Categories > Original > Fantasy > 131 Night End

Applesauce and Alex

by CarcinoGeneticist 0 reviews

Kaylee and Alvin go running around Scab's End and investigate.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-06-02 - 956 words

Kaylee braced one hand on the wall, trying to keep her balance on the narrow staircase. Barreling past a few policemen, Kaylee tossed an apology over her shoulder. Her mind reeled off possibilities. All things considered, it could have been a Dybbuk, but there was a total lack of salt in the apartment and there would have still been a body, or it could have been an Ifrit or Djinn, but then again, no fire or evidence of summoning circles, or maybe it had been a particularly hungry ghoul. Perhaps a golem given too vague of instructions? Or maybe it was just out of control?

Kaylee paused, glancing over her shoulder. Nobody was around, so she hiked her dress up over her knees and sat on the bannister, content to slide the rest of the way down.

Hitting the floor hard, she flushed, hurrying away from the curious glances of policemen. Sliding down bannisters was completely impulsive behaviour! What on earth would her mother say if she were still alive? Kaylee was a lady, and was expected to act like one!
But right now there were monsters afoot, and propriety, although it was important, was not to be bothered with at the moment.

Oh, tar! How much longer until Alvin had to take his medication? She’d forgotten to check, and although it was his job to make sure he was medicated, she should be the better twin and make sure he was stable.
Kaylee glanced up and down the street. She sort of expected street gangs to be running wild at this time in the morning, but there’s nary a hooligan in sight. Biting down on her tongue, Kaylee considered where any self-respecting yahoo would congregate.


Alvin swung himself out the window, and fell forwards. It was expected. He swung both arms out, grabbing onto the fire escape of the building below him. The cheap metal rattled above him as he pulled himself up. Striding along the narrow metal platform, Alvin stepped onto a window ledge, grabbing at the grotty bricks above the windows for balance.
He heard a whisper, and he looked over his shoulder. Nothing was there. Shaking his head to clear it, he continued along the window ledge. He probably had about an hour before everything got worse.

Swinging himself off the window ledge and into the gap between the two buildings, Alvin braced his hands and feet against the walls of the apartment building and the one next to it, and slid safely to the bottom.
Shaking off dust from the building, Alvin heard a low whistle.
“That was the Cat’s meow, kid! How’d you do that?”
A man was lying in the gutter, fingers grasped around a bottle of what smelled like bootlegged liquor. Alvin grinned wolfishly. “I’m a runaway from Barnum and Bailey’s.”
The man laughed and wheezed his way into a sitting position. “You’re all wet, kid.”
“Horsefeathers, I’m one hundred percent! I’m looking for somebody, though, perhaps you could help?” Alvin asked, crossing his fingers inside his oversized sweater sleeves.

The man mulled it over, then nodded. “Who you lookin’ for?” he slurred, taking a long pull from the bottle. “I’ve got my eyes out for a couple thugs, but I’m not particular. See any around?” asked Alvin, hoping the drunk’s memory would hold water.
“There’s tons ‘round here! There’s the somethings, but I can’t recall. They’re run by some jumped-up little upstart, and I think he’s got a girlfriend who’s a right little sheba, if you know where I’m coming from?” the man waggled his eyebrows.
Alvin’s stomach turned, but he forced himself to smile and nod.

“Anyone else?” he asked, hoping that the Lost Somethings and their Sheba chick would be found by Kaylee instead of by him.
The man glanced nervously up and down the street.
“I won’t snitch. Scout’s honor, sir!” Alvin promised, offering a hand to help him out of the gutter.
The man leaned close to Alvin, eyes trying to focus. “There’s a mean group of boys, right your age, maybe, and boy oh boy, you better hope you don’t meet them!”
Alvin tried to steady the man, who seemed to be inclined to fall over. “Who are they? Do they have a name, anything?” he whispered.
The old man laughed, but it sounded bitter and smelled like a distillery.
“Nobody’s really sure what the others are called. But the leader’s name is Alex.”


Kaylee strode down the street, sticking to the shadows. She tried not to care that she was getting her dress dirty. The lack of people unnerved her. Why was it so empty? A can rolled down the sidewalk, caught in a gust of wind. Kaylee’s footsteps echoed off the concrete, ricocheting off the crowded dirty buildings. Ka-lick ka-lick ka-lick ka-lick
Kaylee stopped walking and looked over her shoulder. The street was still empty. Ignoring the creeping feeling on the back of her neck, Kaylee continued walking. Ka-lick ka-lick ka-lick, and soon she heard the echo of almost-perfectly matched footsteps behind her. Ka-licktick Ka-licktick Ka-licktick Ka-tick!
Kaylee’s foot hovered above the sidewalk. Turning quickly, Kaylee managed to catch the sideways slink of a shadowy somebody. “I saw you!” she proclaimed, striding forwards. Grabbing onto the hem of her dress, Kaylee dashed forwards, feeling success slowly blooming in her mind.
The alley was empty, but for a few words scrawled out on the brickwork.

“Applesauce!” Kaylee blurted, then clamped her hands over her mouth. Goodness, the language she picked up!

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