Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Arrows of Love


by EilayAdnayVolieay 11 reviews

This chapter, Archie and Atlanta sneak out for some late night boarding, and Atlanta seems to go missing! Shortly after, Archie finds her, but she's acting a little strange... (NOTE: I'm not great ...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-08-10 - Updated: 2006-08-11 - 2414 words

A/N: Well as I said, here is the next chapter like I said, and after all, I couldn't go back on my word could I? Besides, it might seem boring to just have that first chapter available because it doesn't really get into the plot of the story. So, here's the second chapter. R&R.

Disclaimer: Class of the Titans belongs to- well, not me.

Arrows of Love

Chapter Two: Eros

By the time they had finished watching all of the movies, it was late, and Athena had ordered that they go to bed. Grumbling, each of the teens walked up the stairs and headed to their own rooms. Archie was just changing into his night wear, when he heard footsteps outside his door. Curious, he got up and walked over to his door, opening it just a crack to see if there was anyone out there. He saw no one at first, and then jumped when Atlanta's face suddenly appeared in front of his door. Archie jumped back, surprised, and fell on his bed. Atlanta knocked on the door, causing it to open slightly more.

"Can I come in?" she asked. Archie nodded and stood up. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a light shirt to wear to bed. Atlanta plopped down on his bed and leaned back.

"Athena always ruins all the fun," Atlanta complained, staring up at the ceiling. "I mean, really! It's Friday night, and we weren't making that much noise. This just sucks." Atlanta added. She heard Archie close a dresser drawer and sat up. "What are you doing?" she asked him, eying the shirt in his hand.

"Changing. Turn around, please." Archie told her. Atlanta rolled her eyes and turned back around, lying down on the bed.

"You're just putting a shirt on, what's the big deal? What, are you shy?" Atlanta teased. Archie pulled his shirt over his head and walked over to his desk, grabbing a book off of it. He sat down on his bed, and turned on a lamp.

"No, Atlanta, but I doubt Athena would approve. Besides, you make it sounds like you want to see me without a shirt." Archie added, teasing her. Atlanta blushed and sat up straight.

"What? No, I don't! I was just- oh never mind." Atlanta replied finally. Archie grinned and couldn't help but chuckle to himself, and Atlanta, noticing this, grabbed the pillow out from behind him and tossed it at his head. "Jerk." she told him, sticking her tongue out. She noticed Archie reading and raised an eyebrow, questioningly, at him. "What are you doing?" she asked him. Archie looked up, seeming surprised and then noticed the book he had. He quickly tossed it on the floor.

"Uh n-n-nothing," he stuttered. "Just reading." he added. Atlanta rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. I'm bored... do you think old Athy's gone to bed yet?" she asked. She shifted her position and lied down on the other side of Archie's bed, still staring up at the ceiling as if it would open up to reveal the heavens. Archie gulped, awkward because of how close they were, and looked away. Atlanta didn't seem to notice his awkwardness, not considering the possibility that maybe her best friend might like her as more than just a friend. She just felt close to Archie, and didn't find it weird at all. Friends who were close, spent time together. Too bad Theresa can't understand that... Atlanta thought, thinking of her red-haired friend who was constantly grilling Atlanta for details whenever she and Archie hung out. She makes it seem like we're dating or something. But I mean, Archie and I don't think of each other that way. Why is it that to be good friends with someone of the opposite sex always makes people think that there's more going on? Atlanta asked herself. Realizing she wouldn't get an answer, she sighed.

"Athena? Probably not. But she's probably in her room still. She might even do a room check later," Archie added as an afterthought.

"I'm so... bored." Atlanta complained. Archie laughed.

"So do something." he replied, stifling a yawn.

"Like what? We're all supposed to be in bed," Atlanta told him. Archie's eyes glittered and he stood up, grabbed his sweater and pulled it over his head.

"Since when have you listened to Athena?" Archie asked her, grabbing his board from the floor and walking down the stairs as quietly as he could manage. Atlanta narrowed her eyes and quickly went into her own room, slightly neater than Archie's, and grabbed her board that was propped up against the wall. She started to walk down the stairs when Theresa came out of her room, and noticed the board in Atlanta's hand.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Theresa asked. Atlanta sighed and started to walk down the stairs.

