Categories > TV > Power Rangers > Welcome to SPD

ch 22: Why did you save me?

by redranger 0 reviews

Category: Power Rangers - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-05-30 - 998 words

Normal POV
Tracy is pacing the floor outside Michael's room. Kat walks up and notices the worried red ranger. "Tracy I know you’re worried, but you'll wear a path in the floor if you keep that up much longer." Kat says. Tracy stops and looks over at her. Kat can see that she feels guilty about what happen to Michael from the sad expression in her eyes. "Kat this is all my fault. I knew we should have just stayed here. It's obvious that the universe doesn’t want me to be happy." Tracy says as she started to break down. Kat comes closer and pulls Tracy into a sisterly comforting hug. She didn't know what to say to make Tracy fell better. The only thing she could think of at the moment is to just let the red ranger cry because she knew it would help her feel a bit better anyway.

A few minutes later Tracy stopped crying and she thanks Kat for being there for her. Tracy looks over toward the door and she sees Dr. Felix walking out. "Is Michael going to be ok?" Tracy asks. "Yes, he's going to be just fine. He'll need to stay here for a few days." Dr. Felix answers. "Can I see him?" Tracy asks. "Yes, in a matter of fact he wanted to talk to you." Dr. Felix answers. Tracy starts to walk into the room but Dr. Felix notices a few deep cuts on her back.

"Tracy, you should let me take a look those cuts on your back." Dr. Felix says. "Why? They don't really hurt." Tracy says. "They may not hurt but if you ignore them they'll get infected." Dr. Felix tells her. Tracy turns back around to face the doctor. "I'll take that risk because I should be the one behind that door anyway not him." Tracy says. Dr. Felix walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder. "I know you feel guilty about what happened but that doesn’t mean that you should ignore your own condition." Dr. Felix says. "I wasn't going to ignore them I was just going to have you look at them after I talked to Michael." Tracy says. Doctor Felix didn't fall for Tracy's lame excuse. He tells her that Michael is capable of waiting a bit longer. "Ok doc do you win." Tracy says. A small smile came to the doctor face as they headed in the room.

"Hey angel, you won right?" Michael asks as they enter the room. Tracy nods and she tells him that they would talk more after Dr. Felix clean up the cuts on her back. After Dr. Felix cleaned the cuts on her back he puts a dressing on them.Sophia comes in with a pair of scrubs and hands them to her. Tracy figured that he wanted to keep an eye on her for the next few hours to make sure that she didn't come down with a fever. After Tracy changed into her scrubs she walks over to Michael's bed. Dr. Felix and Sophia leave so Tracy and Michael can talk in private.

“I guess I get to have a roommate?” Michael asks. “For a little bit anyway. Michael, why did you save me?” Tracy asks. “I knew you needed my help. I would never be able to forgive myself if you got hurt and I could do something to prevent it.” He answers. “Michael that was really brave but next time please don’t be a hero. You scared me half to death.” Tracy says. Michael apologizes for scaring her like that. They talked for a few more minutes. Michael sits up in his bed and scoots over to make for Tracy to sit next to him. Then he pats the bed gesturing for her to sit next to him.

Tracy climbs into the bed and sat down next to him. Then she laces her fingers between Michael's. They look over at each other and their eyes meet. The scene starts to play out just like it did at the beach earlier. “Well I guess we are back to where we before right.” Tracy says. Michael nodded. “The only problem was I never go to do this.” Michael says sweetly. Michael leans in and French kisses Tracy. As Michael backs away he notices a surprised look on Tracy face. “What wrong you didn’t like did you?” Michael asks. “No sweetie I loved it I never knew you could kiss like that.” Tracy answers. “Would you like another one?” he asks. Tracy nods and he leans in to kiss her again. This time Tracy uses her free hand to pull him a bit closer. Michael did the same and the kiss deepened.

A few minutes later Dr. Felix went back in to check on the two teenagers. Dr. Felix walks in the room and sees Tracy and Michael making out. He dashes up to them and brakes up the love fest. “Hi. Doc we were just talking.” Tracy says. “Nice try cadet I saw that little love fest.” Dr. Felix says. The two teenagers look down at the floor feeling guilty about what just happened. Doctor Felix tells them what happened just then is normal but not to let it get any more intense. The two teenagers tell him that it wouldn’t. Doctor Felix tells Tracy that he would feel better if she stayed overnight. Tracy didn’t argue because she knew the reason behind the overnight stay. Dr. Felix has Sophia set up another bed. Tracy gets out of Michael’s bed and goes to hers. Tracy lies down and Sophia puts the IV needle in her left arm. Then Dr. Felix tells them to get some rest. The two teenager nod as they yawned in unison. A few seconds later they fsll asleep and Dr. Felix and Sophia leave the room to let them rest.

AN: Remember reviews are appreciated.

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