Categories > Anime/Manga > Gintama > Odd Jobs Crack

Don't Go and Fall for a Crazy China Girl

by EvilFuzzy9 0 reviews

Shinpachi wakes up from the "home run" with a killer headache and a slight concussion. Featuring Kagura in nurse cosplay.

Category: Gintama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2014-03-01 - 1559 words

Odd Jobs Crack

A Gintama thingy



A/N: Well, this chapter was definitely shippy. It's not as funny as the previous chapters, but it's fairly cute, in exchange. I think I might've made Kagura a little too nice in it, though. What do you guys think?
Also, I'm not certain where I might go with the "plot" after this. Because this has apparently somehow evolved into a vaguely coherent, continuous story. I don't know. But maybe you guys do...? hint hint give me ideas hint

Shinpachi's head hurt terribly when he finally came to. It felt like there was an Otsu-chan concert being held in his skull and he wasn't invited, and it was throbbing and aching all over and throughout. He felt like someone had taken jackhammer to his forehead.

Opening his eyes, wincing at the bright light, Shinpachi glanced around at his surroundings. He blinked, recognizing the brightly colored posters featuring his one and only idol which were plastered all over the walls. Belatedly, mind still a bit groggy from an extended period of unconsciousness, he realized that he was in his bedroom.

As he glanced around, trying to recall what had happened to him, Shinpachi raised a hand to scratch at an itch on his forehead, only to find that it was wrapped in clean white bandages. They were cheap and coarse, but he could tell just from touching them that they had been wrapped on with tender, loving care. The way the bandages were wrapped was somewhat nostalgic, just like how Ane-ue would wrap them when he was little.

Shinpachi smiled softly. His sister had not done his bandages for him like this in quite a while. These days he usually either patched himself up, went to the hospital, or just let it be – it was one of the small, but important ways in which he strived to be independent, to not be a burden on his sister.

His smile waned, however, when his nose caught the aroma of something cooking, and his stomach decided to make its presence known, vocally protesting its current state of emptiness. It did not smell like his sister's cooking, to a mixture of relief and confusion from Shinpachi. Relief, because no matter what his sister tried to cook, it inevitably ended up as dark matter; confusion, because Ane-ue was very territorial about certain things, and the kitchen was one of them.

For a while, he sat just there, idly entertaining thoughts of who might be cooking in his house. But some minutes passed, and eventually he heard the telltale sound of footsteps approaching his bedroom.

The door to Shinpachi's room swung open, and in walked a cute redhead wearing a short-hemmed nurse outfit. She carrying a rice cooker under one arm and a carton of eggs under the other. It took Shinpachi a moment to put a name to that pretty face, but when he did, he felt his cheeks suddenly, inexplicably, begin to burn like they were on fire.

"K-Kagura-chan...?" he said, trying and failing not to stare. She looked incredibly cute in that outfit, and Shinpachi could not help but notice that somehow his mental classification of her had apparently, at some point, changed from 'child' to 'girl'.

The vermillion haired chit blinked, noticing that Shinpachi was sitting up and looking at her. "Oh, aru!" she said. "So you're awake, now?"

Shinpachi sweatdropped. "Why would you bring food up to my room if you didn't even know I was awake?!" he snapped, though it was more out of habit than actual irritation. He was a little too preoccupied with the revelation that Kagura was – in fact – a girl, and apparently a cute one, at that.

Kagura shrugged. "Ane-go told me to watch you while she went to work. But I got hungry and decided to make something to eat, aru."

"I see..." Shinpachi muttered, his cheeks red and eyes downcast. He was visibly flustered as Kagura took a seat at the end of the bed, giving him the briefest, slightest glimpse up the criminally short skirt of her nurse uniform before she crossed her legs and set the rice cooker down on the bed between the two of them.

He was quiet for a moment as Kagura took out an egg and cracked it over the rice, before softly asking, "Hey, Kagura-chan... Can I have some of that...?"

Kagura gave him a look, and for a moment he figured she was going to say no. But then, surprisingly, she smiled and said, "Okay, aru!" before moving closer, setting the insulated bottom of the rice cooker on his lap and kneeling down on top of his legs.

