Categories > Original > Romance > Kiss Me

Grabbing on Me

by sickly_ill 1 review

Chapter 25 - Grabbing on Me

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-11-07 - 3446 words

We head back to school. I park and we get out. “So, how was the date?” I ask Hayden. “And be honest!” I bite my lip. He grabs my hand and we stroll to my class.

“It was refreshing.” He smiles. “I liked it. Alone time. Relaxing underneath the tree. Music. Food. You.” He blushes. He is so the one for me!

“Aww! Really?” I stop him. He stands in front of me. Towering over my little frame.

“Of course. You told me to be honest.” He grins. I giggle.

“I did.” I nod and take his other hand. Playing with now both of them.

“Thank you for a down to earth date.” Hayden kisses me softly.

“You’re very welcome.” I kiss him more. “But I have to get to class.” The bell rings.

“How about you skip and come to the shop with me? I have welding.” He wraps his arms around my waist, taking my hands with him.

“And what am I supposed to do? Watch you?” I quirk an eyebrow.

“You can. Or you can help me?” He suggests.

“Babe, I don’t know the first thing about welding!” I whine.

“I didn’t mean welding. I need some parts machined to size. And Austin is too busy welding with me. And Ben is kinda slow.” Hayden chuckles. I smirk.

“Fine.” I cave.

“Good. C’mon.” He pecks my lips and drags me to the shop. In there, he gives me a layout and I get to work. I’m in the middle of cutting a piece when I feel somebody poke my side. I jump and yelp. I hear a giggle behind me. I stop the lathe and turn around. There I see Paco. I push him.

“You gave me a fuckin’ heart attack!” I breathe heavily.

“Sorry.” He laughs. I just shake my head. “So, what’s up?” He asks once he’s calmed down.

“Nothin’. You?” I turn back to my piece.

“Same.” He watches over my shoulder. “Hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime.” He suggests. Wait, what? Is he asking me out? I stop the lathe and face him.

“Are you asking me out?” I put my hands on my hips.

“Well, kinda. I just thought we’d catch a movie or something.” He rubs his hands together, like some nervous gesture or something.

“Uh, you do know I’m with Hayden, right?” I ask.

“Oh. I thought since you guys seemed to be having issues that you would’ve broken up with him already. Since he was fuckin’ with Bailey and shit.” He shrugs. “That’s why I didn’t ask you out earlier.”

“Well, he did fuck up, but we’re still together.” I say. “So, wait, why are you asking me out?”

“’Cause I like you. I think you’re a cool chick.” He shrugs again. Maybe another nervous gesture.

“I thought you were joking!” I refer back to when he hinted that he liked me in the cafeteria.

“Uh, no, I wasn’t.” He furrows his brows.

“Obviously.” I roll my eyes.

“Okay then, I’ll get outta here.” He breathes. I just nod because I don’t know what else to say. “I’ll see you around then.”

“Okay.” I nod again and he leaves. I sigh and go back to my piece. Contemplating telling Hayden. I mean, once I told Paco I was still with Hayden he backed off. But I feel that withholding information like this is kind of like lying. So, I decide to tell him. I didn't want to have him find out from somebody else. And I didn't want to keep anything from him, because as far I knew he's been completely honest with me. If told from someone else he'd take it the wrong way. And everything's been great between us since our…trouble. I don't want to ruin that.

After I tell him, he just shrugs it off. "As long as he keeps his hands and eyes to himself, everything'll be fine." He smiles and kisses my nose. I sigh in relief that he doesn't blow up and we go out to get some DQ.

The weekend passes and it's Monday again. I go into Anderson’s fifth period welding class just to hang out since there's no more competitions to practice for, and I know Hayden has this class. I thought I'd just distract him and watch him get scolded by Anderson for not doing anything.

I get into the shop and Anderson and I chat for a while before he's forced to get up and help one of his welding student's having trouble with the vertical weld. I just follow him out and chat with Joey while he's getting his gear on.

I'm sitting on the table near the CNC mill when Paco comes up behind me and wraps his arm around my waist. I jump and remove his arm. He gives me a confused look. I sigh. "Paco, you know I'm with Hayden."

