Categories > Cartoons > Tiny Toon Adventures > Who Framed Buster Bunny?


by TTAFanatic13 0 reviews

I have a fiasco in Toontown.

Category: Tiny Toon Adventures - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-06 - Updated: 2006-08-06 - 1291 words

The bullets load themselves. Eric is about to take a drink when he pours the drink away. He throws the bottle and shoots a toon bullet at it. He then drives down the tunnel into Toontown. At the end of the tunnel are a pair of red curtains which lift to
reveal Toon town. Here it is day time and Eric squints against
the sudden bright light. Around him is countryside and thousands of toons.

Toons: 'Smile, Darn ya smile,
You know that your world
is a great world after all...'

As Eric drives along three birds fly around him in the car.

Birds: Hi Eric! Bye Eric!

The birds fly out and a lone bird flys in.

Bird: Hi Eric! Bye Eric!

As Eric turns to look at the bird he crashes into the car he was following. He gets out and is surrounded by complete chaos. He looks inside the other car, banging his head. A flock of toon birds hatch out above his head and Eric shoos them away.

Eric: Get outta here.

He then sees Jessica in a tall building. He waits for the lift to arrive and when it does it hits the ground with such force that it rattles the whole building. Droopy is the lift man.

Droopy: Going up sir...

Eric steps into the lift and falls down two feet to the floor of the lift.

Eric: Yaaaaaghh!

Eric looks up at Droopy who is standing on a box.

Droopy: Mind the step sir... Hold on sir...

The lift shoots up with such velocity that it squashes Eric to the floor.

Eric: Yaaaaggh! Hmmhmmm!

The lift stops suddenly so that Eric hits the padded roof of the lift.

Eric: Yaaaaaaggh!

Droopy: Your floor sir...

Eric falls out of the lift. Droopy sticks his head out of the lift before the doors close.

Droopy: Have a good day sir...

Eric: Gotcha!

Eric opens the door to Jessica's room to see her inside with
some underwear. As she turns around the hair drops from her face to reveal a hag.

Hag: A man!

The hag runs towards Eric lips puckered for a kiss. Eric slams the door on the hag and her lips impale the door.

Hag: Yoo hoo! Lover boy! Kiss Mina Hyena!

Eric tries to hide in the toilet. He feels the wind and looking down sees no floor.

Eric: Arrrrggghh! Oh no! Aaarrrgghh!

Eric falls and grabs hold of a pole on which Sweetie is nesting.

Sweetie: Oh look! Piggies!

Eric: Hi Sweetie.

Sweetie: This little piggy went to market, and this little piggy stayed at home...

Eric: No!

Sweetie: This little piggy had roast beef. And this little pig had ...

Eric: Aaaaaaaaarrrghhhh!....

Sweetie: Uh oh! Ran out of piggies!

As Eric falls Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse appear next to him
with parachutes strapped to their backs.

Bugs: Eh, what's up Doc? Jumping without a parachute? Kinda dangerous aint it?

Eric: Yeah.

Mickey: Yeah. Ha! You could get killed. Ha ha. Huh?

Eric: You guys got a spare?

Mickey: Er, Bugs does.

Eric: Yeah?

Bugs: Yeah. But I don't think you want it.

Eric: I do! I do! Give it to me!

Mickey: Gee. Ha ha. Better let him have it Bugs.

Bugs: O.K. Doc. Whatever you say. Here's the spare...

Eric: Thank you. [Eric tugs the release cord to reveal a tire with the word spare written on it.] Oh no! Aaaaarrrgghh!

Mickey: Ah. Poor fella.

Bugs: Yeah. Aint I a stinker?

Eric is about to hit the floor when the Hag catches him.

Hag: My man!

The kiss sends Eric skidding across the road.

Hag: Come to Nina!

Eric looks up to see the hag stampeding towards him. Looking
down at the road he picks up the line painted there and lays it against the nearby wall. The hag follows the line around and crashes into the wall and knocks herself senseless.

Eric: Toons. Gets em everytime.

Eric hears footsteps in a nearby alleyway and walks down it. It is very dark and gloomy.

Eric: Ahchhhoooo!

Shadow: Gesundheit!

Eric: Thank you.

Jessica: Bunny!

Eric looks back to see Jessica pointing a gun at him.

Eric: I always knew I'd get it in Toontown.

The shadow of a gun pointing itself at Eric from the other direction casts itself on the wall beside Eric.

Jessica: Behind you!

Jessica shoots and the gun falls from the shadows hand.

Eric: [Drawing his own gun.] Drop it lady.

Jessica: I just saved your life and you still dont trust me?

Eric: I dont trust anybody or anything.

Jessica: Not even your own eyes? [Indicating a golden gun on the floor.] That's the gun that killed R.K. Maroon and Doom pulled the trigger.

Eric: Doom?!

Jessica: I followed him to the studio but I was too late to stop him.

Doom: [Running down the alleyway.] That's right! You'll never stop me! You're dead. You're all dead!

Eric: Doom!

Eric shoots three times with his gun but before the bullets reach him he dissappears down a side alley. The bullets grind to a halt.

Bullet1: Which way'd he go?

Bullet2: Well I don't know.

Bullet3: [Pointing the wrong way.] He went thata way.

Bullet1: Let's go!

Eric: Dum dums. [Throws gun away.]

Jessica: Come on!

Eric: Yeah.

Jessica: [Seeing her car boot open and empty.] Oh no! Where's Buster?

Eric: Buster? He chickened out on me back at the studio.

Jessica: No he didn't. I hit him on the head with a frying pan and put him in the trunk... So he wouldn't get hurt.

Eric: Makes perfect sense.

Jessica: We're obviously not going anywhere in my car. Let's take

Eric: [Pointing back down the road where swerving tyre marks lead off into the distance past burst water hydrants and knocked over lamps.] I've got a feeling someone already did.

Jessica: From the looks of it I'd say it was Buster. My honey bunny was never very good behind the wheel.

Eric: A better lover than a driver huh?

Jessica: You'd better believe it buster. [They here a siren.] Uh oh! It's the weasels. This way, we'll take Gingerbread Lane.

Eric: No wait! No, no. Gingerbread Lane's this way.[Sticks out thumb.]

Benny: [Appearing from nowhere.] So Eric. You call a cab or what? [Looking at Jessica.] Hubba hubba hubba. Allow me madam moiselle.

They speed along the tunnel leaving Toontown.

Eric: So how long have you known it was Doom?

Jessica: Before poor Marvin Acme was killed he confided in me that Doom wanted to get his hands on Toontown and he wouldn't stop at anything.

Eric: So he gave you the will for safe keeping.

Jessica: That's what he told me, except when I opened the envelope there was only a blank piece of paper inside.

Eric: Huh! A joker till the end.

Benny: So where to already? My meter's running.

Jessica: I have to find my darling husband. I'm so worried about him.

Eric: Seriously? What do you see in that guy?

Jessica: He makes me laugh.

As they leave the tunnel Doom tips a barrel of Dip onto the
road. Benny spins round on it and crashes into a lampost.

Benny: Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! I've been dipped!

Eric and Jessica are sent flying and Benny appears to be dead.

Doom: Tsk tsk tsk. What an unfortunate accident. Nothing more treacherous than a slippery road and especially when driving in a maniacal Toon vehicle.

The weasels drive out of the tunnel and pull up next to Doom.

Smart Ass: Good work fellas

Doom: Don't just stand there. Help them. Put them in my car. I think they'll enjoy attending the ribbon cutting at the Acme factory.

Smart Ass: Come on you mugs.
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