Shinpachi's face grew redder and hotter as he realized what Kagura intended to do. He tried very hard not to get a nosebleed as his mind went to a dirty place while the redhead plucked up a clump of egg-covered rice with the chopsticks and help it up to his mouth.

"Say 'ahhh', aru," she told him.

Shinpachi somewhat hesitantly did as Kagura instructed, fearing for a moment that she would forcefully cram the food down his throat, causing him to choke. But she was surprisingly gentle, placing the egg-on-rice on his tongue and withdrawing the chopsticks to get some more, stopping to let Shinpachi chew and swallow once his mouth was reasonably full. His cheeks were pink as his fellow Yorozuya fed him.

It was strange. Over his time working with the girl, Shinpachi had eaten Kagura's egg-over-rice more times than he cared to count, so much that he had grown almost completely sick of it in the past. And yet, for some reason, as Kagura spooned the rice with his mouth with uncharacteristic levels care and attentiveness, he could not imagine wanting to eat anything else.

It really was strange. He felt happier than he would have ever imagined, and it wasn't the food – or the concussion – that was doing it, either. No, by all accounts, it seemed that it was Kagura. Shinpachi could not understand it, but somehow, for some reason, just having Kagura close to him made him feel so warm inside. It was not an unfamiliar sensation for the perennial teenager, he had experienced it enough times to know, more or less, what it was.

Shinpachi shook his head.

But how could it be? He pondered. Why should he, why would he, get that feeling from being with Kagura-chan of all people? She was still just a child, surely! Even if the girl was only two years his junior, at their age those two years might as well be vast, immeasurable gulf, a bottomless, yawning chasm which separated them!

Surely, he wasn't being overly dramatic. Surely, he wasn't grasping at straws for an excuse for why this couldn't be what he thought it was. Surely. It had to be. It couldn't be. Why would it be? Why should it be?

Yes, he had to be mistaken. Surely, it was simply the head injury messing with him. Surely he had not somehow come to develop a crush on Kagura-chan! Not that Kagura, that bottomless pit, that loudmouthed brat, that true-blue friend, that vivacious hellion, that cute little firecracker...

Shinpachi's blush deepened, and his stomach felt like it was swarming with flitting and fluttering butterflies. He suddenly didn't feel so hungry anymore.

Slowly, shyly, he gazed into Kagura's eyes, as blue as the ocean. They were calm now, clear and soft, but he knew the wrath they could hold, the passion. Her eyes were beautiful and pure, like the ocean, but also like the ocean, Shinpachi knew, the girl could be fickle and capricious.

'"For someone with such beautiful eyes, you sure have an ugly heart."'

Shinpachi smiled wryly as he chewed, remembering those words he had spoken to Kagura so long ago. He could not remember the context of why he had said that, and he wasn't even sure that he remembered his words correctly, but it made him grin all the same. Those words were truer than he could have possibly known at the time he had spoken them. Kagura had a heart black as coal, greedy and petty and selfish. She was crude and unrefined, nothing like what a lady, a little girl, should be – rough around the edges did not even begin to cover it. She was ragged and rugged and rude and lewd, and dammit all but Shinpachi wouldn't have her any other way.

Swallowing another mouthful of the rice, Shinpachi grinned at Kagura.

"You look very cute today, Kagura-chan," he remarked cheerfully.

"I'm cute every day, aru," Kagura retorted haughtily, sticking a tongue out at Shinpachi. "You're just saying that 'cause I'm dressed up like a nurse. But don't get any funny ideas, aru!" she said warningly, giving Shinpachi a suspicious, half-lidded look. "I'm only doing this 'cause Ane-go asked me to, aru."

Shinpachi chuckled sheepishly. "She asked you to take care of me while dressed up like that...?"

"She insisted, aru," Kagura huffed, pouting childishly. "She said it was my responsibility since I was the one who knocked you out."

"I see..." Shinpachi murmured. 'Ane-ue... what are you up to...?'

He then paused, blinking as he processed the last part of Kagura's sentence.

"Wait, what?"

TTFN and R&R!

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