Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm just a boy who wants to live this life that's so wrong...

Vanilla Icecream and Scarefaced

by DameinVein 1 review

Say hello to my little friend!!!! Its called FRENCH BOMBING!!!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2013-07-31 - 401 words

Ray is still a laughing as we make our way up from the basement to the freezer to get the french vanilla icecream...i prefer frozen yogurt though.
"Ray shut up you sound like you got tourettes!!!"
"Maybe i do fucktard."
"Bitch." He he i changed it.
"Oh well lookie who's talking your the one named after a suasage in the first place!"
"Go eat shit you dick head!" I scream.
"This is like Jay and Silent Bob except me and you are both acting like Jay." Ray started to smile with big catfish lips.
"Watever Ray..." I turned and my hips swayed as i strutted to the freezer.
"Get your sway back little self over here sausage boy!"
"I'm getting your god blasted ice cream so shut the hell up!!"
I grabbed a medium sized metal ice cream scoop and grabbed two bowls, setting the icecream and mixed berry frozen yogurt ontop of the deep freeze.
Putting the scoop in the sink and the ice cream and yogurt back into the deep freeze.
Ray had made himself comfortable on the sofa and as i peeked around the corner i saw the begining credits to Scareface.
Oh Hells Yeah!!
I grab two spoons and bounce/run to the couch.
Handing Ray his frozen cow squeasings and a spoon.
"Thanks Fwrankie..."
He gives me a a big moist and soft kiss to the side of my neck making me moan.
"Rayyy! Stawp it!"
He giggled evily and kissed it again but just a sweet quick kiss now.
He sat there deeply lost in space and enjoying his icecream when the surround sound blasted; SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!!!!!
Ray screamed and threw his icecream by accident as it flew out of his hands time seemed to slowed as it his the side of my head and poured down me in my hair and on my lap and shirt my arms and legs hands...the whole deal.
I shut off the TV with the remote and he began apologizing.
"Oh my god Frankie im so sorry I_"
"Its ok mdon't call me Frankie just Frank okay?"
He nodded "Ok Frank i really am sorry though."
"Dude...Don't worry about it. Wash the dishes and I'll go shower."
Short Chap sorry it'll be getting nice and spicy hot soon so hope you enjoy Happy Reading!
-Frank Lefte
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