Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

It took them a long time to drive there but they didn’t talk about Dean’s deal. Most of the car journey was faced with an awkward silence whenever they weren’t talking about something unimportant and irrelevant. They were all grateful when they pulled up outside a house that Bobby said the hunters had told them they should have a look at “Tamara and Isaac, the hunters who told us about this hunt, told us we should check out this house. They don’t know what to make of it.” Bobby said, opening the front door as if he lived there and walking inside.

The four siblings followed him, noticing a disgusting smell in the air. Sam and Dean knew straightaway what it was but Hozzie and Penina had no idea. They walked into the living room and the girls shrieked as they saw three dead bodies sat on the sofa staring lifelessly at the TV screen “Looks like they starved to death.” Bobby said, walking around in front of them.

“They’re not going to suddenly move, are they?” Hozzie asked.

“Of course not.” Sam said, going into the kitchen and opening the fridge “The fridge is completely full of food. Did they just sit in front of the TV until they completely starved to death?”

“Looks like it.” Bobby said in disbelief.

“Maybe we should check the rest of the-” Dean started but he was tackled to the floor by someone they’d never met before.

“Get off him!” Penina yelled, going to drag them off but Hozzie grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

Sam pulled the person off Dean “Isaac?” Bobby asked “It’s us, you asked us for help, remember?”

“We didn’t know you were bringing the Winchesters.” Isaac said rudely “If you had, we’d have asked you not to bother.”

A woman came up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder “We thought you’d be sending different hunters. Why did it have to be the Winchesters?”

“Jesus Christ, what the hell have we done?” Dean asked.

“You’re the reason the bloody Devil’s Gate is open in the first place.” Isaac spat “Fine job you boys did.”

“It wasn’t their fault.” Penina said bravely “They were the ones who shut it before more got out. It was Jake who opened it. Sam and Dean didn’t do anything.”

“Who are these two?” Tamara asked “I didn’t realise we were bringing kids on hunts now.”

“We’re Winchesters so you can just watch your mouth.” Penina said.

“Standing here arguing ain’t gonna get us nowhere.” Bobby said “We can either get on with things or you can worry about the Winchesters. Who for the record, didn’t do anything. They ain’t the reason the Hell Gate’s open.”

“And how would you know?” Isaac asked.

“Because I was there, you idjit.” Bobby said “Now let’s get on with things, shall we?”

“Alright fine.” Isaac said, with a long sigh, shooting a glancing glare at the brothers “We think we have a lead.”

The five of them started to talk really fast about leads, demons and all sorts of things that Hozzie and Penina didn’t understand “I am so lost.” Hozzie whispered.

“Me too.” Penina whispered “Let’s go and wait by the car.”

“Good idea.”

The two of them slipped out of the room and walked down to the car “This is all so weird.” Penina said “How long have we known Sam and Dean? About a week? And look at all that’s happened.”

“I know, I’m exhausted. I feel like I haven’t slept in ten years.” Hozzie said “Even though we’ve slept way more than Sam and Dean. They never look tired. They’re so weird.”

“I suppose they’re used to it by now, Dad raised them that way.” Penina said “I can’t believe Dad’s just ditched us. I thought once Azazel was dead... I thought he’d at least come hunting with us or something. Not that I want him to or anything. It’s just... You know.”

“Yeah,” Hozzie said softly “I know.”

“He’s pretty useless,” Penina said “As Dad’s go.”

“He was better than some of Mum’s boyfriends.” Hozzie said “I loved her but I wish she’d just stayed single all the time. Most of her boyfriends were horrible.”

“What about the one who brought us the XBOX?”

“And then smashed it up a month later because we were talking too loudly during the football?” Hozzie said with a small sigh “I’m never getting a boyfriend.”

“Aww don’t say that, just because Mum was useless at picking decent boyfriends.” Penina said “We could meet some really great guys.”

“I don’t care how great they are, I don’t want them.”

“Hozzie-” She was interrupted by a rustling noise. They both looked in the direction and saw a woman standing on the opposite side of the road. She had long blonde hair and her eyes were black “Holy shi-”

“Sam! Dean!” Hozzie screamed, taking a step backwards and falling to the floor.

Luckily for Hozzie and Penina, once the demon saw that they’d noticed them, she ran off in the opposite direction. Sam and Dean came racing outside and they told them who’d they seen “Do you think she escaped through the Hell Gate?” Sam asked.

“What if it was Meg?” Hozzie asked nervously.

“I don’t think it was, she looked different.” Penina said.

“Demons possess different bodies every time they come back.” Dean said “So I can’t promise you that that wasn’t Meg.”

“Oh great.” Hozzie said “Fantastic.”

“Come on,” Dean said “We’re gonna go check into a motel.”
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