Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Baby

Operation Vegas

by Noizchild 0 reviews

Nessa shares in her blog about her plans to go up to Vegas to see Noriko.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2014-11-29 - 263 words - Complete

Operation Vegas:


Blog Title: Rescue the Princess

I’m am off to Vegas!

Noriko’s in jail in Las Vegas. Turns out, she was sleeping on a park bench. The police arrested her for trespassing. She and her boyfriend got into Nevada when his car broke down. Noriko wandered off as he was working on it. She got hungry and tried to find somewhere to eat. Long story short, she didn’t have enough money and ended up in the park and fell asleep on the bench. The best part about this? Kenji’s phone battery was dead. Sighs Men!

Anyway, Noriko’s brother is going to bail her out. I’m coming up to see her just to check on her. We don’t know what made her do this. Even bigger, how did she convince her boyfriend to try and get her to California? That girl, I swear…

That’s beside the point. Sakura contacted her brother and let him know what was going on. I’m still going to check on her. I will sort it out with work later and I have a neighbor watching over Ryan. I just hope everyone’s fine by the time I get back.

On the up side, it will be like a vacation. I kind of needed a break from all that’s been going on around me. Maybe this was what I needed to keep myself sane. When I get back, I will be back, baby!

Until then, peace out! Love ya!

Aunt Nessa


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