Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

“Are you two okay?” Dean asked as he started eating his burger “You’ve barely said a word. I thought you’d be happy about your first hunt.”

Hozzie and Penina were picking at their food lifelessly “We’re fine.” Penina said.

“Come on girls, what’s up?” Sam asked.

“We said, it’s nothing.” Hozzie said with a yawn “We’re just tired. I can’t get used to staying awake all night.”

“You will eventually, I promise.” Dean said “I haven’t slept in a couple of days and I’m fine.”

Hozzie and Penina simply smiled then went back to picking at their food. They didn’t eat much even though they’d been moaning they were hungry all day. Sam narrowed his eyebrows at them but shrugged his shoulders, knowing that they wouldn’t tell him or Dean anything until they were ready.

Both girls fell asleep in the car on the way back to Bobby’s, allowing Sam and Dean to talk freely “There’s something bothering them that they won’t tell us.” Sam said “Why won’t they tell us?”

“I don’t know. Maybe there’s not even anything wrong with them and you’ve completely misread the situation?” Dean suggested.

Sam shrugged his shoulders “So what happened with you and Lisa?”

“Not an awful lot. I told her about my life. She told me... She told me that she loved me and I told her I loved her too.” Dean paused “But there’s no way we could be together. Not with me living this life. And the fact that I’m going to Hell soon.”

“We keep telling you, we’re not going to let you go to Hell.” Sam said. He was silent for a moment as he remembered his girlfriend Jessica who’d suffered the same horrific death as his Mother “I wish you could be with her.”

“You and me both Sammy. But I have you, Penina and Hozzie. I’ll be just fine.” Dean said with a small smile “We never know, Dad might even pop back into the picture eventually.”

“I doubt it.” Sam said angrily “I can’t believe he just disappeared like that. I understood he was tracking down Azazel before but what’s his excuse now?”

“I don’t know but we’re grown men now Sammy, we don’t really need Dad hanging around, do we?”

“No, but you’d think he’d be there for Hozzie and Penina. And let’s face it Dean, if we’re both grown men then we don’t need to go around together either but we do because we’re family. Dad can’t do the same?”

“I don’t know.” Dean said “I just don’t know Sam.”

Sam was going to say something else but they pulled up outside Bobby’s house and it was time to go inside. They had to wake up the girls who were in an extremely bad mood as they trudged towards the house and up to their bedroom. The boys also went to bed. After not sleeping for two days they were starting to feel tired.

The next morning when Hozzie and Penina came downstairs, Sam and Dean were already awake while Bobby got on with making breakfast for the five of them “Bad news girls,” Dean said “Dad phoned us to say that he’s had a voicemail to say someone’s broken into his secret lockup. There’s all sorts of supernatural items in there and he needs us to go find out what’s missing and track it down.”

“Why can’t he do it?” Penina asked moodily “He’s got plenty of time on his hands now.”

“I didn’t ask questions sis, I just took down the address.” Dean said “Dad’s asked us to do it so we’ve got to.”

“I don’t see why but whatever, it sounds interesting.” Penina said.

“Did Dad say anything else?” Hozzie asked. Dean shook his head and Hozzie sighed.

“Come on, we’ll have a great time.” Dean grinned.

“If you say so.” Penina said, thanking Bobby as he put down a plate of pancakes in front of her “I didn’t even know he had a secret lockup or whatever it is.”

About five hours later they’d been to the lockup and had checked into a motel “I’m getting a bit sick of motels.” Penina said.

“I like it; we get to go to different places all the time. You always said you wanted to go and explore the world a bit more.”

“Yes, I meant interesting places though. Not haunted places and cheap motel rooms.” Penina said.

“Hey girls, we found security cameras that lead to the people who stole from Dad.” Dean said, sitting on the bed next to them “And we’ve tracked them down to their apartment. Let’s go.”
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