Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

Penina grabbed her phone “Which one are you calling?” Hozzie asked, taking her phone.


“Okay, I’ll try Sam.” Hozzie said, looking for his contact on her phone.

Both girls put their phones to their ears and heard the dialling tones. There was a loud bang at the motel door and they both shrieked again. The ringing went on for a really long time “Mine’s gone to voicemail.” Hozzie cried “I’m going to try Dad.”

Penina’s phone kept playing the dialling tone until eventually she heard “Penina, we’ve been gone five minutes what could you possibly have-”

“Dean, Azazel’s outside the motel right now. We don’t know how he found us but he’s here and we don’t know what to do.”

“Dad?” Hozzie said “I know Penina’s on the phone to Dean but this is probably the biggest emergency we’re going to have, Azazel’s outside.”

“What, are you sure?” Dean asked.

“Hozzie saw him not me but she’s sure. He’s banging on the door right now.”

“Don’t worry, okay, we’re on our way.” Dean said “We’ll be there as soon as possible.”

“That won’t be fast enough!” Penina cried “What are we supposed to do until you get here?”

“Do you have any-” Before Dean could finish his sentence the call was cut off.

“Dean? Dean!” Penina panicked.

“My line went dead too.” Hozzie said, throwing the phone onto the bed and shrieked as there was another loud bang at the door “What are we going to do Penina?” She asked, her eyes filling with tears “They’re never going to get here in time.”

Penina looked around “We could try going out the window?”

“But what if he-”

“Hozzie, it’s the only plan we’ve got!” Penina cried, rushing to the window and pulling it open.

Hozzie put her phone back in her pocket and followed her sister who climbed out of the window and jumped onto the ground “Good thing we’re on the first floor.” Hozzie said, climbing up and jumping beside her “Now where are we supposed to go?”

“This way.” Penina said, grabbing her hand and starting to run in any direction that got them further away from the motel.

“Do you even know which way you’re going?” Hozzie asked, tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

“Of course not, I’ve never been here before!” Penina snapped “But it’s okay, we just need to find somewhere to hide until Sam, Dean and Dad get here.”

“What about here?” Hozzie asked, gesturing to the shed around the back of the motel.

“Let’s just hope it’s not locked.” Penina said, pulling at the shed door. Much to their delight and luck the door swung open and they ran inside, shutting it behind them.

“What should we do?” Hozzie asked “How are we going to know when Sam, Dean and Dad are back?”

“I don’t know.” Penina whispered “I’m sure if we stay in here then they’ll come and look for us when they show up. It might take a while but we’ll be okay.”

“I’m so scared.”

“I know, I know, so am I.” Penina said “But we’ll be okay, I know we will.”

Both girls gasped and put their hands over their mouths when they heard a twig snapping outside. They tried to keep as silent as possible but it was obviously too late. Whoever was outside knew they were inside. They heard the person approaching the shed and looked at each other in fear.

The shed door opened and both girls shrieked and found themselves looking at the receptionist for the motel “You two aren’t allowed to be in here.” He said “Now stop playing around and get out.”

“You don’t understand.” Penina said quickly “Please, it’s a life or death situation.”

“I’m not allowed to let you in here, I could lose my job.”

“And if we come out we could lose our lives, which is more important here?”

He rolled his eyes “Girls, come on, stop messing around. Just-”

He never got to finish his sentence. His eyes widened and he stood up straighter, making painful noises. Hozzie and Penina glanced at each other wondering what was wrong with him. Suddenly he fell to the side to reveal their teacher Miss Masters holding a blood-stained knife in her hand. Penina and Hozzie shrieked as they realised she’d killed him “Quit that stupid shrieking.” Meg said, twirling the knife in her hands. She smirked at the two girls “This is going to be so much fun.”

“Drive faster Dean Goddammit!” Sam yelled “By the time we get there it’s going to be too late.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Dean snapped “We’re probably already too late, the line went dead. Game over. They won’t be at the motel by the time we get there, that’s for sure.”

“Let me try ringing them again.” Sam said, clicking on Penina’s contact. He kept hearing the dialling tone but Penina never responded. Penina’s phone had been abandoned in the empty motel room where nobody could hear it vibrating “Goddammit. I knew we shouldn’t have brought them with us.”

“They’d never have let us keep them at Bobby’s though.” Dean said in frustration “Why do they have to be so fucking stubborn?”

“They probably got it from you. Or Dad.” Sam said, running his fingers through his hair “We’ve messed up. They’d have probably been safer coming with us than staying in the stupid motel room.”

“Those were Dad’s orders.” Dean said “Not ours. And I’m not blaming Dad but I’m not going to let you blame yourself either. Look, we’re here now.”

Dean and Sam jumped out of the car and ran to the motel room. They were quickly followed by their Dad who had pulled up in his own car. The first thing they noticed were large scratch marks down the door but no obvious sign of a break in. Dean unlocked the door and they went inside. They found Penina’s abandoned phone, the half-built blanket fort and the open window “Maybe they got away.” Dean said, breathing a sigh of relief “Maybe they’re waiting for us to find them.”

“I hope so but we can’t waste time.” Sam said, going over to the window “Come on.”

The three of them climbed out the window and split up to try and find the twins. They searched for a couple of minutes before Sam yelled “Hey guys. Look at this.”

John and Dean walked over to him and found the dead receptionist in front of the shed. The shed door was still open and sitting on the floor was Hozzie’s mobile. Sam picked it up and ran his fingers through his hair “Looks like Azazel got them.” Sam said in a deflated voice.
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