Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Long Lost Past (Pt. 1->Pt. 12)


by story_master 2 reviews

Jasmine has decided to leave without saying goodbye and Hera has discovered something interesting.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-08-07 - Updated: 2006-08-07 - 1726 words

They were all thinking this terrifying thought when they heard a sound. It was laughing. Someone was laughing. They followed the sound of the laughter. Then they saw Jay sitting with Jasmine. They were talking and laughing.
' What could they possibly be laughing at with all that's happened in the last couple of days?' Theresa thought angrily as she watched the siblings.
Jay turned to them.
" Hey guys." he called his voice was low because he was still exausted from his fight with Cronus.
" Hello," Chiron said as he made he way over to them, " Jay, you should be resting."
" I know but I had to say goodbye, and get my medalion back." he replied.
" Goodbye?" Everyone seemed to be very confused.
" Yes. I'm leaving." Jasmine said.
" Leaving? Why?" Neil asked.
" I don't belong here," she replied sadly, " I'm not a hero or anything like you guys. My place isn't here."
" Where are you going to go?" Odie asked.
" I don't know...," she paused thinking hard, " Maybe I'll go exploring all over the world."
" At least stay for a little longer. We'll need your help if Cronus comes back." Herry said.
" I guess I could stay for a couple of days."
" Who's hungry?" Theresa asked.
" I am." almost everyone was hungry.
" Me and Atlanta will go pick up some food." Theresa suggested.
" We will?" Atlanta asked.
" Yeah. We'll be back soon." Theresa said practically pulling Atlanta out the portal.
Theresa started walking really fast despite the pain her injuries caused her.
" Hey Theresa? What's up?" Atlanta asked catching up with her friend.
" There's something I don't trust about Jasmine. It's just this feeling I have." Theresa admitted.
" I don't know she seems nice to me." Atlanta said as they left the school.
Back at the school Jasmine seemed to be getting along fine with everyone. Theresa was the only one who was suspicious. Hera and Chiron entered the room as everyone was laughing at old family stories Jasmine and Jay were telling. Hera cleared her throat.
" Jay... can I see you for a moment." Hera motioned towards her office.
" Uhh yeah. Sure." Jay replied. He struggled to get up as he was in tremendous pain. He tried not to let it show. Herry offered to help him but Jay refused. Slowly Jay made it to Hera's office.
" Okay," Chiron said as Hera closed the door, " Time to change your bandages and check your wounds."
Hera and Jay were still in her office when Theresa and Atlanta came back. Everyone was waiting around for Jay to come back out. About half and hour later Jay emerged from Hera's office. He had a slightly confused look on his face.
" What's up?" Odie asked as Jay rejoined them.
" It's about Jasmine...," Jay paused and looked at his friends, " ... speaking of her where did she go?"
" To the bathroom." Archie answered.
" Well I guess it's better if I tell you guys first..."
Jay told his friends what Hera had told him.
" Wow." Neil said.
" How do we know if we can trust her?" Theresa asked.
" Ya," Archie added, " I mean she handed you over to Cronus twice, she kept switching sides and no one kows anything about her."
" Hera said we could trust her." Jay replied.
Jasmine was around the corner and she heard the last bit, about them not trusting her. ' I knew I didn't belong here.' she thought unhappily. Jasmine decided she would leave that night, under the cover of darkness. It was for the best. Jasmine went around the corner and pretended like everything was fine and that she had heard nothing.
" Hey guys." she said.
" Hey." they all replied.
" Well I've gotta go. Come on Herry," Odie said," Bye."
" Bye" Herry said as they left.
" I'm going to go look at the sights of New Olympia since I'm here." Jasmine said, faking a smile.
" Okay," Jay said, " We'll just be hanging out here."
" Bye." Jasmine said, heading out the door.
" Bye." they replied as she left.
Jasmine walked around New Olympia for almost two hours and she wasn't even sight seeing. She was just absent mindedly wandering. When she was done she went back to the school and sat on the steps. By this time the sun was setting. She was joined by Jay after about ten minutes.
" It's nice isn't it?" Jay asked, referring to the sunset.
" Yeah." Jasmine sighed.
" We're going to watch a movie inside. You want to come?" Jay asked.
" Uhh, if it's alright with you I'm just going to hang out here for a while." Jasmine said Theresa and Archie's words still burned in her memory.
" You sure?" Jay asked.
" Yeah." Jasmine said as she leaned back on the steps.
