Categories > Cartoons > Codename: Kids Next Door > Fanny's Triumphant Return

Chapter 14 Rachel's reserection

by orieo82 0 reviews

Rachel T. Mackenzie is making her appearance enough said

Category: Codename: Kids Next Door - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-11-22 - 2290 words

John Ward was a boy like any other except he had eleven brothers and sisters and Rachel T. Mackenzie was going to use that to her advantage.
Rachel's POV: Nigel and his band of snot nosed brats beat me once but I will return and then Nigel and Co. will be targetted by my friends for TDI Preschool Edition.
John yawned in his room not getting much sleep these days with eleven brother's and sisters bugging him to no end and no true friends to vent to.
John(Leafing through a book) I guess I should start studying seeing I have nothing better to do.
Rachel's POV(Chuckling) John you have no idea just how important you are but soon I'll make you realize your true potential and that's becoming my daughter.
John(Yawning) Ohhhhhhhhhh why do I always get so much homework?
Rachel laughed triumphantly knowing John was perfect just the way he was to bring her back to the real world.
Rachel's POV(Reading Heather's invite) Dear Mrs. Mackenzie I'd like to invite you to TDI Preschool Edition because I know how evil you can get. PS. bring a daughter to compete for top girl in TDI signed Heather Sanchez.
John(Rubbing his eyes and chugging soda) I need to find a way to continue studying and not fall asleep.
One of John's sisters banged on his door laughing evilly throwing sweaty gym socks in his face a green smoke emitting from them.
John's sister(Sticking her tongue out at him) Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah, hah IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII skunked you.
John(Making a face) Ewwwwwwwwwww Julie that is disgusting.
Julie(Skipping away) Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah, hah IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII skunked you.
John(Lying in his bed crying) Maybe- I- should- sleep- my- dreams- are- like- an- eternal- happy- place- among- this- hell- I- live- in.
John closed his eyes Rachel sneering leading John to a graveyard where he would see her headstone.
John(Walking around the graveyard) I guess even my dreams are becoming as depressing as my real life. Either that or I was summoned here by someone.
Rachel's POV: Time to work some magic.
The sky in the dream turned a bright pink and a beam of light lit up Rachel's headstone catching John's attention.
John(Reading) Rachel T. Mackenzie died of natural causes please do not disturb her slumber.
John found a shovel and completely ignoring the headstone dug up Rachel's grave to find her just a pile of bones and fashionable clothes.
John(Smiling) Do not disturb her slumber honestly what could happen?
A book fell in John's lap which was the story of Rachel T. Mackenzie and she knew how it would end.
John(Reading the last page) To bring me back I'll need three things 1. A loyal followers blood, 2. A loyal followers belief and three and the most important a strong imaginator.
John shrugged finding a shard of metal and slittling his wrist with it watching the blood splash onto Rachel's skeleton.
John: Number 2 a loyal followers belief and I believe in her even if I have no idea who Rachel T. Mackenzie is.
The skeleton's heart beat pumping blood into the skeleton giving it muscle mass and veins again as John closed his eyes for number 3 knowing he had a very strong imagination.
John(Beaming) One strong imaginator coming up.
The pink sky flashed onto the skeleton and it stood up John still imagining Rachel in her true form her cackle echoing across the sky skin a purple bra and purple panties joining the skeleton.
Rachel(Stretching) Damnnnnnnnn it's sooooooooo great to be back thanks to you boy of my dreams.
John(Looking Rachel up and down) Yeaaaaaaa you looked a lot different in my head but hey you win some you lose some.
Rachel(Hugging John) And to reward you I'll give you three wishes or one big wish.
John(Thinking) Hmmmmmmmmmmmm the only wish I have is that I'll be adopted into a smaller family.
Rachel(Beaming down at him) I think we can figure something out.
John: I heard about you in KND training and they said that your true form can only be revealed in reality if you had a daughter to call your own.
Rachel(Smiling) Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa what are you getting at?
John(Taking Rachel's hand) Welllllllllll I want a smaller family so I can have a Mama that will care about me.
