Categories > Original > Romance > Kiss Me


by sickly_ill 1 review

Chapter 5 - Blissfully

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2013-08-14 - 2378 words

I’m helping my mom with dinner, grating the cheese for tacos, when I hear my phone ring. I just ignore it at first, but then I think it can be Hayden. I eat the last chunk of cheese and scramble to my room, my phone still ringing. And sure enough, Hayden’s number flashes on my screen. I squeal and answer it. “Hello.” I breathe.

“Hi,” I smile at his subtle greeting. “How was your day?”

“It was great! I mean, I went on a date with this really hot guy from my friend’s welding class, but I don’t know what to make of him.” I smirk.

“Oh really? How hot is this guy you speak of?” He plays along.

“Oh, on a scale of one to ten, I’d say he’s a twenty.” I bite my lip.

“I am not a twenty. I’d say I’m about an eight. But there’s this girl I met and she’s gorgeous. For sure a solid ten.” He turns the tables on me.

“Mmm. And what makes her a solid ten?” I ask softly as I lay on my bed and bite my nails.

“Well, she’s got a nice curvy body, round booty, perky tits, and the world’s best smile.” I just gape knowing he can’t see me. Then I hear him laugh at my no response. “I would say I was just joking, but when I opened the door for you I kinda spotted that ass of yours. And your boobs, well that’s a given, no matter how baggy your shirt is. And your smile is a given.”

“And what about my curvy body?”

“Well, from your ass to your tits, any guy can imagine the rest.” I gasp. “But it would help if you’d wear some tight clothes every once in a while. Then I can make a more accurate guess as to what it really looks like.” Oh my gosh.

“Are we really talking about my body right now?” I snort.

“Well, I don’t just think about your body. Your personality makes you gorgeous. Your smart remarks, your sarcasm, the way you bite your lip when you’re nervous.” And unconsciously I’m biting my lip. “And your amber eyes are very enticing.”

“I could say the same, Hayden.” I remember his eyes and a delicious shiver rumbles through my body. I close my eyes to feel it all.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” He asks, my eyes still closed. Imagining him sitting in the Starbucks café.

“Nothing really. I have to babysit till six though.” I frown.

“Well, I got some shit to do anyway.” He sighs. “I guess I’ll see you Monday, Sky.”

“Yeah. See ya Monday.” I frown.

“Good night, Sky.”

“Good night, Hayden.” I smile and hang up. I sigh and just lay on my bed. Then my door flings open. It’s my mom.

“Who was on the phone?” She asks, wiping her hands on a rag.

“Nobody.” I sigh.

“Well, dinner’s ready.” She says.

“I’m not hungry.” I mumble and close my eyes.

“Okay, then. Don’t be bitchin’ later that you’re hungry.” She closes my door and I drift to sleep and dream of Hayden and I kissing.

It’s Sunday morning and I get up to go babysit. I put on some comfy clothes and head out, but not before grabbing my phone. I check my messages while walking to Kathy’s and I see a message from Hayden. My heart flutters and I open it.

Good morning, Sky :) I smile at the message.

Good morning, Hayden. Isn’t it a lil early for u to be up?

Of course not. Austin & I r working.

Well, I’m gonna be working in a matter of 3…2…1. Talk later :)

I put away my phone and enter Kathy’s to babysit her kids while she runs a few errands. I just play with them and watch cartoons when Kathy comes back two hours later. She pays me twenty and thanks me. I head out and check my phone again.

Hayden: Done yet?

Yeah. U? I go through more messages and see one from Trevor. I frown.

Trevor: Hey, beautiful. What do u say if I take u out 2 c a movie?

I just reply: Can’t. Busy. Sorry.

Hayden: Nope. Not yet. But I’m thinking of you every second ;)

Me: Ur cute. Now get to work! :P

Trevor: OK. I can take a hint I’m sure you can. I just ignore Trevor and get into the house to watch the morning novelas with Elio.

It’s around noon when Hayden calls. “Yellow?” I snort.

“Oh God, you’re one of those.” He plays.

“Um, excuse me, sir. But I think you have the wrong number.” I fake a British accent, and Elio’s staring at me. I smirk.

“Then I’m sure you won’t mind if I hang up.” Hayden replies in his own British accent.

“No!” I laugh. “How was work?” I ask as I pick at the couch pillow in my lap.

“It was boring. But I made a little extra cash. Which I’m hoping to spend on you today?” He suggests, and I hear the fear of rejection in his voice.

“Sure, I guess.” I furrow my brows. “What are we gonna do in January?”

“Something fun.” He smiles. We decide that I’d go pick him up. I tell Elio I’ll be back later and leave. I remember my way to his house, and pull up. He’s standing on his porch, waiting. I smile and he gets in to my warm Honda. I smile at him, and unexpectedly he kisses me. As if we were a couple that had been dating a while. At first I’m just taken by surprise, but then I melt against his lips and kiss back. When we pull apart I’m left breathless.

“Hi.” He smiles as he rests his forehead against mine. I giggle.

“Hi.” I bite my lip and put the car in drive. “So, where are we going?”

“Golden Skate on 4th Plain.” He caves instantly.

“We’re going roller skating?” I smile.

“Yeah! I haven’t been in a while, and it just seemed appealing at the time. If you don’t want to we can do something else.”

“No! I’m not complaining. I’m actually looking forward to watching you fall flat on your ass.” I smirk.

“I’m an excellent skater, mind you.”

