Categories > TV > Power Rangers > new life in Ocaen Bluff

ch 10: Spirit world detour part 2

by redranger 0 reviews

Category: Power Rangers - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-16 - 698 words

Madeline's POV

The days pass well at least I think it was a couple days. The whole concept of time is different in the spirit world. I'm outside training with Master Guin. "Remind me again, why I have to train?" I ask. "Your father wants you to be ready to fight Di Shi when you get back to Ocean Bluff." She answers. "What if I don't want to go back?" I ask. "What do you mean Madeline?" she replies. "Forget it let's just drop it." I say. Master Guin drops the subject and we get back to training. A few minutes later we take a break. Dominic comes over to us with a towel and a glass of water.

"You're dad was right. You picked this up really quick." He says. I thank him and take the towel to dry the sweat from my face. Then he hands me the glass of water. I gratefully accept it and drink the whole glass in one big gulp. "I'll let you two kids talk." Master Guin says as she heads back in the house. We walk over to a tree and sat down under it. I snuggle up into Dominic's chest. I get a whiff of a strong scent.

"Is that sweat or a new body spray?" I ask. "It's sweat kitten you're not the only one who has to train while we are here." he answers. "I should have guessed that. One more question are you going to come up with another cute nick name for me?" I say. "What wrong you don't like being called kitten?" he asks. "No I do like it but after a while it's kinda getting old." I answer. "I'll try to come up with a new nick name for you." he says. We sat under the tree and listen to the quietness of the forest.

Normal POV

Back inside the house, the master Guin and master Lep are talking. "Master Guin how is my daughter's training going?" master Lep asks. "Really well master Lep I believe that she'll be ready to leave in two days or so." master Guin answers. "That's great but I know she doesn't want to leave." Master Lep says. "Yes I got that feeling too while we were training this morning." Master Guin says. A few minutes later Dominic and Madeline enter the room. "Hey dad" Madeline greets. "Hi, Mattie master Guin tells me that your training is going really well." Master Lep says. "Yeah I know she already told me during training this morning." Madeline says. "You know what that means right?" Master Lep asks. "Yes, dad I know." Madeline says. "What does it mean?" Dominic asks. "It means that you two can go back to Ocean Bluff." Master Guin answers. "Really that's great." Dominic says.

"I don't want to go back I want to stay here forever." Madeline thinks to herself. She walks over to the table in middle of the room. Everyone looks over towards Madeline. Madeline sees a milk carton and slashes with her claws. They watch as the milk flows out of the cut in the carton and falls onto the floor. Madeline looks down at the floor as tears start to roll down her cheeks. Master Lep walks over to his daughter.

"Mattie, sweetie are you ok?" master Lep asks. Madeline looks up at her father. "No, dad I'm not. I…" Madeline says as the tears continue to roll down her face. Maser Lep puts his arm around her and Madeline sets her head in his chest. "I know the real reason that you don't want to leave" Master Lep says. "Really dad what is it?" Madeline asks. "You don't want to forget everything that has happened." Master Lep answers. "I also don't want you to leave me again." Madeline says. "I've told you this before Mattie, my physical body may be gone but the spirit of a Phai Zhuq can never be destroyed. I'm always watching over you Mattie." Master Lep says."I know dad, but I still don't want to leave. I love you dad."Madeline says. "I love you too Madeline." Master Lep says. Then everything starts to fade away.
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