Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wrong Kind Of Attention

Chapter 9

by youngandreckless 3 reviews

chapter 9

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-15 - Updated: 2006-08-16 - 331 words

Chapter 9

Andy's POV

"Dude she isnt going to do anything stupid, Laura knows better" Patrick said placing a hand on Joe's shoulder. "They are all together right?"

"nope. It just her and ana. I pray she doesn't mess this up"

My head snapped up when he mentioned Ana's name. She never said anything about partying. I don't see her as a party girl. Maybe I don't know her as well as I thought. Where is jordan?

"Hi guys! What are you doing?" we all turned to see Miranda and Barbara.

"Just talking...have a seat" Patrick said pointing to the bar stools.

"So are you boys taken?"

Pete's POV

"Pete! NO!" kristi screamed as I splashed her with water.

"Aww you mean you don't like this" I laughed Picking her up and throwing her into the deap end. I grinned as she came up spitting water.

"you mr. Pete wentz are going down" she waded over to me trying to dunk me.

Suddenly she stopped looking me straight in the eye. Her mouth quickly covered mine...the sad part is.

I found myself kissing back.

Laura's POV

"Please make sure I don't do something I regret" I pleaded to Ana as we knocked on a hotel door.

We had met these boys down in the lobby they told us they were throwing a party upstairs and invited us.

Who are we to tell them no.

"Hey come on in" Ryan said throwing open the door.

Looking inside I grinned. Now this is what I'm talking about!

Stacey's POV

Lizy and I were about to go down to the hotel pool but first I had to make a phone call.

I dialed the number quickly praying that he answered.

My prayers went un-answered. "Hey pete its me. I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry. Call me soon. Night. Much love" snapping the phone shut I turned to see lizy standing there towel in hand.

"ready to hit the pool?"
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