Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Overlord.

Chapter 2.

by ItsMyVendetta 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-04-21 - 260 words

{Gerard's POV}

I stepped into the sitting room and the homeless ma-.. Frank, was nowhere in sight. I assumed that he was probably showering or making brunch. Today, we had to go shopping, as my clothes were far too big for his petite frame. He wasn't too bad, once you got used to his swearing, and street slang.

"Frank?" I called into the hallway. I heard a mischevious giggle and I sighed. He was hiding again. He was unusually upbeat and childish, but it was adorable in a strange sort of way. While most people would switch on the news in the morning, I would find Frank perched in front of the television, watching Mickey Mouse. He would laugh at the most simplest things, such as my fidgeting.

And here he was, wanting me, or rather forcing me, to indulge into a game of hide and seek.

I slowly opened the cupboard door from where I heard the giggle and I raised an eyebrow as Frank jumped on me from a pile of coats. I squeaked -manfully- and fell to the floor with a light thud.

"You found me, Geebear!" He grinned and his eyes shone with happiness. It was impossible not to like this fellow.

Wait... Geebear?

"We have to go shopping, Frank." I suppressed a laugh as I pushed him off me, and stood up.

"Only if I get to choose some decent clothes for ya, suits are too maintsream these days. We gotta take you to some actual stores." Frank beamed. I nodded reluctantly and agreed.

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