Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

Once the girls had finished packing they put their stuff into the boot of the impala and they started the drive straightaway “How long will it take us to get there?” Penina asked from the back of the car.

“About five hours so not really that long I suppose.” Dean replied “Definitely a lot shorter than when we drove from your house to Bobby’s.”

“Don’t remind me.” Penina groaned “That took such a long time.”

“Hey you weren’t the one driving.” Dean said.

“Could you teach me to drive one day? I’d love to drive this car.”

“Good luck with that.” Sam laughed “Dean doesn’t let other people drive his car.”

“Nobody drives baby other than me, okay?”

“Did you seriously just call your car ‘baby’?” Penina asked.

“Don’t even question it.” Sam said “He calls her baby all the time.”

“I love this car more than life itself.” Dean said.

“Whatever.” Penina yawned, slumping down in her seat.

“Why are you so tired?” Dean asked “You’ve been awake about an hour.”

“I don’t know, I’m just exhausted.” Penina said.

“So am I.” Hozzie said, rubbing her eyes.

“Why don’t you two go back to sleep then?” Sam asked “It’s gonna be a long car ride.”

“I can’t be bothered.” Penina said “So are me and Hozzie seriously only allowed in the motel room? Or can we go out exploring or something?”

“I don’t know.” Sam said “We’re going to be in the same town as Azazel so it might be safer to stay indoors. We’ll see what Dad says.”

“We’re going to see Dad?” Hozzie asked.

“Yeah, of course we are. Why?”

“Are you going to tell him that me and Penina went to the mansion without your permission?”

“Are you kidding?” Dean asked “He’d kill us if he found out we let you get hurt. Even though really it’s not our fault-”

“No, we’re not going to tell Dad.” Sam interrupted “There’s no point, it’s over now. Dad doesn’t need to know about it.”

“Oh, good.” Hozzie said, relieved.

“If you pull anything like that again we’ll have to tell Dad though.” Dean said “We can’t have you guys getting into trouble all the time.”

“Haven’t you lectured us enough?” Penina asked “And do you seriously think we’re scared of Dad?” Hozzie looked over at her “Okay, fine, do you seriously think I’m scared of Dad?”

“Whether you’re scared of him or not, we’d still have to tell him.” Dean said.

Six hours later they pulled up outside of the motel “I can’t believe you got lost.” Sam said to Dean “I told you to just follow the signs.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Dean said, walking towards the reception “Let’s just check in. You call Dad and tell him we’re here.”

“Okay.” Sam said, waiting outside to call Dad.

Hozzie and Penina went with Dean into the reception and watched him ask for a family room. He paid for the room and the three of them came out “Where’d you get the money to pay for the room?” Penina asked suspiciously.

“None of your business, that’s where.” Dean replied “Speaking of money, you two don’t happen to know where twenty dollars from my wallet went do you?”

“No idea.” Penina said quickly.

Dean opened the door to their motel room and the four of them went inside “Dad said he’s on his way.” Sam said “He’s staying in a motel on a different street not too far from here so it shouldn’t take him long.”

“Why didn’t he just stay in the same motel as us?” Hozzie asked.

“He prefers to stay away from us most of the time.” Dean said “He works better away from us. I don’t know why.” Dean didn’t look happy about it so Hozzie shut up pretty quickly.

“I prefer it like this.” Penina said “Dad’s not exactly the most sociable, fun person is he?”

“No but he’s still our Dad.” Dean said “He might not be perfect but he cares about us in his own way. I’m sure once all this is over he’ll try and spend more time with us. But until then we’ll just have to deal with it.”

There was a knock at the motel room door and before any of them could respond it had opened and John walked in. He didn’t look happy to see Penina and Hozzie sat on one of the beds “What are these two doing here?” John asked “What part of keeping them out of harm’s way did you two not understand?”

Dean swallowed “We thought they might be safer here. Besides, they can’t stay with Bobby, they don’t know him.”

