Categories > Original > Horror > The Origami Killer Returns.

Chapter Two: Breaking News.

by MCR-99 1 review

Kellin Quinn, divorced father, has sunk into a deepened depression since the death of his first daughter Copeland. Here, we get to meet him and discover the latest news regarding the Origami Killer.

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-05-03 - 1027 words

Chapter Two: Breaking News

Breaking News here at the Los Angeles City Dump. The body of thirteen year old Danny Queen has been found in the middle of this abandoned wasteland. The coroner tells us he has appeared to be drowned in rainwater. Police found him today, with an orchid on the boy's chest and an origami figure in his hand. We haven't had this since the serial killer, the Origami Killer, Arthur Way, was mass mudering little boys, if it wasn't for Ethan Mars catching him in the act in a bid to save his son. Could the Origami Killer be striking again from behind ba-

27-Year-Old Kellin Quinn switched off the car radio and got out the car into the pouring rain. He squinted his eyes as he looked up into the sky and cursed to himself. "Damned rain."

He stood outside Glaston Elementary, waiting for his eldest, and now only, daughter, Sadie to come out of school at the end of the day. She appeared shortly, scuffling her soddened feet on the ground as she walked towards her father.

"Hi, Sadie." Kellin greeted her, as she got into the car. She never said a word, and Kellin sighed. Things weren't really going good for the Quinn family at this time, as Kellin's wife, Katelynn, recently divorced him over the death of their youngest daughter, Copeland. Copeland had gotten hit by a car when they were shopping for things with the money she had gotten for her tenth birthday. Katelynn had taken Sadie to get some new shoes for school, as her current ones were breaking apart with every step she took. Copeland had wandered off, standing beside the balloon man, and begged her father for the red balloon, which he had accepted to buy, and while paying the balloon man, Copeland wandered away again, farther into the crowd, with only her balloon floating into the air. Katelynn and Sadie returned shortly, and Kellin told them what happened, before searching for the small child. Kellin finally found her, stood on the other side of the road. He called out her name, and she began to run over the road to meet her father, then the car was closing in. Kellin dove for her, but it was too late. The impact killed her. Weeks after, Kellin and Katelynn divorced, and here Kellin was, driving his daughter back to his home for the night.

They arrived back to Kellin's two story house, not far from the City Dump, at about 4:00 that afternoon, a rainy Monday. Sadie was first out of the car, and she let herself in with her key, leaving the door open for her father to enter the home as well. She made her way over to the TV, switching it onto a cartoon, SpongeBob Squarepants, and staring blankly at the screen. Kellin watched her from the corner, sighing, before crouching down beside her as she sat on the couch.

"Do you.. do you want a snack?" He asked, and Sadie's eyes fixated on his. Sadie nodded, not saying a word, before turning her attention back to the TV. Kellin stood up, going over to his messy kitchen and opening the cupboards in search for a packet of crisps, or a chocolate bar, anything his daughter might enjoy. Soon, he picked up a packet of crisps, and returned back to the couch and handed her the snack.

"Thanks Dad." She smiled a little, taking the snack from his hands, and Kellin sighed again, before heading upstairs to a small room in the house, the storage room. He entered the room, and switched on the light, before making his way over to the little TV, and turned it on, before sitting in the swivel chair near to it. On the screen appeared a video recording, from before Copeland died. Copeland and Sadie were playing in the garden, playing on the swings, with Katelynn pushing the two of them. They were happy, even Kellin was, even though he was operating the camera. Kellin quickly switched off the TV, not bearing to watch any more of the recording, for it brought back to many memories.

After a while, Sadie was sat at the table, eating dinner. Kellin was checking the post, when he had a letter, adressed to him. He opened it, and out slid a folded peice of paper, which he opened to reveal an extract, from what seemed to be a book. It read:

When the parents arrived home from church,
Their children were no where to be seen.

They searched and called for them,
They cried and begged,
Yet it was all to no avail.

The children were never seen again..

Kellin put the extract back in the envelope, before returning to his daughter, who was just heading upstairs to bed. He followed her, sorting her room out for her arrival for bed, while Sadie prepared herself for bed in the bathroom. Soon, she appeared in the room and got into bed, and Kellin sat beside her. Suddenly, Sadie sat up, panicked.

"Dad, I can't sleep without my teddy.." She whimpered, and Kellin told her he'd find it. He knew where it was, in the garage. He collected the plush toy, quickly returning to his daughter's room, and handed her the teddy. She accepted it with welcomed arms, hugging it tightly to her chest, before laying back on the pillow.

"Dad?" She asked, sleepily.

"Yes, Sadie?" Kellin replied.

"Why do you look so sad?" She asked her father. Even though she was there when her sister died, she still never understood what had happened.

"I just, I need some time.. to get back to the way things were." Kellin said, kissing his daughter on the head, and putting the cover over her, before turning towards the door.

"Dad?" Sadie called out again, and Kellin turned to face her.

"Yes?" Kellin sighed, his hand hovering over the lightswitch.

"What happened with Copeland, it wasn't your fault.." Kellin never replied to her statement, and Sadie drifted to sleep, turned away from her father. Kellin switched out the light, and pulled the door to, before he blacked out..
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