Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > but its better if you do

cleared smoke

by meesheemooroo 0 reviews

After a nightmare Amy calls Patrick.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-08-26 - Updated: 2014-08-26 - 1062 words - Complete

just kidding guys. Not a good twist? Too cliché? Well I'll try to throw a better one at you soon.

I sat straight up and looked around. I was in my bed, alone, in my apartment. It was just a dream but I was still terrified and coveted in sweat. I didn't even remember coming home. The dream had lifted some sort of veil over my eyes and I had seen Brendon for what he really was. I began to cry. Why Hadn't I seen the way he was earlier? Why couldn't anyone convince me? Why did I have to lie to myself? I knew he was a monster. I sobbed for a while then checked the time on my phone. It was three in the morning. I dialed the number that was the most familiar to me, Carla, only to be met with her voice mail, I told her to call me as soon as she could. I cried on my bed a little while longer I just didn't feel safe. I had a glimmer of hope as I jumped up and went through my bag on the floor. I grabbed the now crumpled napkin with Patrick's name and number on it and shut and locked my bedroom door just to feel safer. I dialed the number and immediately regretted it but it was too late to hang up when his sleepy voice answered.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Um, hi, Patrick?" I snifled. "This is Amy, from earlier... and last week."
"Oh Hi Amy, are you alright? You sound Luke you might be crying." He said with worry in his voice.
"I-I am. I'm so sorry to wake you up" I apologized feeling embarrassed through my tears.
"No, its alright, tell me what's going on." He said gently with the tiredness fading out of his voice.
"I don't feel safe." Was all I could manage to say.
"Why not? Is Brendon with you?" He asked.
"I hope not, or else it would be worse."
"What?" He asked confused.
"He's the reason I don't feel safe. And I don't know if he's in my house right now or not. I don't remember getting home. I think you made an assumption at the bar tonight, and it was correct." I said knowing that I was kind of speaking in riddles.
"Oh god, I knew it. Tell me where you live." He said and I raddled off my address.
"Okay, now I need you to stay on the phone with me and go have a look around your house." He said and I began to cry out of fear.
"I can't I'm so scared." I sobbed.
"Just be very quiet, and stay on the phone, if you hand up I'll calm the police." He said carefully to calm my nerves. "I'm in my car driving now, it will be okay." He said
I agreed and unlocked my bedroom door I flipped on the hall light switch, then the bathroom, my head began to throb and I felt dizzy but I continued to turn on all the room lights I checked, he wasn't in the house.
"I don't think he's here." I told Patrick.
"Good I'm one third of the way there. Tell me what he's done to make you so scared." He said.
"I don't remember getting home or in my pajamas and I only had one drink at the club, the one you saw me drink." I said feeling naucious again my head felt like it was splitting open.
"What's the last thing you remember?" Patrick asked.
"We were at a gas station and he brought me a drink and we got gas.
"Was the drink open?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said
"Oh no. Do you feel sick or anything?" He asked
"Very." I said
"I'll have to look it up, but I think he roofied you." He said sadly with a hint of anger. "I'm here now, see you in a second" he said and hung up. I let him in and began to cry again. He sat me down on my couch and gave me a comforting hug.
"Is there anything else?the spot on your leg I noticed earlier?" He asked.
"He stabed me in the leg." I admitted as I sobbed, Patrick's eyes got wide in horror. "I'm so sorry, he's your friend, I feel so bad about this." I said
"It doesn't matter if he is or not. Why having you gone to the police?" He asked.
"Well at first I was locked his basement for a week, then I was too scared and I thought I loved him for some reason, up until tonight when I had this horrible dream he drove me to the desert and shot me." I said. Patrick was still wide eyed.
"The gunshot to his chest wasn't an accident, was it?" He asked.
"No, he was going to shoot me but shot himself instead.
"I think what you suffered from and the reason you thought you were in lobe with him was because you had Stockholm syndrome."
I looked at him in confusion.
"Stockholm syndrome is where you fall in love with your captor or at least you think your in love. It's like a human eveloutionary tool to justify why someone kidnapped you and you think their being mean to you because they care about you. Sound about right?" He asked and I nodded. I felt horribly sick and ran to the bathroom. Patrick ran after me and held my hair back.
"I looked it up and this is the after effect of roofies, and a headache. Everything will be alright now, we'll figure this out." He said trying too sooth me as I got sick.

We ended up talking on my bathroom floor in case I got sick again.
"If you go to the hospital they can see if you got roofed and we can possibly use it against him. I think if you told the police they could only help to a certain point, we have no proof he did any of this to you."
"Your right, let's go to the hospital. And get me checked out. I'm pretty sure he did something to me, this wouldn't be the first time he forced himself on me" I said dryly.
"Can this get any worse seriously? I'll drive you let's go."
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