"So?" He scoffs.

"So, that means no touching." I tell him.

"But I just can't keep my hands to myself." He comes to stand in front of me and grabs my waist. I frown and try to pry his hands off of my body I've decided to specifically give to Hayden.

"Paco, stop!" I command, but his grip is firm. "Paco, I'm serious! Stop!" I finally get him to remove his hands and I spot Hayden out of the corner of my eye coming from the back door. He saw everything.

I see anger sweep over his handsome face and my frown deepens. Dark eyes. Furrowed brows. Ominous frown. He starts toward us and I hop off the table. A brawl in the shop is dangerous for everyone. Especially with all this equipment laying out.

"Hayden, stop." I stand between him and Paco. I put my hands up. He looks down at me and I plead him to keep his balled fists at his sides. "Don't do this. Not here." I whisper because I notice all the students have stopped and are staring, waiting to see what Hayden, or Paco, will do.

Hayden looks me in the eyes and I know he realizes the danger and risk of fighting in the shop. Somebody could really get hurt. But even when I see him slump his broad shoulders in defeat, tension radiates off of him. I sigh in relief and put my hands down. But then grab his hand and enlace my fingers with his. "C'mon, let's go." I tug him toward the back door and out into the sun where he lets go of my hand and paces about.

Finally, he speaks. "What was he doing with his hands on you?"

"I don't know." I say lowly.

"How do you not fucking know?! You must've done something to suggest it was okay to touch you!" He steps towards me and I take a step back. I'm afraid of angry Hayden. His face is bright red, and there's always this one vain that pops out on his forehead. I look down at the ground and feel tears sting my eyes. He just stands in front of me and huffs and puffs

"Do you really think I'd do anything to make Paco think that I wanted him to make any sort of contact with me besides verbal?" I ask in disbelief. Hayden just remains silent. I look up at him. "I pushed him away. Just ask your fucking friends in there! They saw the whole thing! Logan was on the floor near the grinders! And so was Joey!"

I take a deep and calming breath before I make my way back inside the shop and go out through the front door to storm to the library where I know I can find a piece of mind among the vast amounts of books and comics.

I enter and it's quiet. The air is fresh and soothing. I greet Mrs. Hoffman and find some blank paper. I also grab a pen and find an empty table. There I close myself off to everyone and start to draw.

I draw a branch of cherry blossoms. But one is wilting. The petals falling off and floating down through the air. I am almost done shading the petals when the bell rings and I make my way to my last class.

After school I start to walk home. Alone. Elio has the car. I didn't want to be bothered by another's presence anyway. While I'm almost to the cross walk I hear Hayden's bike behind me. But I don't stop. I keep on walking as he slows down next to me. I don't glance his way, but I know he's telling me to get on the bike. But I don't want to. How dare he accuse me of leading Paco on. I mean, yeah, I'm nice to Paco because he's always been nice to me. Yeah, we're friends. But nothing more. I friendzoned his ass the day I met him. He's not boyfriend material. At all.

Finally, after reaching the cross walk, Hayden takes the hint that I'm not going to let him give me a ride home. He just speeds his way down McGillvary and I cross to get home as fast as possible.

The rest of the week entails me and Hayden not talking or making any kind of contact. He only came to school one day and he watches me walk across the courtyard from pottery to the cafeteria with Fabi by my side. I just glance his way and I see his wounded face. My heart is gripped with hurt and it takes all of my strength not to run into his arms and tell him I love him.

But I can't give in. He was in the wrong for accusing me of leading Paco on. But
then again, I could have accidentally done so.

After lunch I sit in the library and stare off into space thinking about how nice I was to Paco. How I helped him with his C-clamp and how I let him cheat off me so he didn't fail. It could be possible that I did mislead him by accident. Oh gosh! How could I be so stupid? I've driven Hayden away. It's all my fault. But I still feel angry and hurt that he even thought I willingly mislead Paco like I do it for my own sick entertainment.