“Oh, really? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure I can smoke you.” I challenge as I drive towards fourth plain.

“We’ll see when we get there.” He ends it with that and directs me to a small, run down skating rink. “It’s not as gross as it looks.” He smirks at my grimace when we pull into the parking lot.

Once getting inside, Hayden pays for both of us and we get our skates. I get roller blades because traditional roller skates just don’t get enough speed fast enough for me. Hayden gets roller blades too, but I’m guessing it’s just to challenge me. We pick a table and change into our rental skates.

The place isn’t too shabby, and isn’t crowded either. I hit the floor, skating to some bad techno. I get a feel for the floor. Then I feel a hand on the small of my back. I turn around and see Hayden skating beside me. I smile as I see his hair wave with the air blowing through it.

We skate in silence to some more bad music, but decide to take a rest and get some food. I get cotton candy and an Icee. He grabs some nachos and an Icee, too. He pays, yet again, and we take our food back to our table. I nibble at my cotton candy and take sips from my blue raspberry Icee. He just wolfs down everything as I watch. He belches when he’s done. “Whoa, excuse me.”

“You’re excused.” I muse and sip at my Icee. His is empty. I smile and motion my Icee toward him, offering. He grins and takes a drink. “So, what do you say we get outta here and find a place with better music?” I suggest.

“Not before I beat you in the rink.” He kisses my nose and skates towards the rink. I scramble to my feet and hurry to the rink. We’re standing at the entrance, side by side. “Three laps.” Those are the parameters. “One…Two…Three.” He counts, and we’re off.

We race. I start out great, a whole lap ahead of him, but he comes out of nowhere and skates ahead of me. I dig deeper, my heart and adrenaline pumping, and skate faster. At the curve of the rink I cut him off and finish first. I grin and skid to a stop. “What do you think of me now?” I quirk an eyebrow.

“I think you’re not like any other girl I know.” He skids to a stop in front of me as I lean against the rink’s carpeted border. “You aren’t afraid to hurt my ego and win.”

“Mmmm, not in my nature.” I bite my lip and skate to the inlet. I go back to our table and take off my roller blades. Hayden skates over with a grin.

“Ready to go?” I ask. He nods and we return our skates. We walk to the car and wait for it to warm up while Still Corners plays softly in the background.

“Who is this?” Hayden asks as he turns it up a little.

“A band from SubPop Records named Still Corners.” I smile and feel the heater kick in.

“They’re so different.” He smirks. “Much like their fan.”

“Oh my gosh! What is so different about me?” I ask in exasperation. He mentions me being different, but doesn’t really expand on it much.

“Well, the way you carry yourself. So proud, but still shy. It’s not a confidence thing that most girls have when they walk. You have a real pride in yourself that shows when you walk down the halls. But you’re very subtle about it. One can only see it if they really look hard.”

“So you’ve been watching me.” I state.

“Yes. I admit that I have.” His honesty so baffling to me. He doesn’t really hesitate much to say what he thinks or feels or wants. “And I’ve seen right through that tough exterior.” He points to the middle of my chest. “I see the love you have for your brother. I hear it when you talk to him. Your eyes show it every day. And I also see that you work hard for your family. You’re willingness to share. The respect you give to everyone you meet. That is what I’ve observed of you. And I know it sounds completely out of line coming from me, a person you met only a little while ago, but it’s like I’ve got Sky x-ray vision.” I chuckle. “I see everything that you are as of right now. I see that you’re smart, that you’re caring and kind. But I also see that you’re strong. Even though you might hurt from time to time, you don’t let that stop you. I see all of that every day I see you. Either in the shop, at lunch, or just in the hallways.

“You talk to everyone with manners and with regard of their mood. You smile at everyone like they’re the only one in the room. Like it’s a special smile only reserved for them. And I see your ability to understand. You make things personal. You make that connection through constant eye contact. Those amber eyes that are like no others I’ve come to look at or meet.” I am left breathless at his words.

“How do you come up with this shit?” I hear myself saying.

“Some people can articulate just how they feel verbally. But now seeing that you’re an artist, you can’t. You’re bound to your pencils, pens, and brushes. I can come up with it because I don’t know how to communicate this any other way.” He smiles. “Because even now, you have no words to reply with. Draw me a picture.”

“Will do.” I bite my lip, and lean in for a kiss. He meets me halfway and gingerly lays his lips on mine. “Now, we have to get home so I can draw you that picture.” And put the car in reverse.

We drive home listening to All Time Low and Norah Jones. In silence, I drive. Watching the road, and the other cars. Then I feel Hayden’s hand hold mine. I blush as he enlaces his fingers with mine. I try to focus on the road, but his thumb is gently brushing my knuckles. Back and forth. “You’re very distracting.” I smile.

“Oh, for real?” He asks out of concern. He starts to let go when I tighten my fingers with his.

“But don’t stop. I like it.” I smile and adjust to driving with one hand.

I drive him to his house. The lights are on, and his mom’s car is in the driveway. “Well, I hope you had a good day today. I know I did.” He grins at me.

“I did. And once I get home I’ll get that picture started.” I smirk.

“You do that. But make sure to text me so I know you got home safety, okay?”

I roll my eyes. “I live five minutes from here.”

“Yeah, but a lot can happen on the road between my house and yours. Just text me, okay?” I nod and he kisses me good night. “I’ll see you tomorrow, babe.” My heart leaps at the cute pet name.

“Okay, Hayden.” I bite my lip, not knowing what to call him. He gets out and I drive home blissfully.
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