"Going boarding- don't tell Athena!" Atlanta added, reaching the door. Theresa padded down the stairs and sat on the last one, peering up at Atlanta.

"You wouldn't happen to be going with Archie, would ya?" Theresa asked. Atlanta rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Theresa, I am. Now I'm going to go before Athena realizes we're not in bed." Atlanta told her. "Remember, don't-"

"Tell Athena, yeah, yeah, just go already." Theresa replied, standing up. Atlanta grinned and backed out, closing the door behind her. Archie was sitting on the curb, waiting, seeming impatient. When Atlanta came out and saw him, she poked him in the back of the neck. Archie flinched and turned around, smiling when he saw her.

"Finally," he told her, laughing. "I thought you got lost somehow, or that Athena found you out and dragged you back to your room." he told her, faking seriousness.

"Nah, you can't get rid of me that easily. Are you coming?" she asked, getting on her board and taking off. Archie grinned and followed her. Atlanta got ahead of him, and turned around, facing him and stuck her tongue out before continuing on. She rounded a corner and Archie followed her, but stopped- Atlanta was suddenly nowhere to be found!

"Atlanta!" Archie called, looking around. "Where are you?" Silence greeted him. Not even the sound of a passing car could be heard- it really was quite late at night. "Atlanta... stop fooling around, come on!" Archie shouted. Suddenly, he heard a scream, and started running. That sounded like Atlanta! Archie thought, worried.


Atlanta turned around to see if Archie was really far behind her, when suddenly she hit a rock with her board and fell forward, luckily into a nice patch of soft grass- much softer than the sidewalk she could have landed on. Atlanta rubbed her head, which was now sore from being slammed into the ground, and looked around. A young couple was arguing loudly and violently near a park bench, and Atlanta rolled her eyes. Can't they take their arguments somewhere more private? Why does everyone insist on arguing in public? They just embarrass themselves... Atlanta thought, irritated. She didn't know why, but seeing young couples always angered her, whether it was a couple arguing, making out, or even just holding hands and looking at each other with the similar look in their eyes- love. Atlanta started to stand up, and just grabbed her board that had somehow ended up behind her, when she saw a teenager around her age, with a much younger looking face, aiming a crossbow at the young couple, arrow ready to be shot.

"Hey!" Atlanta shouted, diving for the teenager. The arrow was shot; and Atlanta screamed as it sunk into her shoulder. She fell to the ground, gasping for air, and looked up. The teenager was frowning down at her, with a strange look on his face- worry? Guilt? Atlanta couldn't tell for sure, but she COULD tell that the pain in her shoulder was excruciating. She went to grab at the arrow, but it was suddenly gone, as if it had just disappeared into thin air. She felt around for a wound, but didn't even find a tear in her shirt. Atlanta's head shot up, looking around for the young youth, but she saw no one.

"Atlanta!" a voice cried behind her. Atlanta stood up, and turned, seeing Archie run towards her. Archie... Atlanta thought slowly, feeling dizzy. She felt her knees grow weak, and fell. Archie caught her. "Atlanta..." he replied worriedly. "Are you alright?" he asked finally. Dizzy feeling gone, Atlanta looked up, and smiled at her purple-haired friend, who was staring worriedly down at her.

"Archie!" she cried, throwing her arms around him. Archie was startled at the sudden show of emotion, but didn't shove her away- he couldn't deny that he enjoyed the attention Atlanta was giving him, but he felt very worried about how she was suddenly hugging him.

"Are you okay?" he asked her, once she had let go of him. Atlanta smiled and nodded.

"Of course, silly!" she replied enthusiastically. "Come on, let's go boarding!" she added, grabbing his hand. Archie was forced to follow, but still felt confused. What's gotten into her? He thought, confused. Atlanta stopped running, and Archie grinned meekly to himself. She must have realized she was acting a little weird... Archie decided. Instead, Atlanta turned to him, pouting and placing her hands on her hips.

"Are you coming or are you just going to make me drag you? I have to get my board," Atlanta added.

