Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Undesirables

th Chapter

by Hostile_Halo 5 reviews

"Don’t touch me" Mikey hissed pulling his arm away," and the same goes for Frank"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2013-05-30 - 1500 words

A/N: Yayyyy! Update! Sorry again this took so long, hope this makes up for it. :P Anyway my lovely readers if you could rate and or review that would be splendid. I'm actually really excited for the next chapter so hopefully it won't take to long or it to come out.


"Uhm hey mikes" Gerard said.

Mikey was sitting on the sofa in his living room currently blankly gazing at a random television show. Hearing his brother's voice he pulled his eyes from the mind numbing show. He gave Gerard an up down before turning back to the TV.

Yes silent treatment good, his voice chided, you are a girl aren’t you?

I’m not a gir—No. I’m not talking with you

"Mikes" Gerard tried again nudging Mikey’s foot, "Can I sit please?"

Mikey sighed and scooted further down the couch.

Gerard smiled, slightly relieved, and sat down to face his brother, "Look kid I know you're...upset about what happened"

Mikey snorted.

"Too say the least but" Gerard started again, “Especially how you had to find out...but the thing is we're just you know we're just fooling around''

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Mikey growled

"I don’t know I guess..." Gerard rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well it doesn't!" Mikey stood up tried to leave.

Gerard followed him and grabbed at his wrist, "Come on be reasonable".

"Don’t touch me" Mikey hissed pulling his arm away," and the same goes for Frank"

"You know what Mikey?” Gerard said getting irritated," You do not dictate who I can and cannot date!”

“And that would be fine I you were actually dating him, but you’re not!”

“Frank can make his own decisions and I he chose to be with me—”

“Dammit. Gerard he’s not one of your toys!”

Before Gerard could respond the boys heard the slam of their front door. Then their mother called down as she made her way downstairs, “Now what is all this shouting going on about?”

Mikey eyed Gerard before turning to face their mother,” Mom, It’s nothing”.

“Well now that is not true I could hear you squabbling from outside the door”.

Mikey tried again, “No, really mom…”

“No.” Gerard interrupted, “She’s right.” Gerard smirked in Mikey’s direction then said, “Mikey’s pissed because he caught me kissing his friend”.

“Gerard!” Mikey hissed.

Mrs. Way said, “Now hold on.” She closed her eyes a moment and then opened them to look at
Mikey, “Now okay, Mikey do you like this girl?”

Mikey sputtered, “She’s not even a..” Their mom raised an eyebrow, “a…never mind”. He said.

“Yeah do you?” Gerard said, “‘Cause I mean if you did, I‘d back down”.

Mikey growled in his throat as he felt his face heat up red, “You know…she’s not my type”.

Gerard squinted his eyes, “Well before you started dating that chick Megan I was beginning to question your type.” Gerard made sure to emphasize the word ‘type’.

“Wait”. Their mother put her hands up, “ Now hold on Michael, you have a girlfriend?”

Mikey bushed even harder, “Sort of. I mean we haven’t even gone on one date…”

I will kill Gerard. Mikey thought to himself.

Ooh. Finally an exciting thought in your wittle head.

Up yours.

“Oh my little boy!” She squealed and put her hands on Mikey’s face.

May I suggest using a blunt instrument, like a bat, to the back of his head?

“Oooooh, lo-ook at you! You’re all grown up!”

Or you could run him over with a car….

“What grade is she? Is she pretty? When do I get to meet her?”

Or you could run yourself over.

“9th, but she's moved up in science and math, yeah, and she’s coming over to watch movies Friday, so I guess then”.

“Well now Michael, if you have a girlfriend and you don’t have feelings for this friend of yours I really don’t see any reason your brother can’t be with her.”

Or an execution style shot to the head?

“So that’s that then?” Mrs. Way said, “Good. Now, Gerard when I came in I noticed that the lawn is still not mown, so get to it.” She then headed back up the stairs to the kitchen.