Just as I'm thinking about how I can apologize to Hayden I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I jump and look at the person standing next to my sitting form. "Whoa, Cielo." Adelia giggles. "Are you okay?" I sigh and run my hand through my bangs.

"You scared me." I say. "And no." I look down at the table.

"Well, what's wrong?" She asks as she takes a seat next to me.

"It's Hayden." I sigh. "And Paco."

"Paco?" Adelia asks confused. "What happened?"

"Hayden saw Paco grabbing on me. I mean, I pushed him off, but he was still pissed." I explain in a low voice. "I mean, I would be too. If I saw some girl groping him. So we went outside and got into an argument where he said that I probably lead Paco on to make him think it was okay to touch me."

"What?" Adelia gasps. "But you don't like Paco like that. You even told me."

"I know." I sigh again. "So, I don't know what to do. We haven't talked in days."

"Go over to his house and start another argument, girl! He needs to hear this!" She says so encouragingly. I laugh. "For real!" She smiles.

"Okay." I cave. I just need to talk to him.

"Good." She nods. Just then the bell rings. "Walk me to my class?" I nod and we get up.

"Bye, Hoffman!" I wave.

"Bye, girls!" She smiles up from her computer screen.

Adelia and I walk to her photography class taught by Mr. Ray. He's a nice guy. He took pictures of my artwork for my portfolio.

I drop her off and head to my locker in the Senior Bay. As I'm walking passed the shop Paco is coming towards me. "Hey!" He greets me.

"Hey." I mutter.

"Where have you been? Class is boring without you." He nudges me. "I don't have anybody to fuck around with anymore."

"Well, things have been a little rocky between me and Hayden lately so I'm staying away for now." I say.

"Why are you still with that pussy?" He belittles me, and I let him. I'm not up for a fight today, so I don't respond. “If you were with me I'd treat you right." He places his fingers on my chin and I turn away.

"Paco don't." I warn him.

"Don't what?" He smiles. "You know you like it." He tries to grab my arm but I step back.

"I'm serious, you ass!" I furrow my brows. He goes for my arm again, this time faster and he grips it. Hard. "Paco! Stop! You're hurting me!" I try to pull my arm out, but he doesn't budge. Just then I hear footsteps run toward us. I expect it to be a teacher or something, but I see Hayden.

"Hey! Get your hands off my girlfriend!" He shoves Paco and scoots me behind his tall frame.

"Or what, puto!?" Paco shoves him back.

"Or I'm gonna kick your ass!" Hayden yells.

"Bring it on then!" Paco swings and Hayden ducks. I get out of the middle of the fight and watch in horror. Not because they're fighting over me, but because I don't want Hayden to get hurt. So help me God if Paco hurts Hayden I will wreak some havoc on his face.

"Hayden!" I hear myself call out. I don't know why, maybe because now they've fallen to the ground and are wrestling for dominance. I cover my mouth with my hands as I see one of Paco's fists connect with Hayden's cheek.

A crowd starts to form around them and I'm on the front lines. They're all just watching like me. Some whip out their phones and record. Just then I hear Anderson yelling, "Break it up!" He comes storming through the kids and to the quarrel.

Anderson yanks Paco up, but he's got a hold of Hayden's shirt. I get in and try to help Anderson. But I get knocked with one of Paco's fists and I fall on my butt. That makes them all freeze. My left eye goes blank, and the left half of my face in numb. I'm dazed a bit. "Sky!" Hayden gets up and kneels beside me. "Are you okay?" His words are slurred in my ears. I nod. He gets back up and I see him attack Paco all over again. I am helped up by Alex and Ben and pulled back to the sidelines. Once I'm secure they go in and help Anderson break up the bloody fight.

People are staring at me as I am trying to regain some sort of composure, but I'm clutching my face and seeing stars. "Paco stop!" I hear Alex.

"Hayden!" I scream. I start towards them again and grab his shirt. I pull and grab at his arm. "Hayden!" He finally stops and backs up with me and Paco is still trying to get at him.

"Paco, calmate!" Alex slaps Paco on the cheek. "Don't make me pimp slap you again, bitch." He laughs. I crack a small smile.

