing into his deep hazel eyes. Gerard was about to say more but someone rattled the door handle and Gerard sighed before swinging his legs over the side of the bed and answering them through the door,

“no one's allowed in. Beat it, asshole.”

“Gerard?” Came a voice from the other side. It was Ray! I threw my hands over my eyes, Gerard opened the door and Ray waltzed in. “H-have you seen Mikey? I lost him in the crowd downstairs.” He explained, a frown plastered on his face.

“What do you mean 'lost' him? What's happening?” I asked, standing up and doing up my belt. Ray ignored it and turned to Gerard,

“He was drinking and...I can't find him anywhere. I need your guys' help.” Ray frowned and crossed his arms. “God knows where he is, man...”

Gerard shook his head, “we'll find him. Come on, Frank.” He said to me and I sorted myself out before following them both out of the room and down the stairs, searching for Mikey. We all split up and in seconds I got surrounded by girls. Mostly girls who were in their underwear.


They began running their hands all over me and they misinterpreted my struggles for grinding and I actually pushed one of them away to a wall. I pushed past them and went into the garden, shivering uncontrollably. I saw a glimpse of a group of smokers in the corner, Andy, the tattooist was amongst them. I took a closer look and saw glasses and a beanie.

Found him!

I ran towards the group of smokers and I grabbed Mikey's hand and pulled him out of the crowd, pinning him against a fence. “What do you think you're doing?” I demanded, frowning and trying to knock some sense into him. He looked like he was completely out of his face and for Mikey, that was not a good look. At all.

“F-frank?” Was all Mikey said before his body went limp and he fell in my arms, I caught him before he completely fell onto his knees and I yelped and tried to keep him upright. Okay, so now he was unconscious. Fantastic. I carried/dragged him over to a bench in the garden as quick as I could.

Gerard came running over to us a few seconds later, just before I started to go into a full-out panic and I beamed up at him as if he was an angel, which to me he was. “What the hell happened?” Gerard exclaimed, staring at Mikey with wide, terrified eyes.

“He was...Over there,” I said and gestured to the group of kids in the corner of the garden where Mikey was. “Then he just collapsed on me,” Gerard ran the back of his hand across Mikey's cheek.

“Find Ray, we'll take him back to their dorm.” Gerard told me and he took my place next to Mikey and wrapped an arm around him protectively. I took a deep breath, nodded and looked around for Ray back inside of the house. I found him in the kitchen, I tapped his shoulder and grinned wide.

“Found 'im! He's okay, don't worry!” I shouted over the roar of the music and screaming teens. I gestured for him to follow me out of the house back where Gerard was and Ray frowned when he saw him.

“Pretty fucked up then, huh?” Ray sighed as he saw Mikey. Ray slung him over his back and Gerard made sure that he was safe up there before Gerard gave me a warm smile. We all started to walk back to Mikey and Ray's dorm, freezing our asses off.

Stupid Mikey. Dick...Idiot...I went through a whole list of various names that I would call him when he was conscious.

I kept trying to remind myself that this was Mikey...Gerard's brother. Not just some alcoholic, messed up kid who got into the wrong arguments and crowds. He needed help and the only way that he was going to get it would be by Gerard helping him. Gerard wasn't exactly doing too good either, worse if I wasn't here with him.

But, I was proud of him. So fucking proud.

When we got to Ray and Mikes' dorm Ray gently lay Mikey down on his bed which consisted of a space duvet with stars and spaceships on it. Aw, Mikey!

“When he wakes I'll tell him what happened and then hopefully he'll apologize for being so rebellious.” Ray explained while rolled his eyes, telling it to himself rather than Gerard and I. I nodded slowly before smiling and gesturing to the door for Gerard to move his sexy ass.

But, Gerard shook his head before he went over to Mikey slowly, practically dragging his feet along the floor and planted a gentle kiss to his forehead, whispering kindly to him. “Get well soon, Mikes.” Gerard came back to my side and I took his hand tight in mine after he shut the door.

It was still dark out and hopefully we wouldn't run into any of the homophobic bastards out.

Gerard kissed my hand softly as we walked in silence. We were almost back at the dorm when Gerard came out with“he will be okay, right?” Gerard asked me quietly, you could just tell that he was worried sick, by his voice and by the way that he was acting.

He was kind of...Absent from the conversation. I squeezed his hand gently and glanced up at him. Gerard was just staring into space with a troubled frown on his face.

“He will be, I promise, okay? He just needs a few minutes to himself. We all lose control sometimes, okay Gee? You and me included there as I'm sure you've realised. He'll be alright,” I reassured him, smiling a little up at him.

“But what if he isn't? What if...Oh, Frank. What if he does something stupid?” Gerard said, he took out his key and let go of my hand as he did so. He unlocked the dorm and stormed inside, I shut the door and coughed at the stuffiness of the room. I ran to the window and pushed it open as far as it would go.

I spun and cupped Gerard's face in my hands, “listen to me, Gerard.” I said to him sternly, trying to get his attention. He shook his head and took a few steps backwards, running his hands through his hair that was in desperate need of cutting now. He was sweating heavily and going into a full-blown panic.

“Gerard!” I yelled, trying to get his attention as tears started to fall down his face.

“What if he does do something stupid, Frank? What if he decides to just go and kill himself when no one's looking. He's tried before, what's to say that he won't try it again?” Gerard spat, falling down to his knees as he sobbed painfully. I crouched in front of him, with a frown on my face.

“Gerard...” I whispered, trying to get him to actually to listen to me. “Mikey is not going anywhere, okay? Ray is with him and he won't let him do anything. I promise, Gee. Why would he kill himself anyway, he has you.”

“That doesn't mean anything, Frank. That doesn't mean that he won't attempt it. And even if he doesn't intentionally do it, it could happen.” Gerard cried out, I quickly wrapped my arms around him before he could protest and he sobbed into my shoulder, I pulled him into my arms and sat against the wall as he cried into me.

“Everything's going to be okay, Gee. I won't let anything happen to Mikey. You're going to be fine. He's going to be fine. We're all going to be okay,” I tried to tell him, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead as he shook in my arms, slowly calming down.

I ran a hand over his hair and took one of his hands in mine, trying to get him to calm down. If he was on his own then God-knows what he would do. Gerard would be fine...Right?

“I love you, Frank.” Gerard whispered quietly before he pressed a gentle kiss to my hand and he cupped my face with one of his hands, he placed a soft kiss to my lips and I kissed him back softly, my heart breaking into a million pieces with happiness when I heard those three, simple words.

I love you.

They seemed to be thrown around like they were nothing these days. But right now, I did truly believe that Gerard had meant it.

I loved him. It was perfect. Gerard was perfect.
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