Rachel(Chuckling) Yeaaaaaaaaaaa.
John: You need a daughter to be reserected so I figure what we have here is a win win situation for the both of us.
Rachel(Thinking) Hmmmmmmmmmmmm you know I think you may have something here so I'm going to take your little plan into consideration if you do one thing for me.
John: Sure new Mama anything you like.
Rachel: Find Nigel Uno and his band of misfits and tell me exactly where they're hiding.
John(Beaming) This is brilliant I know where they are they're in KND Treehouse. They went into hiding after they burned you to death.
Rachel(Ruffling John's hair) And one good deed deserves another.
John(Kissing Rachel's cheek) Great so when do we get my makeover?
Rachel(Picking John up) Who want's a piggyback ride home. Once home we'll begin your final transformation into my sweet, little, bundle of joy.
John giggled happily not remembering the last time he laughed happily but he did know that Rachel was going to give him a lot to be happy about.
Rachel(Opening the door to a mansion) After you apple of my eye and then I'll introduce you to nightgowns, baths, makeup, stuffy's, and a pure hatred for Nigel Uno and his do gooders just like your mama has.
John allowed Rachel to lead him to his new room which consisted in Powerpuff Girl everything.
John(Beaming) This is uuber perfect because my secret guilty pleasure is loving everything Powerpuff Girls.
Rachel: The eleven brothers and sisters are yours for the killing or scaring once your my little girl.
John(Punching his hand) I'm going to demolish every one of them.
Rachel: Your fake friends are yours for the deciding also.
John(Sneering) Theyyyyyyyyy will meet TDI Preschool Editions newest batch seeing they'll be my friends too.
Rachel(Pulling out undies and nightgowns) You'll be a very independent little one meaning you get to pick what you wear every day which in turn will make you a strong competitor in TDI Preschool Edition.
John picked out a pair of Blossom underwear, a Bubbles nightgown, and a pair of Buttercup slippers glad Rachel was letting him choose his own wardorbe.
Rachel(Leading John to the bathroom) I also have a lion costume that get's passed down to every Mackenzie woman I'd like you to try on.
John(Taking his clothes off) Since you are my Mama now I'll do whatever you want.
Rachel(Filling the tub with bubble bath) Good because the good listening gene was something Mama inherited when she was your age.
John: Exactly what age am I?
Rachel(Kissing his chin) Three because three was when I discovered tantrums and trust me when I say you will be the tantrum queen of TDI.
John(Jumping into the tub) Good because when I was three my mom said bubble baths and tantrums were my forte.
Rachel(Throwing Powerpuff Girl figures in the tub) You enjoy those while I go get your new daytime attire with working tail on the hiney.
John saluted Rachel picking Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup up and making them swim across the tub loving his new life not even caring that he would be a girl instead of a boy.
Rachel pulled a box from the closet in John's new room revealing colorful lion pajama's throw up, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, pee, fruit juice, grass stains fron KND camp, and all sorts of soda being the colors on the pajama's.
Rachel(Sniffing them) Ewwwwwwwwwwwww these are still not without their charms he, he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeeeee.
Rachel walked into the bathroom finding John pruny and three year old size just the way she wanted him.
Rachel(Walking up to the tub) All right kiddo time to try on your daytime attire with working tail on the hiney and there'll also be more daytime attires but these will be your go to clothes my friend.
John lifted his arms with Rachel lifting him out, drying him off, and putting the Blossom underwear and Lion costume on him.
Rachel(GIggling) They are just perfect mini me and like me you're going to learn to love them.
John(Gagging) They smell dissssssssgussssssstttttinnnnnnggggg I hate them.
Rachel(Kissing John's cheeks) I'll tell you what my mommy told me that smell is discovery and it'll grow on you.
John(Gagging) Do-I-have-to-wear-these-every-day-Mama?
Rachel: No as I said there are other daytime attires but these will grow on you because they are your new secret weapon. Just think what that smell can do to others in TDI.
John(Beaming) I could dominate the competition.
Rachel(Taking John's lion paw) Uh huhhhhhhhhhh and this costume will get you as far as you like.
John cackled as Rachel joined him and John also knew another way the lion costume work in his favor.