"Okay, kids! Disperse!" Anderson demands. Everyone leaves and then security comes running towards us. Wow, what a late arrival.

"All of you! Office!" Steve yells. We all grumble and head to the office. Hayden and I hand in hand. Damn, my face hurts.

We all spend the rest of the day in the office. Each one of us called in individually into Mr. Mathers's office to give him our side of the story. When I come back out Hayden's in the nurse’s office getting bandaged. He looks up at me and frowns. "Oh, baby." He stands up and cups my face.

"Is it that bad?" I ask.

"You look like hell." He smirks. I just smile weakly.

"Thanks." I say sarcastically. "And look at you." I run my fingers over a few cuts on his face. There's a bruise on his cheek.

"I'm okay. Just a few bumps and bruises. Nothing you can't kiss better." He grins. A sexy grin that makes me smile, but I wince as the side of my face feels like its on fire.

"Well, what if I don't want to kiss you?" The words tumble out before I have a chance to reassess and stop them. His grin falls. "I mean, you did accuse me of an untrue adultery."

"Not adultery." He says firmly. "And I didn't accuse you."

"Yes you did." I frown. He just sighs in defeat, because he knows I'm right.

"Fine. I'm sorry. I should have never said that. But he did have his hands all over you. Wouldn't you wonder too?" He asks.

"Actually, yes. That's what I was thinking about today. I was going to over to your house to talk. But, as you can see, I didn't make it." I gesture to where all the boys are sitting.

"Yes, I see that." He keeps frowning. "So, will you forgive me?" He asks. I look into his eyes and see him waiting.

"Yes." I nod. He just smiles and hugs me. I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest. He lets go and I see bandages on his elbows. He looks down too.

"Oh, from the wrestling match on the concrete today." He chuckles. I smile and shake my head. "C'mon, let's get this over with and go home." I nod and he leads us back to our seats.

We sit and wait for our punishment. Which is a week of ISS. All of us. Hayden, me, Paco, Alex, and poor Ben.

Detention isn’t too bad. We just sit and work on stuff, or talk quietly. Hayden sits next to me, followed by Ben. Paco and Alex sit on the opposite end of the room. Paco occasionally looks at me. But Hayden glares back and Paco averts his eyes. I smile a little at Hayden’s protectiveness. It’s kind of cute. I just place my hand on his arm and smile. He turns to me and kisses me. I bite my lip and blush a bit. I then get back to my work the lovely TA (teacher’s assistant) has picked up for me from my teachers’.

We finally get out for the day. School’s over. Elio has my car, so I’m getting a ride with Hayden. “Thank God this is the last day of ISS.” I sigh as I push the door open to reveal the sunny day.

“Yeah. Maybe Paco learned his lesson in keeping his hands off my girl.” Hayden sneers as we all pile out.

“Whatchu say, puto?” Paco pounces, but is caught and held back by Alex. I grab Hayden’s arm.

“Hayden, let’s go.” I pull him.

“You heard me! I see so much as talking to Cielo and next time it won’t be a punch to the fuckin’ face, bitch!” Hayden threatens. I just pull him again.

“Hayden!” I warn. “Ben, help me!” I look over at his flushed face.

“C’mon, dude.” He stands in front of Hayden.

“Hayden!” I warn again. He just takes a step back. I look over at Alex. We nod at each other in an understanding saying that we’ll keep them both on a leash until graduation.

“Andale, guey!” Alex shoves Paco. He cracks a small smile. He turns back to me, gives me a gloomy look, and then turns to walk away.

“C’mon, baby.” I enlace my fingers with Hayden’s. He looks down at me and he’s calmed. “Let’s go get a slurpee. It’s hot out.” I smile. He grins.

“Okay.” He nods. He kisses my forehead and puts an arm around my shoulders as we walk to his bike. Ben walks with us to his parked Toyota truck.

“Bye, Ben.” I wave at him. He smiles.

“See ya.” His deep voice coming out a little nervous. Something tells me he doesn’t have lots of female friends. I just shake my head and put on my helmet. Visor down. Hayden gets on his bike, and I follow.
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