Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > The Rest Of Us


by sebguitar 0 reviews

A young wolf pup by the name Stryker goes on an adventure with his best friends as they travel to find the human that moved in next to their territory.

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Chuck Comeau,David Desrosiers,Jeff Stinco,Patrick Langlois,Pierre Bouvier,Sebastien Lefebvre - Warnings: [!] [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2014-03-20 - Updated: 2014-03-20 - 267 words

A young wolf pup by the name Stryker goes on an adventure with his best friends as they travel to find the human that moved in next to their territory in the old log cabin home that had been abandoned for years.

Coming close to the property, the four wolves are suddenly surprised by its owner pointing a rifle at the leading wolf.

The following wolves take off running at full speed, not realizing they left their friend Stryker behind.

Stryker stands tall as he looks back at the human who still holds the firearm, for the longest time neither one of them move.

The human lowers her rifle after studying the male wolf in her scope, only to realize he's actually a rare Eastern Timber Wolf.

The reason Stryker hadn't run while his friends left is because he was mesmerized by this human's presence.

His heart beating fast, Stryker realizes the butterflies in his stomach are suggesting that he may have stumbled upon his mate, only thing is...she's human!

Wolfbloods and humans don't mix well together, but as his life is spared and he is forced to go back to his pack. Stryker can't help but think of the opportunity he may miss out on.

He disobeys pack rules and decides to learn more about this...human.

She is so important to him that he would risk exposing the pack's secret of being wolfbloods.

Could a wolfblood and a human become a couple? Would she accept the differences they have?

Would his wolf pack accept the decision he makes, or will they try killing him?
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