Categories > Original > Drama > We're All Mad Here


by Videl 1 review


Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-04-29 - 311 words

Name: Sabrina Geisha AKA Videl

Age: I'm 21 and old at that.

Gender: F

Location: Texas

Relationship status: with my boyfriend of 3 years!

Picture of yourself:
Well, I'm on Twitter, you could just look there.
Favorite bands: A lot of different ones, currently Fall Out Boy, The Ghost Inside, Stick To Your Guns, Terror, Brand New, Dashboard Confessional, Hundredth, For Today Pink Floyd, Metallica, and a bunch of other stuff.

Favorite movies: anything quinten tarantino, Star Wars(like the originals better than the new ones) Lord of the Rings, anything with Will Smith, scary movies, cheesy 80s horror and Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki films.
(ouch, sorry for SP but too lazy to look it up)

Favorite TV shows: Dexter, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead are all the best. Also currently watching LOST for the first time, whuta shocker.

Favorite books: Basically all the ones we were assigned on our summer reading lists, I'm a book nerd. Harry Potter. JR Toilken. Comic books.

Heroes: Spiderman. He's a hero.

Pairings: I ship many things hahaha. I use to ship Peterick pretty hard, though I have to admit seeing Patrick Stump tweet/talk about fanfic and Peterick makes me giggle pretty hard. I mean he actually knows what this means, and I think its all in good fun. I'm also an avid Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy shipper, best pairing ever. Other than that I don't really have an opinion.

Favorite authors on FicWad: Moocow. rawrlittledino. Some other people

Favorite fics: Patrick BOOTY.

Favorite personalities on FicWad: Moocow. sheds tear

Sample of your writing: I knew in that moment all I wanted to do was give her what she wanted: it was long, hard, aching for her touch, and she watched me take it out, her breath bated as she took it in; then her lips parted and her eyes slowly met mine.

"That's a nice toothbrush."
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