Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > The Last Avatar: Kuzo

Chapter 3: Lan

by NezzSan 0 reviews

Kuzo gets his first traveling companion and she's awesome!

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Published: 2014-12-13 - 1089 words


Chapter 3: Lan

(2 years after Chapter 2. 4 years into training with Iroh, Kuzo and his great uncle go on an outdoor excursion)


Kuzo barely manages to dodge a boulder that was shot at him. He looks behind to see a colossal crater generated from the impact.

Speed AND that kind of firepower. Utterly ridiculous.

He turns his attention to the source of the projectile but the attacker is nowhere in sight. Kuzo scans the empty rock canyon and finds nothing.

Calm yourself! If you can't see it, it's probably underground...

But the earth isn't rumbling...

So if it's not around, or below, it has to be...



Without giving any care to any one particular direction, Kuzo jumps haphazardly to the side.

A great shadow falls from the sky.

As it lands, the terrain ripples like tsunami waves and the whole canyon's landscape transforms.

Kuzo was able to shield himself with a condensed earthen wall, but still suffered damage from the shockwave. The wall crumbles and he looks upon his opponent, while planning his next move.

A giant, brown furred, rabbit stares back at Kuzo with intelligent eyes. Eyes shining black and white spots freckled across its strong colored coat. The animal is called a Subun. A large earth bending rabbit, which is rarely seen because of its blurring speed, keen hearing, and tunneling capabilities. Combining its great leg strength and talent for its respecting element, the creature makes for an apt fighter and traveler.

"Ah... Kuzo! I don't believe she wants to be your subordinate."(Iroh)

Iroh shouts down from an adjacent cliff, a safe distance away.

"She also seems quite stubborn." (Iroh)

"An obvious observation Uncle! Wait-, she? Whatever!It makes no difference. She'll make for a perfect subordinate," Kuzo speaks fiercely.

The Avatar and the Subun face each other dramatically like dueling swordsmen or sumo wrestlers in a ring. They only wait for one of them to make the first move.

I doubt it-, no, sorry, SHE will obey me if I win in some roundabout way. This will be a direct contest of strength! I WILL have your subservience, you oversized rodent!

Kuzo digs his feet deep into the earth, readying to launch his body. The Subun's long ears twitch as she begins to do the same.

Almost simultaneously, they both blast towards each other like cannon fire. Along the way, Kuzo gathers the rock around him to make a condensed sedimentary shield. The Subun does the same. What cannot be seen with the naked eye is that Kuzo also forms a shield of condensed air to compliment the earthen shield.

The Avatar knew the only way to win would be to take advantage of using two elements at once. Normally undoable without the Avatar state, but Kuzo had practiced relentlessly in this. To the point where he could do it under the most pressuring of circumstances. Although not perfect, it may be enough.

The two forces collide head on. The shockwave cracks and ripples throughout the sky. The world distorts for a brief moment as the two great forces shift from clashing to rebounding. Members from a distant village hear the sound of something like a meteor falling and look towards the source. A cloud of dust follows seconds later, blowing in all their faces.

The floating bits of dirt begin to settle, leaving the canyon a valley of rubble. In the deadly silent stage, a shifting of boulders breaks the quietness.

Sigh "How reckless..." (Iroh)

Iroh climbs out of a pile rocks and begins patting his robes, in a carefree manner.

"I'm sure he's fine... Most likely..." (Iroh)

He prepares tea with what little survives of his tea set. After a few patient sips, the sounds of more rubble shifting can be heard.

Kuzo appears, coughing erratically. Clothes torn, arms cut, bruises slowly beginning to swell, he moves towards another pile of moving rubble.

The Subun sneezes as she burrows her way to the surface. Kuzo comes to a stop in front of her.

"Yield, rabbit!" (Kuzo)

The Subun makes no response.

"I do not think she is yielding." (Iroh)


Iroh shrugs as if to say he was merely offering his opinion.

The two hard fought foes merely stare at each other with exhausted breath.

Kuzo breaks the deadlock by grabbing the Subun's giant ears, which he can barely grasp.


In response, the Subun begins pushing the Avatar with her large head.

Both parties are relentless as they use their remaining miniscule strength in an attempt to overpower the other. The only thing moving them is their enormous prides. A slight breeze could have knocked either of them down at this point.

This odd children's squabble between two elemental titans comes to an end when they both collapse next to each other. Exhaustion finally set in.

Iroh walks over lightly, cup in hand, while overlooking the situation with mild amusement. Like a referee for the match, he raises up his uncupped hand.

"I pronounce the match a draw!" (Iroh)

"Uncle... Unc...cough I...won..." (Kuzo)

Although it is a wonder if the Subun understands what they are saying, she gives an audible sniff scoff in response to Kuzo's statement.

"It is not the way she sees it, my nephew. Hahaha~"(Iroh)

"Grrrr" (Kuzo)

"If you ask me, I think it is better this way. You have gained an equal, a friend, rather than a subordinate."(Iroh)

"I do not require friends!"(Kuzo)

"My nephew... sips tea... that is crazy talk... Ah! But now you're only friend is a rabbit. Puts his hand on his chin. I'm not quite sure which sounds crazier..." (Iroh)

Kuzo breathes a heavy sigh and turns to his giant foe. After seeming to contemplate...

"Fine. We are... allies."(Kuzo)

He reaches his right hand towards the Subun who is lying on her side. His offer hangs in the air for an awkward moment before the rabbit moves her nose towards the outstretched hand. She sniffs it in a friendly gesture, as a sign of agreement to Kuzo's proposition.

"What do I address you as?"(Kuzo)

The Subun stares blankly.


The Subun's ears twitch violently.

"Your objection is noted... What of the name Lan?"(Kuzo)

The Subun sniffs in an approving fashion.

"Lan. Fine. The matter is settled. On another note, do not make the err of thinking THIS is over. I will defeat you next time and subjugate your soul."(Kuzo)

Lan sniffs as if responding,

"Same to you, tiny."

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