Categories > Original > Drama > We're All Mad Here

Just a Tad Nostalgic

by Videl 1 review

Update of my current surroundings.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-04-29 - 450 words

DAY 1...

I've begun posting on Ficwad again. Hello there, its been quite a while. 2007 to be more precise.
I'm Sabrina, I used to write here when Fall Out Boy was one of the most popular sections. Then I left to go live my real life, but I've come to terms with several things that I realized about life.

Call it nostalgia, with the end of the hiatus of Fall Out Boy in early 2013, I find myself unable to stay away. Even though the majority of the authors on this site that I once knew and loved are gone, I will begin posting my own 'welcome back' anthem to Fall Out Boy, and probably throw in a few original fics as well.

Currently, I'm writing and polishing a story I wrote when I was 14, lying to some of the people on here that I was older (NICE one, Sabrina!). Its called Car Crash Hearts, and the original was posted on my 2nd account created here, Scarrlifigous. Before that, I used the account nya-MEya, but sadly I am unable to remember the account emails and passwords, effectively being cut off from these two accounts, I will now post under this name. And really, I was excited to see this name was untaken.

Read this only if you don't mind(I mean honestly though, she was my favorite female cartoon character when I was a kid, and I do sort of have this unexplainable fancy of Gohan from Dragonball Z. Call it a fetish if you will, don't judge me meh. )


I kind of called it a little game of fate; if I try to sign up and the name is untaken, I will consider it a sign to return. I did and it was, and I'm here now. I used to not be a very religious poster due to my complications with my family situation, but believe me now I am back with a vengeance. I am expecting to release the first reworked few chapters here either tonight or tomorrow night, depending on what I'm comfortable updating. It does have a slighly reworked feel which I feel will make it better, I chose to take my own name out of it for vanity's sake, and I fully intend to complete it. I have the entire plot outlined in my head and heart and I will put all my effort into making this a good work.
Please bear with me, I will update and write as often as I can until it is done and my need is fulfilled.

Until then, I'm the last kid (so far) still kicking, and I do still believe.

Sabrina AKA Videl AKA scarrlifigous AKA nya-MEya
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