Categories > Anime/Manga > Vampire Knight > I love you, Zero

Chapter 19

by Deception 0 reviews

after 4yrs Yuuki comes back

Category: Vampire Knight - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-02-21 - 1034 words - Complete

When we got back with the group I didn’t have my hunger anymore. Crescent and I changed back to vampires; I was worried that Zero wouldn’t talk to me. But I was wrong the moment I turned back Zero was with me worried about me instead of staying away from the monster at is me. “Zero I’m fine ok.” I smiled as I kissed him even though I knew that was a lie. As I pulled back I heard a rustle and an all too familiar laugh from my uncle.

I change to see him come out from behind a tree “Yuuki, why are you in that form?” He smiled an evil smile and I felt the light leaving me, even though I tried to hold on to it I couldn’t. My eyes now have a dead look in them as they lost the light in them as well as my heart. I heard footsteps but I didn’t care. “You are just like me because I’m dead and for you to see me means that you’re evil. Black Cat never kept me alive it was all you for thinking I was alive.” He laughed in my ear. “Yuuki, what’s wrong?”

I heard the Vampire ask me, I turn to face him as I snarled with the blood still on my lips. “Zero! Get away from her!” A female voice called as I jumped to attack but before I could bite my prey he moved back. “This is no longer the Yuuki we all know. She’s lost the fight and the war from within her.” The same voice told him. “What do you mean she’s lost the fight, Crescent?” He asked her. “This whole time she’s been trying to keep the darkness that is a part of the wolf form from controlling her and she’s just failed.”

Crescent told the male known as Zero. I heard a wolf walk towards me. When I saw her I bowed before her. “Why is she doing that?” A light care free voice asks as the wolf told them. “Even though she’s lost her light she knows that I’m more powerful then her and it’s her instants to follow the powerful wolf.” She turned to look at me, she was a dark rainbow with a dominate black colour in her fur, dark rainbow eyes and a black dragon’s eye with devil wings on the sides mark on her left back leg. She looked back at the group around us.

“From now on Crescent, Blue Fire, Yuuki, Zeki and I will go on in wolf form but be careful around Yuuki.” Than back at me as she began to walk with me and Zeki close behind her as the other two was at the back in case the vampires did something but I felt like I know the silver head vampire with piercing lavender eyes. It had been a couple of days and the feeling that I know him is still with me, than while I was sleeping I saw images of him and me happy together from different times.

I woke with a startle as I found the light I lost, I walked over to Zero still in wolf form and curled around him with Zeki on the other side of him. When the morning sun landed on me I was drowsy with sleep but shook it off as I could feel everyone looking at me. I turn to look at Zero and saw that he was a little scared of me, I walked away from him and my eyes began to water as I have never known Zero to be afraid of me. I hung my head and whimper as I look to the ground I didn’t realise that someone was walking up to me until he wrapped his arms around my neck.

“Yuuki is that really you?” Zero asked me with small hope and to confirm it I changed back and kissed him but before I could deepen it I felt my wolf hunger so I pushed Zero away and tried to move as far as I could from them. “Yuuki don’t worry I’ll help you.” Black told me as she turned to Zero in her real form as well as Crescent. “Zero I’ll need your blood as well as yours Crescent.” Both of them nodded as they handed her their wrists. After Black Cat got their blood she added her own with a small amount of dead Wolfsbane.

“Drink this and you will be in control of your hunger.” She cooed as I drank the goblet filled with blood. After I drank it all I felt my hunger no longer controlling me and I no longer feel the darkness in my trying to consume me. I jumped up and hugged her tight. “Thank you Black Cat, how could I ever repay you?” I cried in happiness as I was free from both sides of my family curse. After I pulled away from her I ran over to Zero and kissed him and this time I deepened it with sliding my tongue into his after I licked his bottom lips asking for entry.

My arms snaked around his neck pulling him close while his went around my waist pulling me close but before we could someone clearing their throat. I pulled away to look at Black Cat. “We’re not that far from a safe house.” With that said we began to walk to the safe house, we didn’t get there until just after dark. Black Cat entered a pin and the door opened after we all entered the door locked behind us. “I had Blue Fire come here early and sort out your rooms. Hanabusa and Crescent you share the room on the left, Zero and Yuuki you share the one on the right and I’m at the end. Oh the rooms are all sound proofed so don’t worry about the noise you might make unpacking your things.” Black Cat laughed as she went to her room and shut the door behind her.
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