Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the beginning of the end

chapter four - changes?

by rockerchick4life 0 reviews

with frankie in the hospital, will anything else come to light?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2014-11-11 - 379 words

franks p.o.v

Beep... Beep...Beep, its all i can hear as i lay in the darkness, i have a feeling that i'm in the hospital and i know that gee and mikes are with me... oh god, i hope he doesn't hate me now. I hear a yawn next to me and shuffling, "mikes, is that you?" i whisper into the dark, "yeah frankie, its me" he whispers back. " can you come here please, i need to talk to you." he sits on the bed and i pull him gently into my arms, ignoring the sting under the bandages that have been wrapped tightly around my arms. Once he is cuddled against me, i take a deep breath, " mikes, i'm so sorry about what has happened, it all just built up and i thought i couldn't take it anymore. but i dont want to lose you, i love you." He looks up at me and i can see the tears glistening in his eyes, " oh frankie, i love you" and with that, he presses his lips against mine, instantly dissolving my worries. He pulls away and rests his head on my chest, " sleep frankie" he says quietly, i close my eyes and let sleep consume me.

mikey's p.o.v

i listen as his breathing gets slower, when im sure that he is asleep, i push myself gently off of the bed and make my way over to the balcony door, i slip outside and shiver as the cool air hits my body. I rest my elbows on the bar, place my head in my hands and thats when the tears start falling, my sobs pierce the surrounding quiet and echo into the darkness, i can feel my arms stinging from the cold, i pull off my hoodie and pain ripples through my arms, there is not a piece of bare skin in sight, all i can see is shredded skin and blood where the recent ones are opem, the cold against them feels like im being struck with a whip a thousand times over, more tears fall, "oh frankie, if only you knew" i whispered into the space of nothing around me, i hear a rustle behind me and spin around, adrenaline rushing through me. "Mikes?"
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