Categories > Celebrities > Aerosmith > Time Warp

Not The Confusion

by Rockrockaerosmith 0 reviews

The guys get their younger selves a hotel room

Category: Aerosmith - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-04-20 - 840 words

The men continued to stare at each other in shock. The younger ones were shaking from the cold. The older ones, though, were more prepared for the weather, rain jackets trying to shield them from the storm, although even they were getting colder too.

The older Joe looked at his friends, who were walking away from their younger selves to have a private conversation. "What are we going to do with them? We can't leave them out in the rain!"

"We can't take them home either. If anyone sees them, they'll start asking questions" Tom pointed out

"What about a hotel?" Joe suggested

"For how long though?" Brad spoke up

"We could pay by day?"

"It would be fucking expensive."

"Seriously? I think we could afford it"

After a few more minutes if debating, they walked back to the young men

"come on guys" Steven said "We'll take you to a hotel. Just squish in the car"

There was a few moments of hesitation. Young Brad looked at young Tom who looked at Young Joey who looked at Young Joe who looked at Young Steven who looked back at Young Brad.

"Well come on now, don't be afraid." Joe said as he walked next to Steven, eyeing the groups younger counterparts

Young Steven scoffed "We're not." He said, pushing past Joe and Steven and standing on the street. He scanned the road and turned, putting his hands on his hips. "Well? The fuck's the car?"

All the men walked over to the car, a few feet the other way. Steven and Joe tool their regular seats, while Joey, Brad and Tom squished to the right to make room for the others. Young Tom and Joey managed to fit in the seat. Young Brad sat on the floor in front of his counter part, Young Steven next to him, and Young Joe trying to fit between the back of the drivers seat and Young Tom 's long legs. Everyone felt like a can of sardines in that car, and there was some bitching and moaning involved.

Surprisingly though, the young men fell asleep after a while, and the rest of the car ride was silent, save for the sound of the dorm and windshield wipers.


They arrived at a motel and got themselves from the car, letting their young counterparts and they went inside. They put in their hoods of their jackets and sunglasses.

"Hey, got room for five?" Steven said

"For how long?" The bored man at the desk asked, not really looking up

"Uh, just the night for right now. But we'll come back of it longer" Steven said, getting the money out


There was a collective sigh. No one was up for giving one of their names and this man broadcasting that they were there, especially when it wasn't exactly them. Nor did they have the energy of thinking of a good alias.

"Smith" Brad finally said

The man wrote it down and took Steven's money, giving him two room keys in return.


In the car, Joe woke up and groaned "Tom, your knees are digging in my back!" He yelled to the sleeping man.

Joe punched Tom's knee, causing Tom to wake with a start, elbowing Joey by accident. Joey woke up and turned his whole body towards Tom, kicking Brad in the neck in the process. Brad woke and yelled in pain, falling sideways onto Steven. Steven, who woke up when Joe punched Tom, hissed when Brad landed on his knee and glared at Joe, shoving him against the door. The men failed to find the humor in this comic situation.

Before they went further, Steven looked around the car wide eyed "Hey, where did those guys go?"

There was a pause as they realized they were alone.

"Could it have only been a dream?" Brad suggested, relief flooding his words.

"No.." Tom said sullenly "Our clothes are still wet, I think it may be raining harder, and this isn't my car."

"So where are they?" Steven asked as he climbed on the back seat

No one had to answer, since, almost as if the question summoned them, the door opened and Steven's older self stood there with the others

"Come on, lets go." He said and ushered them out.

They clumsily exited the car and into the rain, and were led towards the motel, before stopping at two doors under an awning. Older Steven held out two keys, which Steven and Joe snatched.

"You guys can decide what you're doing with the rooms. You're paid for the night." Older Tom said, and offered them a piece of paper with five different handwriting, names, and numbers scribbled on it "This is each of our numbers. Call us when you wake up tomorrow and we'll bring clothes and food"

Nobody else said a word as they started walking to the car. The men watched as their future selves left them under an awning, safe from the rain, but not the cold, not the confusion.
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