“Like they know you?” John asked sarcastically “I’m not happy about this.”

“Well we can’t go home now.” Penina said “So we might as well just get on with things.”

John rolled his eyes and started explaining the situation quietly to Sam and Dean. Penina tried to listen but realised it was impossible and turned to Hozzie “I was thinking-”

“Well stop.” Hozzie said automatically.

Penina sighed then changed her mind “I was thinking we should order some pizza and watch movies all night. Sound like a plan to you?”

“I dunno, I don’t like pizza.”

“Don’t be so awkward, you can have chicken nuggets and I’ll have the pizza. Okay?”

“Okay, fine.” Hozzie grinned.

Sam walked over to the girls “Okay, here’s some money for food and emergencies and stuff. We’re gonna be gone most of the time, we’ll just come back to sleep and check on you. You have our numbers if there’s a problem and we’ll come straight here but only if there’s an emergency. Do you think you two will be okay?”

“We’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.” Penina said.

Hozzie felt a bit worried about the two of them being left by themselves but then remembered her and Penina had lived by themselves for nearly an entire year.

“Do you think you’re gonna kill Azazel?” Penina asked.

Sam nodded “We know where the gun is that supposedly kills demons. We’re going to get it, test it and then go after Azazel. It might take a while but we’ll come back every day to check on you.”

“Okay, don’t worry about us Sam. We’ll be fine.” Penina said.

John walked over and put one hand on either girls’ shoulders “Once all this is over I’ll try and sort something out for you two. I don’t want you involved in this life but for now I don’t have any choice. Just stay in the motel, okay?”

“You mean we’re not allowed to go out?” Hozzie asked “Not at all?”

“Not at all.” John said “I know it will be boring but you have to stay hidden so that you can survive. I want you both to promise me that you’ll stay in here. Okay?”

“We promise.” The girls said in unison again. This time Penina didn’t have her fingers crossed.

John nodded and left the motel. Sam and Dean said a quick goodbye to the twins as they were being rushed out by their Dad.

The motel was eerily quiet and suddenly Hozzie and Penina felt very alone in the world. They’d only been with Sam and Dean for a couple of days but they already missed them when they weren’t there.

“Let’s see what’s on TV then.” Penina said loudly, trying to get things back to normal.

About three hours the girls had watched so many episodes of ‘Adventure Time’ that they thought their heads were going to explode. And they’d eaten too much from the takeout they’d ordered that they also felt like their stomachs were going to explode “It’ll time to go to sleep soon.” Hozzie said nervously “It was bad enough sleeping at Bobby’s but here by ourselves in the same town as the demon that killed our Moms?”

“Maybe we should’ve just stayed with Bobby.” Penina said, sounding a little worried too “What are we going to do?”

They thought for a moment before Hozzie smiled and said “We’ll build a fort out of blankets and sleep in there.”

Penina grinned “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Come on, let’s do it.”

They were in the middle of building the blanket fort, laughing and feeling like themselves again when there was a knock at the motel room door. Both girls jumped and looked over at it “Maybe Sam or Dean forgot something?” Hozzie suggested.

“No, they have a key to get in. Dad doesn’t but he would’ve sent Sam or Dean to get it.” Penina said “Who do you think it is?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think we should answer it.”

Someone knocked at the door, more impatiently this time “I know you’re in there, I can see the light on and hear the buzz of your voices.” A male voice said from outside “I’m the manager, I just need to ask you a couple of questions.”

Penina shook her head but Hozzie felt they shouldn’t ignore him so she went to the door and pulled it open. A man dressed all in black stood outside and smiled at her “Hello.” He said in a sinister voice “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about me.”

Hozzie looked at him properly then shrieked and shut the door “What was all that about?” Penina asked.

Hozzie turned to look at her “His eyes were yellow. Azazel is right outside the door. Phone Sam or Dean!”
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