Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > These are the eyes and the lies of the taken..

Dry your eyes and start believing.

by snowwhiiteqween 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-06-09 - Updated: 2013-06-09 - 1482 words

It says-

-Come to the front door. You have a fun-size surprise. :3-

What the actual fuck? I laugh to myself. Frank is so adorable. Sometimes, I feel like a pedophile. I mean we're only a few years apart in age, but still. His height doesn't make it any better. I smile like an idiot. I put my hands through my ebony hair and look in the mirror that is in front of me. I wonder what he is-

Oh fuck. I was suppose to go to the front door!

I run up the stairs frantically. Then I gradually went up quietly, but swiftly remembering that everyone else is asleep.

I stand in front of the door. I hear a bit of rustling. Do I hear crunching? I slowly put my hand to the doorknob. Opened the door and what the fu-

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEE!!" he says as he tackles me to the ground. There's my bite-sized surprise. Skittles fall all around us. Looking like a huge aura of rainbow circling us. Did he just use them as confetti?!

I totally forgot it was my birthday. I've been so consumed with.. er, thoughts. Frankie is on top of me laughing his little sexy ass off. I'm on the ground trying to wrap my mind around what's going on! So damn tired.

He has his arms wrapped around my chest hugging me tightly. I feel this warmth grow inside my chest. Not just because he's on top of it, but because I can feel my black heart to swell with love. I close my eyes and hugged him back. We stayed there for ten seconds or more.

"Gee! Wake up!" Frankie said as he bonked my forehead.

"Hey you little ass." I said pretending to be angry. Failing miserably of course. He starts getting up using his hands to push himself up. He looks down at me for a few. I look back at him. I stare into his beautiful orbs. I think of something to say.

"Thanks for all the skittles." I looked at them all spread across the floor. Picking one up and throwing at his face. His legs are straddle around my hips. Fuck.

"They have an extra salty taste of dust now!" Frank says excitedly. As he eats the one I threw at him. This little weird fuck.. But, he's my little weird fuck. Well in my mind. Yes, that's sad.

"Real classy, Frank." I say rolling my eyes then meltig into a smile. He just shrugs happily.

He starts hastily getting up. Pushing against my sensitive, umm, area. I grunt in response. He looks at me funny.

"You okay?" he says smiling. Extending his hands to help me get up. Finally, I get to my feet. I closed the front door. Then looked back at him.

"Of course, Fwankie." I said responding with a sleepy cheeky grin. So tiiiiiired. He giggles with his notorious adorable giggle.

"Your so weird.", he chimes.

"Never said I was normal. It didn't come with the my manual.", I laughed. He giggled again. God, I really love this kid. He makes me melt inside.

"What the fuck? Like a robot?" he says giggling. I look at him smiling warmly.

"Yep!" he smiles back at me.

"So... Why are you here again at-" I glanced down at my phone then spoke "- 5:10 a.m. in the fuckin' morning?" I asked wiping my eyes. He rolls his eyes.

"I announced it before I totally took your ass down!" he says laughing.

"Oh yeah, huuhhh." I said dazed staring at the wall. I felt like I was falling asleep with my eyes open. Hm, is that possible? I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. A big fluffy cl-

"Gee!" Frankie exclaims. I jumped like two feet in the air like a damn cat. I felt my heart pounding hard in my chest.

"Yes, Frankie?" I said not trying to sound so irritated. He giggles.

"What do you want for your birthday Gee?!" he asks so excited.

"Sleep." I mumbled. He giggles a little harder then he had been. I look at him trying to smile. Being tired, it failed me to try.

"Alright, fine." he rolls his eyes. "..but later we will discuss it." I nod blankly.

"Oh, and Gee?" he asks shyly.

"Yes, Frankie?" I answered mindlessly. He yawns. Which I yawn back. Damn contagious yawns.

"May I sleep with you until we have to go to school?" he starts. "I snuck outta my house, and.. I don't wanna go back", he says looking down. His hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course Frank!" Hoping for him to smile. I know his home is not exactly "homie" for him. "No problemo." He giggles at my failed attempt of an accent. I smile at him. I motion him to follow me downstairs to the basement.. Slash my room.

"You can take my bed and I'll-"

"No." I look up at him questioningly. "Sleep with the bed." he says in a hushed tone. But I heard him loud and clear. I don't know to respond. "It get's fucking cold down here.." he looks at me with those golden hazel eyes.

"Uhh, okay, Frankie." I say confused.

"Only if it's okay, with.. with you? " he asks nervously. Hm, nervously? Was is he afraid of?

"Of course, Frankie." I say smiling at him. He smiles. Damn, there goes my heart again. I rearranged all my pillows and pull the blanket up properly. He looks around awkwardly then looks back at me.

"Umm, Gee, is it okay if I take my shirt and uhh,.. pants off." he asks nervously. I wonder if he thinks I would like molest him or something? I know he knows I'm bi, but I would never do such a thing.

"Frank, I'm not going to rape you?!" I say laughing. He calms a bit. Well, I guess it was that. Ouch.

"Not even like that Gee." he says.

I pull up my blanket so I can lay under it. Aw, sweet, warm, soft bed. I take a glance and look at Frankie. His shirt was almost over his head. I took a bit to look at his sexy tattooed chest. So beautiful. Then I look up to his face to see him looking back at me.

"Yeah, I never showed you all of them huh?" he said looking down at his chest.

"No, you haven't." I say dazed. Great he saw me staring.

He goes over by my dresser taking off his nose and lip piercing. As he walked, I barely noticed he took his pants off too. He was only wearing his boxers. Sexy Batman boxers. Nice. Oh dear Frankie, you have such an amazing ass I'd like to-

Then he turned around to make his way to the bed. I quickly looked back up to the ceiling before he noticed I was looking. Hopefully he didn't. He pulls over the blanket. He slides his little self under it. Looks at me and I stare back. My breath getting caught in throat once again.

"Goodnight Gee." he says smiling. I swallowed hard.

"Goodnight Frankie", I said with the breath I tried to inhale. He was turning to his side. Then he slightly turned back to me.

"Oh, and Gee?" he begins

"Yes Frank?" I asked almost half asleep.

"It's not called rape if you would enjoy it?" Who the fuck likes rape? What a sick fu-.....Wait.... WHAT?!..... I tried to turn back to respond before he cut me off.

"Goodnight!" he says hastily turning back to his side and turning the lamp off. Pitch black. Did he just really say that? Was he just being funny? Or was he signaling something to.. me? I could feel the warmth of his body so close to mine. It all felt so tingly. Fuck, I hope I remember this all the morning.. And I sure as fuck hope this is not a dream.

The more I thought, the heavier my eyes felt. Then I laid on my side to where my back was facing his. I laid my head on the pill-

"Ouch!" I said quietly mouthed out. I felt something like push into my skull when I tried to lay my head. I ran my hand through my hair. Fuck! Something was stuck in my hair. I tried to be so gentle, but it didn't work. When I finally pull it out, I tried to figure out what it was. I can't see shit! I try to feel what it is. I think it's a, a SKITTLE! Damn Frankie.. I roll my eyes.

"Eh" I say quietly to myself. I put the skittle into my mouth and chewed. Oh Frankie dear, how you rub off on me.

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