Categories > TV > Waking the Dead > Leo's Walking Dead

An Escape

by TwistedLemon 0 reviews

After finding a possible way out, the group faces terrible obstacles.

Category: Waking the Dead - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-03-16 - 757 words

Leo had gathered simple things from the cabinet, scissors, bandage for the girls foot, a water bottle and a flash light. She passed out the tools and kept everything else in her pocket and behind her shirt. Tom reached up and moved the vent over.
"Ill go first then, then Leo then you, you and you then last you." One of the nurses backed away. "No..No i think we should stay here and wait for help." Charlie had about enough of these two. "Help isn't coming. You saw all of that out there right?? Everyone is DEAD." The girl would have cried but she was cried out.

Tom pulled himself up, then grabbed Leo's hand and pulled her up. Leo pulled the girls arm and Charlie pushes her up carefully. After Charlie the first nurse, who was heavy set, climbed up best she could and the vents creaked a little. Everyone stopped and listened till the creaking stopped.

She turned around to let the other girl up. "Come on Betty, give me your hand."

Instead the girl began shaking. "No Dona im too scared!"
"Come on theres no time! Betty we HAVE to!"

Charlie looked at Dona, "She has to keep it down or they'll hear her!"
Dona turned to Betty, "Please girl, you have to come up here, its much safer!"

"SHUT UP DONA YOU DONT KNOW SHIT!" Right as she screamed those words, biters started to crows the door and beating on it. The girl shuddered but couldn't stop screaming. "NO PLEASE NO!! GO AWAY! GOO AWAAYYY!!!!" The door was pushed over and over till it couldn't hold back anymore biters. The hinges creaked and snapped one by one and the glass shattered. Wood snapped and all at once biters moved into the room slamming the girl down. Her painful shrills brought more and more in. Dona screamed and a few biters started grabbing towards the roof but couldn't reach them.

Leo looked at Tom. "Just start crawling."

The group moved through the vents, carefully making sure their sneakers didn't make any noises. Tom was leading, since he worked at the desk he had seen the map to the hospital a lot. "We should be over the cafeteria soon. They turned right twice and heard screaming getting closer. When they reached the cafeteria, it was worse than the hallways. People running and trampling other people, children being attacked and parents helpless to save them.

Tom was about to open the vent when Leo grabbed his leg, "Don't. We can't help anyone if we go down there." Tom's face looked defeated. They kept moving. Tom stopped after about 5 minutes. "We should be getting close to the garage. If we can make it those stairs we can find an ambulance or something and get out of town." Leo nodded and looked back to pass the message but.. The girl behind her, blondie, was passed out. Leo reached back to check her pulse. She was gone. "She's dead. It looks like maybe she--" Suddenly blondie grabbed her leg, her eyes had turned pale green and her teeth were gnashing at Leo's leg. Her gums had turned black and face was grey.

Before she could bite Leo, A gun shot fired and hit her smack dead in the forehead. The noise was so loud that everyones ears were ringing.. The ringing faded and was replaced by the sound of biters below and...creaking? Charlie looked back and saw Dona's face turn pale.

The vent suddenly gave way and Dona went plummeting down, right into a crowd of biters. Charlie was hanging down screaming for help. Leo had to crawl over the dead girl. She grabbed Charlies hand, "Tom help me pull her up!" "Oh Jesus Christ--" Tom grabbed her leg and pulled with all his might. The vent was crowded with tom on top of blondie, and Leo and Charlie trying to fit behind her. Tom crawled back and gave them room to move away from the broken vent, past blondie.

Charlie was shaking badly but said "L-lets keep going, we can't stop now."

Finally they reached the stairs that led to the basement, then the garage. Tom made sure the coast was clear before they dropped down. Charlie held the gun up and Leo held the scissors in one hand and a flashlight in the other. the stairs leading down were dark. They didn't know what would happen down there, but they couldn't go back now.
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