Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Heart Breaker

Behind the Note

by darks00 2 reviews

Can't say anything without giving everything away, LOL

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-02 - Updated: 2006-08-02 - 246 words

Delilahs point of view:

Emmet still had his arm around me after the movie, forcing a chill up my spine. He went to go for another kiss, but I stopped him.

"Emmet, about that note..."I began.

"Yes? I still have it, if that's what you're wondering," replied Emmet.

"...I'm sorry if I'm about to hurt you, but..." I finally found my voice and was about to tell him. "That note wasn't meant for you..."

"...oh..." Emmet turned away, dragging his feet on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, Emmet. Can we still be friends?" I asked him.

"...ok." said Emmet.



That was way easier to tell him then I thought. Why didn't I tell him before this mess? I was so glad to be home. Julius greeted me. "How was your date?"

"I broke up with him," I told him.

"Sorry to hear that."

That made me laugh. "Trust me, I'm happy. I guess I only felt frienship,"

I couldn't stand lying to Julius, but I couldn't tell him who that note was really for.


Today was the perfect time to tell him. I was going to do it.



"...Could you please pass me the t.v. remote?" I asked, chickening out.

GOD DARN IT! I kicked myself in the inside while Julius looked confused, and gave me the remote. I sighed. There was always another day to tell him.

Someday, I will tell him.

...The End?

xxDarkness' Kidxx
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