Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Tomboy

The Last Dance

by darks00 3 reviews

Delilah and Julius go to the prom together...let's all say it together

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor - Published: 2006-08-10 - Updated: 2006-08-10 - 945 words


With Delilah on my arm, we both went into the gym. It was beautiful. There was a big buffe table, a dance floor and nice music...loud, but good. There was a stange on the front. Right when you walked in, was a box to nominate who you want to be king of the prom. The king would then pick his queen. Julius and me rolled our eyes. Kidish.

"May I have this dance?" I asked Delilah.

Delilah smirked. "I dunno..."

We both laughed, as we began to slow dance. Delilahs head was on my shoulder. I held on to her, like if it was the end of the world. She smelt pretty with her perfume, and she looked beautiful. At the end of the song, I lifted up Delilah's chin and was about to kiss her, when we were introrupted. God darn it!

It was Mr.Walker and Mrs.Walker on the stage. Mrs.Walker had the mike in her hand.

"It is time now to annouce the king of the prom. The king will be able to pick the queen." She explained.

"...and the king is...Kyle Noir!" She cried out with excitement.

I gasped. Me? Wow. She gestered me to come on the stage. I blushed, not wanting to go up, but I did anyways. They gave me a little crown which made me laugh. They cheered for me, making me blush.

"Who will be your queen, cutie?" she asked me.

I thought in my head for a sec. What if I used Delilah's real name? That could put her indanger for the mission, so I made up a name for her.

"Miss. Michelle Branch," I annouced.

Delilah looked hurt, not knowing I meant her. I gestuered her to come up. She smiled, came on stage, and took my hand. They also gave her a little crown, which made both of us laugh. I then put my hand on her cheek, brough her closer, and gave her a kiss on the lips. Gentle, short, yet passionate.

Everyone went " sweet," and stuff like that. Then, we heard Blayns voice come booming: "Won't Josh be jealous? You're cheating on him!"

Everyone laughed, as Delilah and me blushed. Oh my God...

I was happy when Mr.Walker came up to the both of us, and introrupted. He grabbed Delilah, and held her in a head lock.

"What are you doing, Mr.Walker?" I asked him.

He smirked, as Delilah tried to get away. But, insteed, she slapped his face, making his mask fall of. It was the Con Man! Everyone gasped.

"You aren't my husband!" cried out Mrs.Walker.

"No I an't, sweetcakes." He said, laughing.

"LET HER GO!" I screamed, stepping on his foot as hard as I could.

He screamed, and Delilah fell on the ground. Oh, this was so on! Delilah and me chucked our crowns onto the floor. Delilah chucked her high heels off. She jumped on Con Man's back, as I began to land the punches. Con Man threw Delilah, making her do a flip. Her hair had now fell down. I quickly punched the Con Man right in the stomche.

"So you're kidnapping the students! Where are they?" I asked him.

The Con Man went for another punch, but I grabbed his arm, and put him in a head lock.

"They're at my secret lair..."

"Where is it?"

"It's the cave by the Halifax river." (a/n: Making that up, LOL)

We soon heard police car sirens. Police came rushing in, screaming "freeze!"

All the kids screamed, and ducked down when they were holding a gun.

"Right here, boys," Delilah said.

Con Man was taking out.

"Mystery solved." I said, smiling.

I then went up to the mike, and began to speak. "As you can tell, I am not a student here. I'm a spy agent for the academy."

Everyone sort of gasped.

"And this is my partner, Delilah Devonshire..." I said, taking her hand into mine. "Her was in disguise was to dress up as a boy...which was Josh Devonshire. My name is really Julius Chavelier. Now that we're done, I guess we will have to leave now. Thanks for everything."

WIth those words, Delilah and me left each other, to go to our rooms and pack up.

"you're leaving?" Cried out a sad Hobo.

"Yes, I am. I'm gonna miss you," I said giving him a hug.

"I got you a little something," Hobo told me.

He took out a bamboo in a nice, little jar. "It's bamboo. It's supposed to bring good luck. He's name is Bruce."

I smiled. Good old Hobo. "Thanks. Bye, Hobo."


"So you were a chick all along?" Blayn asked, his mouth dropping.

"Yep." I told him, picking up my suitcase.

"I'm so glad you're going!" He said happily.

Before I left, I went by him, and whacked my heavy suit case across his head. He screamed in pain, as I laughed, and met up with Julius.



Julius and Delilah decided to walk home from the school. They held hand in hand. But what Julius didn't notice, was the photo of Delilah and his first kiss fell out of his pocket, blowing in the wind.


"GOod work, kiddos," congraduated Al.

"Thanks, boss." Julius replied.

"Sorry to rush you with missions, but they're another mission on hand. you know Amanda Polar school, for all girls? You guys have a mission there. Sorry, Julius, but you will have to dress up as a girl."

Julius' mouth dropped, as he screamed,



xxDarkness' Kidxx
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