“Michael James!” She shouted not minute later, “Come and help me cook this chicken for dinner!”

“One second” He shouted back up.

“What’s with the hesitation?” Gerard asked then immediately answered his own question, “Nervous because it’s your first time handling breasts?”


“Fuck you” Mikey said and walked up the stairs.

Both of you.


“Too many times I have gone astray.” Mikey sang along to his Attack Attack! CD while lying on his bed ,“Astray!” He tried to hit the scream, but cracked his voice like always, “Too many days have passed away. Aw-way!”

“Damn”. He mumbled and threw his pillow across his room in frustration. It hit his computer monitor. He groaned as he saw the a blinking video request pop up on the screen.

Come on Antisocial, the computer won’t bite.

Mikey flicked his stereo down several notches so head be able to hear the other person. He sat down in his chair and looked a the request name.


Mikey sighed once before clicking open the call. Frank’s face popped up his pixels smearing his face.

“Uhh, hey there kid”. Frank said and smiled unsurely.

“Hi”. Mikey said bluntly.

“Uhm” Frank coughed discouraged, “ Uhmm, I wanted to talk about what uh happened earlier today”.

“There’s no need to” Mikey said.

Frank blushed, “Are you sure? I just feel bad”.

“Well there’s no need to”, Mikey curtly stated again.


“Look you’re cool with me dating your cousin, so why shouldn’t I be cool about you dating my brother?”

“Well, I don’t know if I’d call it dating its more like we’re”

“Just fooling around”.

Frank coughed uncomfortably, “Right,” a blush crept up his face again.

“Night Frankie”.

“Oh right uhm b—” Mikey clicked out of the video chat right as another one popped up."""


Mikey smiled faintly and opened the call.

“Hi Mikey” Megan greeted him tugging at her hair.

“Hey Megan”.

“How are you doing?” She asked him, “When you came back to lunch you seemed…”

“Scarred for life?” Mikey suggested.

Megan laughed, “Yeah something like that”.

“I caught Frankie and Gerard making out in the bathroom”.

“What?” Megan gasped, “No way! Ah man, no wonder.”

“Yeah” Mikey said glad he had someone to be just as creeped out as he was, “It wasn’t exactly how I wanted to find them.”

“Wow” Megan said, “That’s too bizarre.”

“Tell me about it”.

Right then Megan tried to stifle a sudden laugh by covering her mouth, “I’m sorry”. She said, “but it’s just Frank must really have something for Ways.”

Mikey raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

“Well he’s with your brother now and then he had a crush on in sixth grade…”

“Uhh” Mikey smiled in confusion, “What are you talking about?”

Megan chuckled, “Well you had to know. He kissed you after all”.

Frank’s hands were much smaller then than they were now. They were wrapped carefully around a gleaming guitar. He smiled the same and giggled showing off his new guitar to his best and only friend. She needed a name. PANSYYYYYYY. Mikey had teased getting himself punched in the arm. He whined even though it hadn’t hurt, just to get Frank to try to make him feel better. Frank’s little boy hands were clammy, but warm on Mikey’s face. Turn that frown uʍop ǝpısdn. It only took Frank’s own goofy smile. Then those were Frank’s lips on Mikey's. He didn’t know what he expected. For a first kiss. Probably for it to be from a girl, but he didn’t mind, because this felt right.


Mikey looked started at Megan. He had almost forgotten she was still on his screen.

“Mikey? You do...remember, right? You look…upset”.

“What? No. I, I do. I’m just tired. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Okay?”

“Okay. Goodnight Mikey.”

Mikey closed out of her window. Then he shut off the computer screen and walked over to his bed. He lay flat on his back and stared up at his ceiling. His breath was hollow and quick. He closed his eyes, but all he could picture was the sixth grade memory. He couldn’t think straight. He couldn’t figure out what he had remembered or imagined or why he had. He reasoned with himself that it couldn’t possibly be a memory.

How could that ever happen? It couldn’t.

“It couldn’t” he mumbled out loud, “How could it?”
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