Jay went back inside leaving Jasmine alone on the front steps of the high school. Long after the sun had set Jasmine decided to go inside. By that time everyone was alseep. Jasmine just had to grab her stuff and go. She picked up her stuff, took one last look at everyone, at her brother and left. She was halfway to the portal when she realized she was being followed. She turned around and came face to face with Theresa, the one who didn't trust her... at all.
" Why are you following me?" Jasmine asked in a whisper.
" You can't leave." Theresa replied also in a whisper.
" Why not? I don't belong here." Jasmine replied.
" Just stay until tomorrow night. Hera has something she needs to tell you." Theresa said.
" It doesn't matter what she has to say I've made my mind up. I'm leaving."
" Just here what Hera has to say."
" Fine"
With that the girls returned to the sleeping area. The next day Hera called Jasmine into her office.
" Jasmine there's something you need to know," Hera started, " You see Jay, Theresa, Herry, Atlanta, Archie, Odie and Neil were all chosen to become heroes because the blood of their ancestors flows through there veins. They are part of a prophesy. They are the chosen seven to stop Cronus and save the world from his destruction. But in that prophesy it is also speaks of an eighth hero. This eighth hero is called the Lost Treasure. The Lost Treasure holds the key to Cronus' defeat."
" Why are you telling ME this?" Jasmine asked.
" Because Jasmine," Hera paused, " You are the Lost Tresure."
" What?"
" It is your destiny to help stop Cronus. You need to stay and help the others."
" You have the wrong person. I'm not a hero." Jasmine said. She got up and started walking towards the door.
" Yes you are. The blood of Jason runs through your veins. You do not have to accept this fate you can choose to leave right now. But, you would be letting down not only yourself but the world as well."
Hera let this set in Jasmine's mind for a moment.
" They don't trust me. How can I help them if they don;t trust me?"
" They will, in time. Trust must be earned. They all know about the Lost Treasure. They all now that they need to trust you. It will just take time."
" I don't know..."
There was a knock at the door.
" Yes come in." hera said.
It was Jay, Theresa, Herry, Odie, Atlanta, Archie and Neil.
" Have you decided yet?" Jay asked Jasmine.
Jasmine looked from Hera to Jay and the others then baack to Hera.
" I've decided I'm leaving."
" But-"
" I'll still help you any way I can but I don't belong here. I belong out in the world."
" In that case...," Odie said walking towards Jasmine, " Take this." He handed her a PMR.
" What is it?" Jasmine asked.
" It's so we can always find you if we need you or you can find any one of us if you need to and this way we can stay in touch with you." Odie expplained everything the PMRs did.
" Thanks," Jasmine said, she held back tears, " I'll come by and see you guys often."
" You'll need to for training anyways." Hera added in.
They all walked over to the portal.
" I guess this is goodbye." Jasmine said as she looked from face to face.
" I guess so." Jay said and then he hugged his sister.
" Bye." Archie said and hugged her as well.
" Cya." Atlanta said hugging Jasmine.
" Bye." Herry said and hugged her.
" We'll keep in touch." Odie said as he hugged her too.
" Goodbye." Theresa said and hugged Jasmine.
" Bye." Neil said and hugged her. She messed up his hair.
" Hey!" Neil said.
They all started laughing.
" Goodbye and good luck" Chiron said.
" Goodbye and take this, you'll need it." Hera said and she handded Jasmine a medalion like Jay's.
" Thanks. Goodbye." Jasmine took a picture with her PMR. Then she looked one last time at her new friends and went through the portal. As she stepped outside the school she knew her life would never be the same. She let out a long loud whistle and her Pheonix came. Jasmine got on and looked over at the door of the school. Everyone was standing there. She waved goodbye. The waved back as she flew away on her Pheonix.
" Do you think we'll see her again?" Neil asked.
Jay looked up at the sky.
" Yeah. I know we will."
That night as Jasmine slept she started to have that nightmare again. Only this time it was different. It was more like a dream. Instead of Jasmine falling off the cliff, Jay saved her. The nightmare changed into a dream because Jasmine was at peace with her mind and consience for she found her brother. And she no longer felt scared, confused, hurt, angry or sad about it. It was behind them now, she could move on. That night Jay also had the same version of that nightmare. Because it no longer haunted Jay's consience or his mind he could rest peacefully. He now knows what happened to his sister and he's found her. Jay is no longer searching for that missing part of his life.

AUTHORS NOTE: I hoped you guys like my story. Who knows maybe I'll write a sequel where Jasmine comes back. Or maybe she turns evil. All I can tell you is it could happen. (There probably will be a sequel" Please leave a review or comment. Constructive critism is welcome too.

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