Categories > TV > Power Rangers > new life in Ocaen Bluff

ch 9: Spirit world detour part 1

by redranger 0 reviews

Category: Power Rangers - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-24 - 1257 words

Normal POV

Master Guin and Master Rilla are doing their usual walk through the woods. They notice Madeline lying on the path a few feet in front of them. They run up to her. "Master Guin is she all right?" Master Rilla asks. Master Guin bent down to check her pulse. "Yes, but we should take her back to my place." Master Guin answers. Master Rilla nods and carefully picks Madeline up. They walk back to Master Guin's house.

Meanwhile on the other side of the forest, Dominic is still trying to find out where Madeline had landed. He limps down the path because he broke his ankle after he landed. He is taking a short break under a tree. Master Lope and Master Lep come up to him. "You're the rhino ranger correct?" Master Lope asks. "Yes, I am" Dominic answers. "How did you get here?" Master Lep asks. "The monster my friends were fighting opened up a portal and Madeline and I got sucked inside." Dominic answers. "Where is she now?" Master Lep asks. "I don't know we got separated after we landed here.' Dominic answers. Dominic starts to get back to his feet. The only problem is that his right ankle didn't want him to move. He quickly sat back down. Master Lope notices that his ankle is swollen. "You should take it easy son you're injured." Master Lope says. "I know that but I can't rest. I have to find Madeline. Then get back to my friends to help them fight Dai Shi." Dominic says. "Master Guin should be able to help you out." Master Lep says. "Good idea Master Lep." Master Lope says. He helps Dominic to his feet. Then everyone heads to Master Guin's.

Back at the loft, Casey and the others are trying to figure out where the portal had transported Dominic and Madeline to. "Do you think the portal transported them to the spirit world?" Casey asks. "I think that's the best option we've got because Dom morpher signal isn't transmitting from anywhere in the city." RJ answers. "How are we supposed to get them back here?" Theo asks. "Technically Theo if they are in the spirit world the master that live there can just open up another portal to bring them back here." Casey reminds him."So we are supposed to wait until they come back then?" Lilly asks. "Looks that way Lilly, and the master their will do everything they can to get them back here safe." RJ answers. Everyone gets back to work and went down stairs to help Fran in the pizzeria. "Man I hope that they are all right." Lilly thinks to herself.

Back in the spirit world Master Lope and Master Lep walk up to Master Guin's house. Master Lep knocks on the door. Master Guin goes to answers it. She opens the door and sees her two fellow Master and the injured Dominic. "Come on in you two your new friend needs to get off that ankle." Master Guin says, as she gestures for them to come in. Master Lope helps Dominic to a stool. Master Lep walks over to the cot in the corner of the room.

"Hello Master Lep, do you know who this girl is?" Master Rilla asks. Master Lep looks down and sees Madeline. He uses his fingers to fix his daughter's hair. "Yes I do Master Rilla. This is my daughter Madeline." Master Lep answers. "I had a feeling that she was your daughter. I felt your leopard sprit within her. Master Rilla says. "How long has she been like this?" Master Lep asks. "I can't really answer that question because she was unconscious when Master Guin and I found her." Master Rilla answers. A few minutes later Master Guin comes over to them and Madeline slowly start to come around. Madeline looks around the room and sees her father's face.

"Dad is that really you?" Madeline asks, as she lifts her left hand up to touch his face. "Yes, Mattie it's me." Master Lep answers, as he takes a hold of his daughter's hand. Madeline ties to sit up to give her father a hug. She feels a sharp pain radiate from several part of her body. The pain causes her to lie back down quickly. "Take it easy Mattie, your hurt." Master Lep tells his daughter, as he sets his hand on her good shoulder. "Dad, where is Dominic?" she asks.

"I'm over her Maddie." Dominic answers. Madeline looks to her left and see Dominic sitting on the stool. Master Guin is wrapping up his ankle. Then she puts an ice pack on it. Dominic thanks her and gets up to go over to Madeline. He gets about five steps before he starts to fall towards the floor. Master Lope runs over to him and catches him before he hits the floor.

"Dominic" Madeline yells. "Don't worry Maddie I'm ok" Dominic says. "Sure you are" Madeline says sarcastically. Master Lope helps him over to the cot. Master Guin brings the stool over as well. Dominick sits back down on the stool. "Dominick, I'm sorry this is all my fault." Madeline apologizes. "Maddie I'm the one who should be sorry. I promised you that I would protect you and I failed." Dominic says. "Dominic how about we agree that both of us messed up, and try to forget that this ever happened." Madeline says. "Ok it's a deal." Dominic says. "Good" Madeline says with a smile.

The master went outside to talk about the current situation. "You know we can open another portal so they can get back to help the other rangers." Master Lope says. "True but neither of them are in any condition to fight." Master Guin adds. "True and I know that my daughter hasn't done much training either." Master Lep says. "Do you think we should help her train once she is strong enough that is?" Master Guin asks. "I think that would be a good idea." Master Lep answers agreeing with his fellow master. "I'm I the only one of us that noticed the feeling that those two have for each other?" Master Rilla asks. "Yes, Master Rilla I have felt it too. It seems to me that the rhino has tamed my little kitten." Master Lep answers. The master talk among themselves for a few more minutes before they head back inside the house.

They enter the house and go over towards the cot. The masters notice that Madeline had fallen back to sleep. Dominic had fallen asleep also. Dominic's head is lying on Madeline's chest and he is holding Madeline's right hand. The master could hear the sound of the young couple's animal sprit. Madeline's spirit is purring happily and Dominic's spirit is lowing happily as well. Master Guin gets a spare blanket and goes back over to Dominic. She wraps it around him. Then she walks back over towards the other masters. "You know the poor boy is going to have a stiff neck once her wakes up." Master Rilla says. "You may be right master Rilla but do you really want to try to separate them?" Master Guin asks. "To be completely honest no they do look kinda cute." Master Rilla answers. They decide to let them rest and they master went to the kitchen to start making dinner.


AN: What will happen next. Keep reading to find out. Don't forget to post a review. I appreciate it the continued support from all my readers.
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