Categories > Books > Dracula > Seductions of the Dark

Chapter 7

by rainia_nytewolf 0 reviews

Letter from Rainia to Vlad,Vlad's Flashback and A letter to Rainia from Vlad.

Category: Dracula - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Published: 2006-08-09 - Updated: 2006-08-09 - 1171 words

Chapter 7- Letter from Rainia to Vlad, Vlad's Flashback, and Letter from Vlad to Rainia.

(A/N: Long title, huh?)

My Dearest Vladimir,

At long last you have returned to me. My darling, I cannot tell you how much I've missed your touch, your embrace and most of all, you. Vladimir, you are my one reason for living. I remember the day the servants brought the news you had died in battle. I refused to believe it and locked myself in our bedroom, letting the memories comfort me. Then you came home and back to me. I ran into your arms and even though you were injured you let me cry in your embrace.

Mere words alone could never express how happy you made me by just proving the rumors wrong. As you kissed away my tears, you swore to me that even death wouldn't keep us apart. I see you have kept your word at long last and I couldn't be happier.

I am yours my love from now until eternity and beyond. Come to me my love, and help me to remember our life together.

With Love,

Your one and only,

Rainia looked over her letter, chewing her lower lip thoughtfully. The vision of her running into Vlad's arms when he had came home from battle made her even more curious. She had woken up, crying her eyes out. With a sigh, Rainia carefully folded the letter and tucked in into an envelope. Using sealing wax, she sealed it, pressing her ring into the wax before it cooled. Upon removing her ring, the letter 'R' was imprinted into the wax in a fancy cursive. Turning the envelope over, she wrote the name 'Vladimir' on the front in her cursive and stood up at her desk. Picking it up, she left her room and walked silently downstairs. Placing it on the dining room table along with a single rose, she left it for him to read.

Later that night, as Rainia and Alexia slept, Dracula slowly entered the house. Raising an eyebrow at the table and the letter, he walked over and picked it up. He recognized the handwriting immediately and turned it over to open it. Carefully breaking the seal, he pulled the letter out and unfolded it.

As he read, memories flooded his mind.

(A/N: This is Vlad's's really cute in my opinion...)

Rainia stared blankly out of her balcony window, her face streaked with the tears running down her face. The servants had brought her the worst news they could have told her: Vlad, her love, was dead. Killed in battle they said, dying like a hero. She had refused to believe it, running to their bedroom and locking herself inside.

Hours passed as she awaited her husband's return. There was no way he was dead, no way he would leave her alone in this world. Footsteps echoed out in the hallway as someone ran up to her door and knocked. She took a deep shuddering breath and looked to the door. "Come in."

A breathless servant opened the door, looking in at her. "Milady?"

"What is it?"

"Your husband is home."

Rainia's heart stopped and started again in her chest as she stared at the servant. "But I thought..."

"They were only rumors, milady."

Rainia rose and gathered her skirts in her hands, practically running out of her room. She would have run down the stairs but knew she might fall so she took it easy. As she stepped off the last step, her eyes widened as they set sight on her husband.

A very tired and injured Vlad stood in the entrance hall, looking a little battered but otherwise fine. "Vlad!" Rainia cried, running into his arms, fresh tears running down her face.

Vlad winced slightly from his injuries but regardless put his arms around his wife, embracing her. "Shhh, it's ok my love, I'm here."

Rainia looked up at him, tears in her eyes and running freely down her face. "I thought I had lost you."

Vlad carefully kissed the tears running down her face before placing a kiss on her mouth. "Rainia, I swear to you, not even death will keep us apart."

Rainia looked up at him and buried her face into his chest, hugging him even tighter.

"Milord?" A servant questioned causing Vlad to look up. "Shall I call a doctor?"

"No." Rainia was the one to answer. Vlad blinked rapidly, looking down at his wife. "I'll take care of him myself."

Vlad looked at the servant with this 'you heard her' look. The girl smiled and nodded, dropping a curtsy before scurrying off. Vlad looked back down at Rainia and smiled at her. "Have I told you I loved you yet?"

(A/N: End Flashback)

Dracula sighed, a soft smile making his features soften a bit as he relived the memory. True to her word, Rainia had meticulously healed the cuts on his body, crying softly. He hated to see her cry and when he asked why she was crying she had told him, "I came so close to losing you...don't leave me again."

Dracula blinked as he realized that a single tear was sliding down his cheek. He hadn't cried in so long, he had forgotten he even knew how. Wandering the castle he came upon Rainia's study and sat at her desk. Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, he started to write.

My Love,

Yes, I have at long last returned to you, as you have returned to me. I've missed you more than being mortal. You have always been my reason for living. When I was injured, the only thing that kept me going was the thought of returning to your embrace.

I vowed to you that I would never let death keep us apart and am keeping to that promise.

The day you died

Here Dracula paused, fighting the urge to relive that moment in time. She had to know what happened, so he would tell her.

The day you died, I wanted to slaughter the Turks for trying to kill you. I had gotten away and had hoped you had as well. I watched as you stood on the balcony railing, looking over your shoulder as the Turks broke down your door. Refusing to be taken captive and tortured, you jumped from the railing.

I watched in horror as your body hit the water of the river. After the Turks left, Bruno, my trusted friend, retrieved your body from the river. Your eyes were closed and you looked to be in a deep slumber. I knew that it was not true, that you had left this world.

I am sorry my love, I should have been there to assure your escape.

Soon we will be reunited once more and I will never let you leave me again, nor will I ever leave you again.


Leaving the letter on her desk, Dracula exited as quietly as he had came.
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