Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > True to Your Heart

Chapter 14

by youngandreckless 5 reviews

chapter 14

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 873 words

lol PiecesInMe, yes I got bored... so heres another update thanks for reviewing and reading. glad you like the story. I'd update again but my friend is coming over... but I think Stacey should be back soon and then she'll update. enjoy..

Chapter 14

Stacey's POV

Patrick, Andy, Pete and I got all bundled up and went outside. We waited for Laura and Joe to come out so we could do three on three snowball fight. Finally I saw the door open and got excited but it wasnt the people I wanted to see instead it was Jess. She sat on the porch looking in our direction. It was cold out here, I was just about to go get Laura and Joe when the door opened once more, and Joe stepped out first, and Laura linked to his hand.
"Okay I came out, its too cold, Im going back in," She whinned.
"Its not cold, come on," He rolled his eyes. She stopped on the bottom step, I laughed as Joe got pulled back almost falling. He turned looking at her.
"Its really cold," she laughed.
"Oh come on, stop whinning," He turned picking her up off the step walking her over to us and putting her right on the ground in the snow. She quickly shoved her hands in her coat after standing up.
"About time you two came out here,"
"Well you shoulda came in and sat watched the show, she bitched the entire time she got ready,"
"You shouldnt have opened the window!" She turned yelling at him.
"No one told you to take a shower before we came out here,"
"Three on three snow ball war, you up for it?" Patrick laughed.
"Hell yeah!" Joe laughed.
"Okay Andy, Laura and Joe on one team and then Me, Pete and Patrick," everyone nodded. we walked a few feet from each other starting to pick up snow, rolling it into a ball and throwing it at each other. From there the war was on, It started of where it was the three against three, but then Pete threw a snowball at Patrick and Andy hit Laura with one, so then it became every person for themselves.

Laura's POV

I laughed as Stacey turned her head giving me a dirty look as i hit her with a snowball. She quickly turned in the snow running after me throwing snow balls hitting with a couple. I stopped turning as she ran into me, both of us falling to the ground.
"You're not suppose to tackle me!" I yelled throwing a handfull of snow at her.
"You're not suppose to stop!" She laughed.
"I got tired of running," I laughed.
"What are you two doing?" Pete walked over to us.
"We ran into each other like literally ran into each other," Stacey laughed.
"She ran into me, I didnt run into her," I corrected her.
"Yeah whatever," She stood up.
"Where's everyone else?" I asked looking around seeing no one.
"They took off that way playing," Pete laughed. We looked behind us as a car pulled into our drive way.
"Who's that?" Stacey asked.
"Its my ride out of here," Jess walked passed us to the car.
"She's leaving?" I asked.
"Guess so," Pete answered. A guy climbed out of the drivers seat walking inside, we were guessing to grab Jess' things, and were correct when he walked back out a second later a couple bags in hand. Jess walked back over to us.
"Peter, Im sorry, I really am, I do hope you dont turn all the way back into that immature kid, though im sure you will," Pete rolled his eyes looking at me, "Uh have a good christmas," She looked at me for a second then started to take off to the car. I laughed as I heard Stacey say ding dong the wicked witch is gone.
"Now Stacey cant you be nice," Pete looked at her, you could see he tried not to laugh as he said it, she responded by backhanding him in the stomach.
"Dont turn into a freak again, I'll kick you in the nuts," Stacey threaten.
"Okay okay!" he put his hands up backing away a little. We looked hearing yelling as Patrick, Andy and Joe came back into view, still throwing snow balls at each other.
"You guys wanna see something cool??" Joe asked walking up to us.
"No Joey we dont want to see you count," Stacey laughed.
"I wasnt talking about me counting, I'll save that for later," he smiled, "But seriously come on," He grabbed mine and Stacey's hand dragging us with him. We were dragged to the back of the woods, seeing what Joe was talkking about.
"Is it safe to walk on," I asked.
"Yeah we were just on it, come on," He pulled me out onto the frozen water we went sliding across it, "just like skating without skates," he laughed, "Come on Stacey," he yelled as Patrick pushed Pete out onto it.
"I got her," Andy yelled taking Stacey's hand pulling her behind him, the two of them sliding across it too.
"What if it like breaks,"
"We run like hell and pray we dont fall in," Patrick laughed.
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