Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

The drive home was long and awkward. Dean had insisted on bringing Sam’s body so they’d had to sit him on one of the backseats. Penina sat in the middle because Hozzie couldn’t bear to sit next to him. Penina didn’t really want to but she knew how hard it was for Hozzie to deal with this. It was hardest for Dean though. Bobby had to drive them home as Dean was in no state to drive. The four of them were still in shock about what had happened.

When they got back Bobby and Dean laid Sam on a bed in one of the spare rooms. Dean left the house insisting that he needed time alone while Penina and Hozzie stayed in their bedroom thinking about what had happened “He can’t have died.” Hozzie whispered “We... We only just met him. We’ve barely been able to spend time with him and he’s already gone?”

“I know.” Penina said, her head still spinning “I can still see him just slumping forward. It makes me feel sick. What happened there? Was it a demon that killed him or something else?”

“I don’t know. They didn’t look like a demon but what would I know?” Hozzie asked.

They heard cries from outside so decided to go downstairs and investigate. Bobby was outside hugging a woman who was a similar age to him “Who’s she?” Penina asked.

“I feel like I’ve met her before.” Hozzie said uncertainly “But I have no idea.”

When Bobby pulled away from the woman, he noticed Hozzie and Penina watching them “Ellen, this is Hozzie and Penina. Sam and Dean’s little sisters.”

The woman turned around “Yes, I met them both before when they were little girls.” She walked over to them “Do you remember me?” Both girls shrugged their shoulders uncertainly “I was friends with your Mum for a while. Then your Dad found out and stopped us from seeing each other. He is stubborn but he had a good point.”

“Why weren’t you allowed to see our Mum?” Penina asked.

“He didn’t want her finding out about his life.” Ellen said “I worked in a bar that hunters often came into. She wanted to come visit the bar and someone would have said something to her. She would’ve confronted John and everything would have gone wrong.”

“Everything went wrong anyway.” Penina said sourly.

“Tell me about it.” Ellen said “Those demons came and burnt down my bar. We’d run out of peanuts, of all things so I went out to get some. I came back and the bar had been burnt to the ground. Everyone who was in there was burnt alive. I’m so grateful that my daughter Jo was out on a hunt at the time. I contacted her and she’s on her way here.” She looked around “So where are Sam and Dean? And your Mum?”

Hozzie burst into tears all over again and Penina put her arm around her comfortingly “Mum died about a year ago.” Penina told her “Then Sam and Dean came and found us about a week ago; when we found out we had brothers. And... Sam died today. We don’t know where Dean went but Sam’s body is inside-”

“Hey.” A voice said from behind them. Hozzie and Penina turned around to find Sam standing behind them. He was alive! “Are you two okay?” Sam asked the girls. They nodded dumbly, in too much shock to say anything “Ellen! What are you doing here?”

Ellen glanced at the girls before giving Sam a hug and telling him what had happened to her bar. While they were in conversation, Bobby walked over to the girls and asked them quietly yet angrily “Did either of you know where Dean went?”

“No idea,” Penina replied “Do you think he had something to do with this?”

“Of course he did, don’t be dim.” Bobby said “He would’ve done anything to bring that boy back. And it ain’t gonna have been good either. Wait until I get my hands on that boy... Until then, don’t mention anything to Sam about him... You know.”

Both girls nodded. Bobby went into the house to call Dean while Sam turned to the girls “Hey, why are you crying?” He asked Hozzie. The twins glanced at each other before throwing their arms around their brother and hugging him tightly “Hey, what’s all this about?”

“We’re just making up for lost time.” Penina said, causing both girls to giggle even though nothing was particularly funny.

“Come on, let’s go inside.” Sam said “I’m starving.”

Half-an-hour later Dean eventually walked through the door and grinned when he Sam sat at the table having something to eat. Bobby and Ellen were glaring at Dean and whispering between themselves while Hozzie and Penina were just confused “Hey Sammy.” Dean said, sitting down next to him “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good thanks.”

“So, what do you remember?”

“Not a lot.” Sam said “I remember seeing you, Bobby and the girls and then I guess I just blacked out. I woke up a while ago...”

“What happened while you were there?”

Sam explained about Azazel’s plan to have them all kill each other and have one remaining who would help Azazel with his plan “And his plan is?”

“I have no idea.” Sam replied “But I know where he’ll be.” He found a piece of paper and started drawing a map to where Azazel would be “We can’t waste anymore time we should go there straightaway.”

“Sure.” Bobby said “Dean, can I have a word with you please before we go?”

Dean reluctantly got up from the table and went to follow Bobby. Sam looked at the twins “Everyone’s kind of acting weird. What’s going on?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Penina replied quickly.
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