Rachel: Sooooooooooo are you going to wear the nightgown or the lion costume as pj's.
Rachel: Good for you now for the piece la resistiance your hair it needs to be blonde, silky, smooth, and bestest of all blow dried.
John let Rachel lead him to a mirror where she blow dried his hair and then he yawned which Rachel knew meant he was sleepy.
Rachel(Leading John to his room) Get sleep Rachel T. Mackenzie the 2nd tomorrow is TDI Preschool Edition day and that means those PJ's you wear will need to make thier very first camp expierience.
John closed his eyes transporting himself to Julie's dreams again knowing the lion costume would work in his favor.
Julie's Bad Dream
Julie beamed in her dreamworld a homage to Candyland and she was the princess of this Candyland having no idea John now embracing Rachel T. Mackenzie the 2nd was going to make this world his.
Julie(Sighing happily) Ahhhhhhhhhh this is the life the only thing missing is my cry baby brother and my stinky sweat sox to torture him with.
The sky in Julie's Candyland turned bright pink like when Rachel was reserected and John was transported to the world as a little girl.
Julie(Rubbing her eyes) Uhhhhhhhhhhh hello this is my dreamworld what are you doing here?
John(Holding out a paw) Rachel T. Mackenzie the 2nd at your service and I'm here to take my place as Candyland princess.
Julie(Scoffing) Wearing a cat cotume how stupido are you?
John(Sitting on Julie's throne) Yeaaaaaaaaaa I hear you like playing a game with your older brother called I Skunked You.
Julie(Looking up at John) Yeaaaaaaaaa so what if I do?
John(Beaming) I have the updated version.
Julie(Laughing hysterically) Up-dated-version-nobody-has-a-stink-as-bad-as-my-sweat-socks-sister.
John(Shaking his butt) Wanna make a bet and FYI we aint sisters we're now mortal enemies.
Julie saw a huge green gas cloud escape John's butt and she gagged as John smiled down at her shaking his butt again.
John: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaaaaa IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII skunked you and by the looks of things my smells greater then yours.
Julie(Gagging) Where-did-you-get-those-things-the-garbage-and-rotten-eggs-town?
John(Beaming) Nope they are a family heirloom and by the looks of things I'm going to be using them a lot more. now shove over Super No Smell time for me to take my rightful throne.
Julie(Running after John) Heyyyyyyyyyyyy this is my dream so I'm the princess here understand?
John(Rubbing up against Julie) Uhhhhhhhhhhh no and now you smell like my pajama's which in this case are really not that bad once you get used to them.
Julie(Gagging) How-do-you-get-used-to-that-horrible-smell?
John(Sitting on the throne) I'm a Mackenzie and that smell you dispise so much comes with the territory.
Julie(Shoving John) I-told-you-that-I'm-the-princess-here-seeing-it's-my-dream-not-yours.
John(Grabbing Julie) Time for you to learn the rules of dreams and rule number 1 is they can always be changed Julie.
John spread his arms out and a huge green smog cloud encircled the world making Julie pass out but John sniffed and beamed at the sleeping Julie.
Julie: Not even my best bad smell ever but you know you win some you lose some.
Julie was dragged to the throne under John's feet a gas cloud escaping them and Julie moaned waking up and seeing a princess robe of green smoke around John's back.
John(Beaming) Who skunked who now?
Julie(Struggling) Why-did-you-tie-me-up-with-something-slimy-pink-and-long? What-is-this?
John(Airing out his feet) My tongue see in dreams my imaginations the limit just like your brother's was and I wanted to punish you for the way you treated him.
Julie(Disgusted face) By tying me up with your tongue?
John(Nodding) Even when you wake up you'll be my slave meaning you'll have to get me everything I want.
Julie(Smirking) Ohhhhhhhhhhh no I'm not.
John(Looking down at Julie) Do you want to know the best thing about my lion costume?
Julie(Gagging) You can air it out?
John(Growing ten inch claws) Nopeeeeeeee retractable claws like all the good felines have.
John slashed Julie killing her and smiling a white light shooting into her stomach Julie screaming in John's stomach.
John(Sticking his tongue out at Julie) Hah,hah,hah,hah,hah,hahhhhhhhh IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Felined you.
John's evil cackle echoed across the night knowing ten more siblings were left for him to kill.
What happens next read part 15 to find out
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