"I... Atlanta... what... what exactly happened, I heard you scream earlier, and I-" Archie stopped when he saw Atlanta looking back at him, confused. She didn't scream earlier... Archie realized. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. So then, who did? I heard someone... great, this is awkward. Archie thought. He looked down at Atlanta, and shrugged, more to himself than to her. Well, I'll play along. He decided, walking with her, board under his arm. What harm could it do?

"ARCHIE! Come on, slowpoke!" Atlanta cried, hopping on her board and taking off. Archie shook his head, as he placed his own board on the sidewalk and took off. Weird or not, she's still as competitive as ever, Archie noted. "Archie!" Atlanta cried. She stopped her board and waited for him to catch up. "Gee, you are slow," Atlanta commented. Archie glared at her.

"Whatever, let's just go!"


Theresa had just finished grabbing herself a drink from the kitchen, when she turned around the corner to go up the stairs and nearly walked right into Athena.

"Oh- hey, Athena." Theresa replied, her voice suddenly much higher than usual. "I was just getting a drink," she added nervously, indicating the glass in her hands. Athena glanced for a moment at the glass and then resumed staring at Theresa, as if searching her face to see if she was hiding something. At least, that was how Theresa felt- like she was a bug under a microscope, under inspection, an experiment.

"I see," Athena commented. "I thought I heard voices earlier- I suppose you were talking to yourself?" Athena asked. Theresa frowned and shook her head. Atlanta will KILL me if I tell Athena that she snuck out with Archie. Theresa thought.

"Oh, no, I was talking to Atlanta- on the PMR!" Theresa blurted suddenly. Oh that was lame... REAL lame, Theresa... Theresa scolded herself. Athena looked around, and then back at Theresa's face.

"And where is your PMR now?" she asked. Theresa gulped, and thought quickly of an answer, ANYTHING to get her out from Athena's inspecting eye.

"I uh... left it in the living room!" Theresa replied suddenly. Neil, I hope you forgot your PMR in there earlier, or else I'm dead. Theresa thought. She said a silent prayer in her mind, hoping beyond hope that Neil's carelessness would help her out of this sticky situation. She walked into the living room, and let out a breath of relief. Sure enough, Neil's PMR was sitting on the table in the living room. Theresa picked it up and showed it to Athena. "See? Thanks for reminding me, I have a bad habit of forgetting it." Theresa lied. Athena looked up, searching Theresa's face. Please don't let her see that I'm lying... Theresa begged silently.

"Very well," Athena replied, passing the PMR back to Theresa. "But why was it in the living room? I told all of you to go to bed," Athena added. Theresa sighed. Doesn't she ever give up? Theresa asked herself silently.

"You did. See, I realized I had forgotten my PMR downstairs, and then came down to get it- Atlanta was getting changed and she somehow managed to hit the button on her PMR, and it called me. So, after that I came in here to get a drink." Theresa told her. "I, uh, should be getting to bed now though, so... goodnight." Theresa replied finally, forcing a smile. Athena looked at her suspiciously, but nodded.

"Yes, good night, Theresa." Athena replied. Theresa rushed up the stairs and didn't realize she had stopped breathing until she was in her room, safe behind the closed door. She started breathing again and sighed. I can't believe she bought that, I mean how lame was that? Still, I never was a very good liar. I guess that's a good thing. Theresa thought. Putting the glass on the table next to her bed, Theresa sank into the soft mattress, curled up under the covers, and turned off the bedside lamp. Atlanta, you and Archie owe me BIG time for not blowing this. Theresa thought, her last thought before falling asleep...

A/N: Well, well, well... Atlanta got hit with the arrow! And she, unknowingly, met Eros. In this book I have at home, he's described as a youth. I guess in some legends, he is -shrugs- so that's how I portrayed him in this story. I've already mentioned though that it's been changed slightly. Also, just to clear things up, and this will be actually cleared up in the actual STORY part in the future, the affects of the arrow don't work with Eros- in other words, in this story, he can't make people fall in love with him, or make himself fall in love with someone else, thus why Atlanta didn't fall for Eros since she saw him first after being hit. Hopefully that will make more sense when explained in future chapters. Also, a note, remember the arguing couple for future chapters. That's it, R&R.
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