Categories > Original > Humor > HEY HEY WE ARE A HURRICANE

/What's Uppp/

by atomickilljoy 12 reviews

Howdy, guys!

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-02-18 - 96 words

What's up?
I've missed FicWaffle and I'm on Winter Break, so I have plenty of spare time for procrastination!
No Spring Musical rehearsal(WE'RE DOING LEGALLY BLONDE AND I'M THE STAGE MANAGER WOOOO) so, that's good. It's usually hectic since rehearsal is on Student Government days.

Life has been nice, but I really do miss you guys, trust me. I'm really glad FicWad helped mold me into a person who tries her best to be good and be nice. You guys rock (:
I miss you guys, so tell me what's been happening with you guys! :D
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